MSK Random Flashcards
What SLR Test position to bias Sciatic and tibial nerve?
Flexion, ADduction, Extension, DF
What SLR test position to bias tibial nerve only?
hip flexion, knee ext, Ankle DF, Foot Eversion, Toe extension
What SLR test position to bias sural nerve?
Hip flexion, knee extension, ankle DF, foot inversion
What SLR test position to bias common peroneal nerve?
Hip flexion/IR, knee ext, ankle PF, foot inversion
Cross SLR test position
Hip flexion, knee ext, ankle DF
Supine to long sit for anterior inominate
long to short
supine to long sit for posterior inominate
short to long
SIJ Dysfunction diagnostic exam findings
Tenderness to SIJ
Hyper irritability
Abnormal or asymmetrical movements
LLD (Functional)
Where are nerves compressed in radiculopathy?
intervertebral foramen
Signs of herniated nucleus puloposus
Weak ankle DF
Impaired ankle reflexes
loss of light touch on the medial, dorsal and lateral aspects of foot
Positive ipsilateral or crossed SLR test
What is Spondylosis
age related changes to vertebral discs
what is spondylolysis?
bone defect of pars interarticularis (scotty dog fracture)
What is Spondylolisthesis
Anterior slippage of vert due to pars defect
where is spondylolisthesis most common?
(+) Alar Ligament test?
C2 does not move immediately with rotation/SB
(+) Lhermitte’s Sign
electric shock with neck flexion
2/2 MS, Myelopathy
Transverse ligament test (+)
5D’s, 3 N’s with anterior glide of C1