multicultural vocabulary chapters 5-6 Flashcards
When Whites profess to not see the “color” of persons of color
When members of the dominant culture impose their standards upon culturally diverse populations without regard for differences
Cultural oppression
The invisibility of people’s values and beliefs (worldviews) which are outside the level of conscious awareness
Invisible veil
refers to people’s beliefs about the degree of control they have over their life circumstance
Locus of control
refers to the degree of responsibility or blame placed on the individual or system
Locus of responsibility
A psychological orientation that attributes higher credibility to people who occupy a particular legitimate position
The authority set
A psychological orientation toward accepting or rejecting information based upon whether it is consistent with other opinions, beliefs, or behaviors
The consistency set
A psychological orientation most concerned with the perceived rewards and punishments that a source is able to deliver
The economic set
A psychological orientation that makes information credible if it is consistent with one’s group identity
The identity set
A psychological orientation toward obtaining correct information (solutions and skills) that has adaptive value in the real world
The problem-solving set
A survival mechanism used by people of color to appear docile, nonassertive, and happy-go-lucky
Uncle Tom Syndrome:
Racism and unconscious bias that is invisible to those who perpetuate it
Unintentional racism:
Explanations that attribute blame to marginalized group members for their status in life when the cause is due to external barriers such as bias and discrimination
Victim blaming:
The unearned advantages and privileges that accrue to people of light-colored skin (usually White European descent)
White privilege
Negative bias toward people with disabilities reflecting societal assumptions and practices people who are able bodied
Cultural ideology that assumes heterosexuality to be the societal norm and distinctively superior to homosexuality
Includes homophobia, or phobia of homosexual individuals, and cultural attitudes that devalue sexual minorities
Prejudice directed toward Muslim individuals or followers of Islam
Brief, everyday exchanges that send denigrating messages to a target group
Blatant verbal, nonverbal, or environmental attacks intended to convey discriminatory and biased sentiments
Behaviors or verbal comments that convey rudeness or insensitivity or demean a person’s group identity heritage
Verbal comments or behaviors that exclude, negate, or dismiss the psychological thoughts, feelings, or experiential reality of the target group
Blatant and overt acts of discrimination that are epitomized by White supremacy, that denies people of color their equal rights and opportunities, and can include having hate crimes perpetuated against
Unequal and unfair treatment of women that is embedded in our culture and often perceived as normal appropriate behaviors
Subtle sexism:
Prejudice against transgendered individuals