MSKS Clinical Lecture 10_Pediatric MSKS Disorders part 1 Flashcards
It is an abnormal growth in the proximal tibial epiphisis that results in a varus deformity. Typically it is bilateral. It is more common with obease children, African Americans, and early walkers
How does rickets manifest?
On an x-ray the epiphisis looks “raged” and their ribs can form the Rachitic Rosary
What are the 4 causes of rickets
Vitamin D deficency, Calcium Deficency, Phospherous deficency, renal loss
What is Talipes Equinovarus? What causes it?
Club foot. It is caused by hypoplastic tarsals which cause the foot to rotate inward and take on that classic club foot look.
Which 2 syndroms are most often associated with club feet?
trisomy 18 and chromosome
22q11 deletion syndrome
What is Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH)? What causes it?
It is a developmental defect that causes sublaxation of the femoral head from the acetabulum. It is typically a result of a baby being in the breach position in utero.
How is DDH assessed?
Barlow Maneuver, Ortolani Maneuver, and look for Asymmetrical Thigh Folds
How do you do the galeazzi maneuver?
It is performed by flexing an infant’s knees when they are lying down so that the feet touch the surface and the ankles touch the buttocks. If the knees are not level then the test is positive, indicating a potential congenital hip malformation. The lower knee is the effected one. The knee is lower because of posterior dislocation of the dysplastic hip.
How can DDH be treated non surgically?
With a Pavlik Harness
What is LEGG-CALVE-PERTHES DISEASE, who gets it, how does it present?
It is Avascular necrosis of the femoral head. It occurs between 3 and 12 and is 4-5 times more likley in boys. It presents as an Atraumatic, painless limp; may have intermittent hip/groin pain anterior thigh or knee pain
What is a SCFE, who gets it and when does it occure?
It is a Slipped capital femoral epiphysis. It occures between 10 and 16. It is more common in boys and is most preventlent among the Pacific islander and African American populations. Obesity is a significant factor.