Intellectuals Quiz Flashcards
Athenian philosopher, served in Peloponnesian War. Famous for his method of conversation and cross examination to gain a deeper understanding of the truth. Focused o the condition of the immortal soul, trying to determine how one should live to improve the soul
Student of Socrates. Focused on concepts through reasoning, situations change, but concepts stay the same. Believed the intellectual soul is immortal. Founded the Academy.
Macedonian student of Plato. Tutored Alexander. Founded the Lyceum in Athens. Studied basically everything
Cynic who believed virtue = wisdom, comes from independence of possessions and pleasure, and absence of desires
Founded by Plato in Athens, near Athena’s sacred olive grove. Lasted until 86 BCE, when it was destroyed by Sulla. Continued in a different location.
Professional teachers, claiming to teach skills that young men needed for thinking, speaking, and living successfully. Concerned with practical success more than speculation or natural philosophy. Believed knowledge is situational or relative. Very popular and influential.
Founded by Zeno. Believed they couldn’t control what happens but how they react to it, believed a divinely rational principle controlled the cosmos. Argued virtue, not pleasure, and living rationally was the aim
Founded by Pyrrho. Believed that human reason is not capable of determining knowledge of the substance of things, we can only know what appears to us.
Founded by Antisthenes, but made famous and got the name from Diogenes. Virtue = wisdom, which comes from independence of possessions and pleasure, and absence of desires, virtue itself will make one happy
Believed the cosmos and nature were merely atoms, no immortal soul or divine plan, so seek moderate pleasure to enjoy the here and now. Pleasure = absence of pain.
Tragedian. First to write plays in trilogies and to use special effects. Fought at Marathon. Wrote 70-90 tragedies, won 13 first prizes, we only have seven plays.
Used clearer (more accessible) language than Aeschylus. Tragedian. Rival of Euripides. Strategos with his friend Perikles. Wrote 128 plays, won 26 first prizes, only 7 plays survive
Questioned traditional values and used bold female characters. Wrotes 90 plays, only won 4 first prizes, but gained popularity after his death- 18 plays survive. New style, wrote tragi-comedies
Old comedian. Known for his mocking plays. Wrote about 40 plays, 11 survive, only won first prize 4 times. Wrote against anti-sophists, mocking jurors, anti-war, playwrites, and on social issues.
1st new comedy writer. Wrote 100mplays, only 1 survives, that won 1st prize. Romans copied him almost exactly. More rom-com or sit-com style.