Multidisciplinary approach to health promotion Flashcards
What is the Ottawa Charter
- Building health public policies
- Creating supportive environments
- Strengthen community action
- Develop personal skills
- Re-orientating health services
What is a multidisciplinary approach
2 or more agencies working together to achieve a health gain
Factors affecting health
- Social & economic
- Fixed
- Environment
- Lifestyle
- Access to services
Whats the government’s role in health promotion
- Provide national coordination and leadership
- Ensure all policy takes account of health
- International co-operation to improve health
- Assess risk and communicate to the public
What are Primary Care Trusts (PCT’s)
- Healthy strategy at a local level
- Protecting health
- Improve health status of local population
What are some non-governmental organisations
- Pressure groups
- Utilising government funding for campaigns
What’s the media’s role in health promotion
- Expand programme of expert briefings
- Support development of an independent national centre for media and health
What’s the shared set of priorities for action
- Reduce the number of smokers
- Reduce obesity
- Increase exercise
- Encourage and support sensible drinking
- Improve sexual and mental health
How does the multidisciplinary approach effect smoking cessation
- Pricing policy has risen 43% over the past 12 years
- Ban tobacco promotion and advertising
- 2006 - government departments go smoke free
- 2007 - all enclosed public places + workplaces to be smoke free
What was the effect of tobacco advertising?
What does this show?
- Fall in smoking on a large scale
- Shows advertising does have a positive effect on consumption
How can the NHS and health professionals support smoking cessation
- Sale of zyban and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRTs)
- Advice and support for those stopping
What is the multidisciplinary approach to oral health
- Department of health published an oral health action plan for england
- Legislation on water fluoridation
- Food advertising focused on kids was banned
- Labelling of foods with colour coding
PCT’s and the NHS
- Develop food policies
- Set local oral health priorities with advice from Oral Health Advisory Groups
NHS partnerships with other health partnerships
- Midwives provide advice on oral health
- Carers of the elderly can be given oral health training
- Pharmacists promote sugar-free medication
Explain the ‘chuck sweets off the check-out’ works
- 1992/93 - Sainsburys and Waitrose sweet free checkouts
- 1995 - Tesco and Safeway also sweet free
- 60% of supermarket check-outs went sweet-free