MT Readings Flashcards
What paper is associated with topic 1.1 and who is it by?
Anomalies: Preference Reversals by Tversky and Thaler 1990
What does the introduction of Tversky & Thaler(1990) paper say about consumer theory?
Consumer theory assumes decision makers have stable well defined preferences and make rational decisions. Hence all the modern microeconomic assumptions hold e.g. continuity, transitivity, non-saitation, convexity and completeness. We can derive utility functions which are ordinal, helping us to order preferences.
What does Tversky & Thaler(1990) paper say about consumer theory that says in fact decision making is not rational( key term) and why is it an anaomalie.
Decision makers make decisions that contradict each other( assumptions contradict each other) , . This is called preference reserval. It is an anomaly because its a violation of the assumptions e.g. transivity etc. and goes against rationality.
What is procedural invariance according to Tversky and Thaler (1990) ?
Because preferences are stable, the different ways you answer questions, should change your preference ordering.
According to Tversky and Thaler(1990) why might preference reversals happen be linked to Procedural invariance?
It is linked to a violation of procedural invariance. Asking people questions about their preferences in different ways can lead to contradictory answers ( peoples rational are fragile to different things )
What was the experiment Tversky and Thaler (1990) did as the main emphasis of their paper just describe it Part A.
There are 2 programs which are designed to reduce traffic accidents in the country. At the time of this policy making, about 600 people per year are killed in traffic accidents in that country.
1) First program: Reduces casualities to 570 and costs £12 million
2) Second program: Reduces casualities to 500 and costs £55 million
So people are polled via polling organisations, to ask see which one was better. Results found that 2/3 of people preferred B as it reduces more lives, even though it is higher cost per life saved.
What was the experiment Tversky and Thaler (1990) did as the main emphasis of their paper just describe it Part B?
They also hired a matching firm where this time they don’t give the cost of program B, but lets make a fake C, but ask the question what cost would make A as attractive as B( we know what B was before. ( we can right this
Program A) Causalities reduced to 570 that cost £12 million
Program B) Causalities reduced to 500 that cost £55 million
Program C) casualities reduced to 500 that costs X.
If you chose Program A in the first round. This means you prefer A to B which was 1/3. the cost that would make them indifferent between A and B, would be a cost < 55 mil. You expect exactly 1/3 of people to say a cost <55.
IF you chose program B in the first round. This means you prefer B to A, which was 2/3. the cost that would make you indifferent between A and B would be a cost > 55 mil. You’d expect exactly 2/3 of people to say a cost > 55.
more than 90 percent of the respondents provided values smaller than $55 million indicating, in effect, that they prefer Program A over Program B.
These results are inconsistent.
Why did this result occur according to Tversky and Thaler (1990) 3 possible explanations but we think of 2.
1) Failure of transitvity assumption ( people make choices that are inconsistent, hence don’t really understand preferences, we cant derive a ultity function and order preferences.
2) Failure of the procedural invariance - the way we ask questions alter the answer. (People might over-price or under-price different options depending on how the question is posed. Why? If you ask a question about costs in pounds, then this might become more salient and people focus on monetary outcomes. While if you instead focus on non-monetary attributes then people place less emphasis on cost.
Who where the Writerrs who said that only 10% of people were intransitive?
Tversky, Slovic and kahernamn (1990) found that 10% of people were intransitive, so really procedural invariance is just violated.
What is the implication for consumer decision making according from Thaler and Tversky (1990)?
1) Context and procedures involved in making choices or judgements actually influence preferences. This links to the idea of framing ( present same thing in a different way e.g. saving lives rather than losing lives, its the same thing presented in another way).
b) Will is a theatregoer who can choose to see a musical for £80 or a drama for £60 in his local theatre. He buys a ticket for the musical. He is later contacted to complete a survey which asks at what price he would have been indifferent between the musical at £80 and the drama. Will indicates he would have been indifferent at £70. Are Will’s decisions consistent with consumer theory? If not, briefly explain what could explain his behaviour?
What is the next paper that relates to topic 1.2?
The maxmization paradox Dar - Nimroad et al (2009)
What is the main message of the maximisation paradox?
Contrary to the common belief that more options lead to better decisions, recent research has demonstrated that choosing from a large number of options can have detrimental psychological effects and less utility.
In consumer theory we assume that consumers want to maxmise utility, if we had a utility function with 2 flavours of ice cream and prices and income are known and we add another 25 flavours prices are the same income don’t change, would adding this choice ever make us worse off in our model? So
Not in our model, adding choice only expands options available, but we still have original choices we had from the start, so we can still choose what we were choosing b4, so cannot be worse off, providing the 2 flavours are still available. Expanding choose must be good as we can get on a higher IC.
Dar-Nimrod et al(2009) distinguishues between two types of decision-makers, which are what and how are they different?
‘‘maximizers”were more willing to sacrifice resources such as time to attain a larger choice array. ( same as what economists say people are)
satisficisers - describes the tendency to approach choices with the goal of finding an option that is ‘‘good enough” according to their threshold of
So maxmisers love choice whereas satisficers do don’t.
Describe the ice cream study Dar-Nimrod et al (2009) did ( BTW they did 3 chocolate study also another. )
Ice cream study. There are 2 ice cream parlours. one with approximately 200 flavours ( larger parlour) and the other offers approximately 20 flavours( smaller parlour) . They are both equally priced. But the one with the 200 flavours is further away, whereas the one with 20 flavours is close.
What was the result of the Dar-Nimrod et al( 2009) study?
They asked satisficers and maxmisers how satisficed are you with ice cream from the different parlours. The maxmisers that chose to go to the shop with many choices, are less happy than the satisficers ( satisficers do sometimes go the shop with many choices. They also found the maxmisers were more likely to walk further or travel further, take time and effort, in the hope of doing better. Satisficers were content on the closer ice cream parlour with 20 flavours.
What does the ice cream study by Dar-Nimrod et (2009) reveal?
Maxmisers, who take an action to try and improve their utility buy visiting ice cream parlour further down with 200 flavours, turn out worse off than if they just be content with the 20 flavours.
What are the reasons for this maxmization paradox in the paper? ( the paper speculates on them.
1) The maxmisers here that the 200 flavours and get exicted but in reality it is variations of the same thing e.g. dark choco chip, light choco chip. ( too high expectations ( we cant be happy if we are striving for better every day)
2) didn’t factor in cost correctly.
What do maxmisers also get after going to larger ice cream parlours Dar-Nimrod et study? What study have we learnt in 1.7 which could link here?
They regret there choice ( think possibly here about decision and experience utility)
How can this paper link of maximisation paradox to education?
Maxmisers and sacrificers who want to go to unis.
Maxmisers more likely to research and travel far to go to top unis.
Satisficers are more likely not to do that much research and go to the closest uni, not caring about the level of it.
Maxmisers tend to go top unis but are less satisfied, and would be just as satisfied if they went to a uni just as good as were the majority of satisficers go.
A lot of these studies about paradoxical behaviour include consumers having a feeling of regret, is regret consistent with our model?
No because people are meant to be maximising their utility and choosing the right choice. The only way they could experience regret is if they couldn’t anticipate how they contrast bundles, the assumption of completeness would be failed( the idea we can accurately rank different bundles and optimise on that knowledge)
So if preferences are complete should people experience regret in our consumer model?
How do you answer this?
Identity reading
Some students satisficers and some are maxmisers
Regret links to the maximisation paradox and link this to the completeness assumption in consumer theory and say this cannot be consistent with consumer theory onlyl if completeness doesn’t hold.
Now moving onto topic 1.4 cite the paper here?
3) “A convenient truth”: air travel passengers’ willingness to pay to offset their CO2 emissions - Brouwer et al (2008)
What is the main objective of this article “A convenient truth”: air travel passengers’ willingness to pay to offset their CO2 emissions Brower et al ( 2008)? how is this similar to our model?
What did they investigate in the paper “A convenient truth”: air travel passengers’ willingness to pay to offset their CO2 emissions Brower et al ( 2008) and how so?
They investigated whether there is demand for climate change mitigation and what motivations underpin there demand
They survey air travel passengers to see whether, as polluters, they are supportive of measures that increase the cost of their travel in order to protect the environment.
What 2 core concepts were they are trying to understand. “A convenient truth”: air travel passengers’ willingness to pay to offset their CO2 emissions Brower et al ( 2008) What 2 concepts we have relate to this.
Willingness to Accept( WTA) - you are going to be flying anyway, how much should you pay for the world to be put right)
Willingness to pay( WTP) - ( e.g. pollution from a flight) ( a bit more like EV pollution is as bad as taking away income) (how much you willing to pay to prevent pollution)
A convenient truth”: air travel passengers’ willingness to pay to offset their CO2 emissions Brower et al ( 2008) How is WTA AND WTP Like CV and EV?
Once the pollution has been created the WTA, makes them as well off as before pollution, so CV.
Assuming Pollution has not happened, WTP would be as bad as the pollution if deducted from the individuals income ( EV)
What was the methodogly used for the survey? “A convenient truth”: air travel passengers’ willingness to pay to offset their CO2 emissions Brower et al ( 2008
2 days in november 2006 at an amsterdam airport
10-15min interviews with more than 400 respondents
35 questions to elcit:
1) Awareness of the environmental impacts of their travel.
2) WTP for a carbon travel tax to offset their contribution to emissions of GHG.
They had different nationality survey’s with different currency
A convenient truth”: air travel passengers’ willingness to pay to offset their CO2 emissions Brower et al ( 2008) What were the key findings of the WTP of different conuntires?
“A convenient truth”: air travel passengers’ willingness to pay to offset their CO2 emissions Brower et al ( 2008) How is the wilingness to pay for carbon tax different from what donald trump set ?
WTP is far less than what governments are doing.
So this suggests left to their on devices, consumers are not going to willingly to anything.
What is the case study that relates to 2.3/.4? and what was paper about?
Case - study Virgin Atlantic and British Airways Luis Cabral(2007) on price fixing between Virgin Atlantic and British Airway, and relates to crime, punishment and leniency!
In the Case study Virgin Atlantic and British Airways Luis Cabral(2007) what was the rivalry like between these two firms VA AND BA?
It was very intense so collusion originally on price fixing was very unlikely, as collusion needs a degree of trust.
In the Case study Virgin Atlantic and British Airways Luis Cabral(2007) what is a fuel surcharge?
Fuel surcharges are extra tariffs placed on tickets to compensate for when fuel prices are high.
In the Case study Virgin Atlantic and British Airways Luis Cabral(2007) what did BA do their fuel surcharge in 2004 and tell me what happened with VA? Is there clear evidence of collusion?
In August 2004, BA introduced a price increase of its “fuel surcharge” from £2.50 to £6.
• BA, under a new management ( who fostered the rivalry with VA), made a call to VA to (allegedly) talk about the price increase. Shortly after, VA increased its surcharge by the same amount as BA!
Then over a couple of years fuel surcharges went up to £60 a ticket( From August 2004- January 2006) ( 6 calls were made between VA and BA, 3 each).
So this was a lot more than the extra cost of fuel so here is clear tacit collusion.
In the Case study Virgin Atlantic and British Airways Luis Cabral(2007) What is a leniency program
Leniency programs - If you are the first person/ organisation to reveal to the authorities that price fixing has happened, you don’t receive a punishment or receive less of a punishment. ( e.g. prision time of management or fine)
In the Case study Virgin Atlantic and British Airways Luis Cabral(2007) what caused the collusion between VA and BA to unravel?
VA had a separate collusion from fuel travel, they had cargo travel collusion with Lufthansa. Lufthansa exploited the leniency program and reported the cargo collusion. The VA lawyers knew that this investigation on cargo flight collusion would lead to the UK’s office of fair trade to figure out the collusion with BA ( fuel flights).
So VA placed an anonymous phone call to the Uk’s office of fair trade saying they have knowledge of the price fixing between VA and BA, can we gain immunity under the UK leniency scheme. The Office of fair trade said yes and VA gave all the evidence. ( recorded phone calls etc)
In the Case study Virgin Atlantic and British Airways Luis Cabral(2007) as the VA engaged in leniency program to exploit the price fixing in fuel charge prices between VA and BA what was the punishment FOR BA AND VA? Remember travelling is international
The OFT and Department of Justice began investigations that led to BA being fined $300m by the DOJ and £121.5m by the OFT (the highest fine ever on a price-fixing case).
Also Keith Packer ( Senior management of BA) pleaded gulity to criminal charges ( jail time) . BUT VA HAD NO CRIMINAL CHARGES AND FINE
in the Case study Virgin Atlantic and British Airways Luis Cabral(2007), now if a cartel is in place, what does the leniency program do to its stability?
We know already that collusive agreements by its nature is very unstable, but a leniency program makes collusion more unstable than they already are, because it requires trust. There is an incentive to deviate first as you don’t get punished if you are the first in some leniency schemes.
In the Case study Virgin Atlantic and British Airways Luis Cabral(2007) there is this table which shows the leniency program in different regions when nothing is suspected ( but they just receive a email or phone call about whats going on)
?1) Analysis this? 2) Why is their a discount for the second and third for Europe and Asia? 3)Which region gives strongest incentive to deviate?
In every scheme you get a 100% penalty reduction for the first person who owns up.
Differences is if you are in the US you don’t get any penalty reduction if you are the 2nd -4th person or how many people there are.
But in Europe and Japan there are incentives for more firms to come forward, 2nd to 4th or whatever can get a penalty reduction.
2) you get more evidence to prosecute ( because the evidence in first might not be enough in court for conviction
3) US gives the strongest incentive to be first mover, thus stronger effect to destabilise the collusion.
In the Case study Virgin Atlantic and British Airways Luis Cabral(2007) lets say that these prosecutors already feel like some collusion is happening, what is the leniency scheme here show?
1) for the US, if you come out first you get 100% reduction in penalty, thus incentive strong.
2) in Europe and Japan as they have got some evidence of their own already penalty reductions are less and the information they provide, is less valuable.
In the Case study Virgin Atlantic and British Airways Luis Cabral(2007) SO to summarise what are 2 ways we can interpret this data we see ? ( HINT WHEN A CARTEL IS ALREADY FORMED AND WHEN A CARTEL IS NOT FORMED)
1) An introduction of a leniency program leads to more prosecution to happen, thus leniency program effective in catching colluding firms, so the percentage of collusion that breaks down goes is going up.
2) The paradoxical aspect here is that the prospect of amnesty might make it more likely that firms form a cartel – because there is a mechanism to ‘get away with it’. ( THIS IS MORE LIKELY WHEN YOU ARE LIKE EUROPE AND JAPAN AND FORGIVE MORE THAN THE FIRST FIRM. )
How would you answer this question ‘ Would it be fair to have a leniency scheme for students cheating in exam? What would you say here?
Talk about Case study.
What type of collusion scheme,
Talk about it being unfair, and talk about it could potentially increase cheating
What Article is related to 1.7 and potentially 1.8?
Anomalies: Utility maximization and Experienced utility - Kaheneman and Thaler (2006).
What does consumer theory and behavioural economists say about us when making decisions? What question do we ask about free will?
Classic consumer theory and behavioural models share the fundamental
notion of the consumer as a decision-maker with free agency.
But could free will be an illusion?
Anomalies: Utility maximization and Experienced utility - Kaheneman and Thaler (2006). What is the main idea of this paper?
Talks about the mistakes we make in decision making which makes use maxmise our decision utility and not our experience utility. ( we maxmise the wrong function).
They give different names to different biases that arise from desicion making.
Anomalies: Utility maximization and Experienced utility - Kaheneman and Thaler (2006). In What is hedonic forecasting and WHAT DOES IT ARISE TO A AND what do the writers say about what it does to your experience utility?
When making a choice at time t0 the consumer makes a forecast of the utility of an outcome that will be experienced at a later time t1. This arises to forecasting errors which we will go over.
Thus hedonic forecasting doesn’t allow to maxmise experience utility.
Anomalies: Utility maximization and Experienced utility - Kaheneman and Thaler (2006). What is another way to think about the type of decisions we make in hedonic forecasting?
Instead of making careful rational considerations we make initutive decisions
Anomalies: Utility maximization and Experienced utility - Kaheneman and Thaler (2006). What are the 4 biases in decision making when doing hedonic forecasting( or what are different mistakes in decision making?
1) Projection bias
2) Joint evaluation bias
3) Biased human memory
4) Forcing illusion.
Anomalies: Utility maximization and Experienced utility - Kaheneman and Thaler (2006). What is projection bias?
– when forecasts of future emotional states are anchored in the current emotional and motivational state
Anomalies: Utility maximization and Experienced utility - Kaheneman and Thaler (2006). Give an example of projection bias.
E.g. consider hungry shopper, he misses lunch and is very hungry now, he goes on a shopping spree at grocery store and is very hungry and buys more food ( unhealthy food) then things that are good for you. So the way you feel now is the way you think you will feel later.
Anomalies: Utility maximization and Experienced utility - Kaheneman and Thaler (2006) What does the hungry shopper example imply about projection bias?
Projection bias is a violation of utility maximisation, because his decision utility and experience utility are different, he maximises his decision utility not the experience one. Hence we don’t have stable utility function.
Anomalies: Utility maximization and Experienced utility - Kaheneman and Thaler (2006) What is the bias of Joint evaluation bias? and give an example?
the decision-maker’s attention is focused on relatively minor differences in
attributes, that become insignificant later.
e.g. choosing between 2 stereo speakers, e.g. sales person might play music on the 2 different speakers and one might be slightly louder than other but ugly, you wont remember when you are at home(EXPERIENCE UTLITY), you only have the 1 speaker at home. So this confuses consumers that a characteristic is much important than they are. There is too little attention on appearance.
Anomalies: Utility maximization and Experienced utility - Kaheneman and Thaler (2006) What is biased human memory or flawed memory in the article? and give examples?
cases in which people remember events differently from the way they happened. e.g.or if 2 groups of people and there 2 buckets of cold ice water, both experiences are bad. If i give chocolate after to one of the groups who put hands in cold water, they will say their experience is better even though both groups hands went in cold water.
Anomalies: Utility maximization and Experienced utility - Kaheneman and Thaler (2006) what is the implication of flawed memory?
This is an illusion, the brain focuses on the most recent memory so you can mislead someone into underestimating how negative something was, by giving them something positive in the end?
Anomalies: Utility maximization and Experienced utility - Kaheneman and Thaler (2006) is Focusing illusion, what are implications of it?
‘Focusing illusion’ is the tendency to exaggerate the importance of any
aspect of life when one focuses attention on it. e.g. being in a wheelchair, we think the experience is so bad but actually being in a wheelchair isn’t that bad you get support and you can adapt.
Explain why Sonia’s hedonic forecast of the effects of her credit card spending on her utility may be flawed. [Refer to course reading when answering this question] ( got from past paper, sonia in her decision utility consumes to much today and spends more on credit card today and regrets it in the future so future consumption is less)
1) First of all you would define Hedonic forecasting, hence can lead to biases in decision making. Say this is more likely here when decisions are made far apart like in this example.
Some biases or forecasting errors you could mention are:
Projection bias - explain what it is then say how it is relevant here - So Sonia’s emotional state might cause her to overstate the importance of this month’s consumption in her lifetime utility ( talk about implications with e.g. not maxmisng her experience utility)
Flawed memory- explain what it is then say how its relevant here - Sonia might not be accurately remembering the pain of having to repay a large credit card debt, just remember the happiness of it.