Absolute Ceiling:
The density altitude -no further climb is possible with both engines at maximum power.
Asymmetric Thrust:
Uneven thrust created by the ascending and descending propeller blades.
Thrust produced by the engines of a multi-engine airplane is uneven.
Critical Engine
The engine with the most adverse effect on controllability and climb performance
Drift Down
The unavoidable descent due to the loss of an engine when above the single-engine absolute ceiling of an airplane
Propeller Synchronization
Adjusting the propeller controls to operate the propellers in unison
eliminating the uncomfortable noise associated with two propellers operating at slightly different rates.
Service Ceiling:
The maximum density altitude: 100 FPM rate of climb with both engines operating.
maximum gross weight
clean configuration.
The rotation of an aircraft propeller created by air flowing around it when the engine is not operating.
following an engine failure in a multi-engine
the pilot maintains an attitude that minimizes drag, alleviating the sideslip of the airplane.
The single-engine absolute ceiling
Max density altitude with the critical engine feathered and the other engine at maximum power.
The single-engine service ceiling
service ceiling climb airspeed produces a 50 FPM rate of climb.
critical engine is inoperative with its propeller feathered.
The minimum control speed with the critical engine inoperative
VMC Color
Red line, as determined under a very specific set of circumstances.
The best rate-of-climb (or minimum rate-of-sink) speed with OEI.
VYSE Colow
blue line, as determined at maximum weight and sea-level altitude.
Difference between VYSE and VMC
VYSE is a performance speed. VMC addresses directional control.