Check Lumbar ROM
Screen neuro symptoms
-Including femoral nerve provocation test
Preform PIT test
Lumbar joint play
Check Flexibility
Check Lumbar MMT
Preform lateral shift correction
Nerve flossing
Ankle ROM and joint play
Including big toe ROM
Knee ROM and joint play
Hip ROM and joint play
Screen for Knee and HIP OA
Treat R closing restriction
Treat L opening restriction
Preform lumbar gapping manip and MMT for L4 L5
Chicago roll
Talocrural manip
Ask contras
Circulatory condition
Ligament tears
UMN leisions
Preform SI joint tests
When would you preform these?
Fortins sign
Pain and weakness w/ SL stance
Tenderness to palpation at posterior SI ligaments
Positive compression test
Preform seated flexion test
Preform stork test
Preform active SLR test
Correct a posterior innominate
Palpate the SIJ
Correct an upslip
Use MET to correct an anterior innominate (HEP)
Stabilization HEP for Lumbar/SIJ
Improve hip IR
Improve hip flexion
Improve hip ext
Improve dorsiflexion
Improve plantarflexion
Improve eversion
Improve inversion
Preform the tests for Labral involvement at the hip
Preform patellar pubic percussion test
hip long axis traction
Test MCL + LCL
Test ACL + PCL
Test Knee meniscus
Improve knee flexion at the tibiofemoral joint and PF joint
improve knee ext at the tibiofemoral joint and PF joint
Test for posterior-lateral instability
Test for patellar subluxation
Test for any other PF dysfunction
Screen for PFPS
Preform cuboid whip/ cuboid squeeze
Improve dorsiflexion with tibiofibular mobs
Proximal tib-fib manip
Test for anterior ankle impingement
Test for lateral ankle sprain
Test for high ankle sprain
Improve big toe ext