MSRA: Syndromes Flashcards
What are the features of Pierre Robin syndrome?
Small chin and jaw
Cleft palate
Posterior displacement of tongue
What are the features of Noonan syndrome?
Webbed neck
Short stature
Pulmonary stenosis
Pectus excavatum
What are the features of William’s syndrome?
Friendly, extroverted
Short stature
Learning difficulties
supraclavicular aortic stenosis
What are the features of Prader-Willi syndrome?
What are the features of Fragile X syndrome?
Learning difficulties
Long face
Large ears
What are the features of Patau syndrome?
Cleft Palate
Angry scalp lesions
Small eyes
What are the features of Edwards syndrome?
Low eyes
Rocker bottom feet
Overlapping fingers
What is the relationship between risk of Down’s syndrome and maternal age?
30 -> 1 in 900
35 -> 1 in 300
40 -> 1 in 100
What are the physical features in Down’s syndrome?
Flat facial profile
Up-slanting palpebral fissures
Wide set eyes
Single palmar creases
Low set ears
Epicanthic folds
Small mouth
Protruding tongue
Brushfield spots in iris
What are the associated conditions/complications in Down’s syndrome?
50% have congenital heart disease – AV septal defect = most common
Duodenal Atresia + Hirschsprung’s Disease
Global Developmental Delay
Coeliac Disease
Conductive Hearing Loss
Increased risk of acute leukaemia
Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease
What are the features of Turner’s syndrome?
Short stature
Webbed neck
Wide spaced nipples
Heart defects: bicuspid aortic valve, coarctation of aorta
Cystic hygroma