MSK Flashcards
IT band sx and mx
tenderness 2-3cm above the lateral joint line
Common in runners
activity modification and iliotibial band stretches
if not improving then physiotherapy referral
Red flags back pain
age < 20 years or > 50 years
history of previous malignancy
night pain
history of trauma
systemically unwell e.g. weight loss, fever
Thoracic back pain
Hip disclocation sx
shortened and internally rotated leg
Mx and complications of hip dislocation
A reduction under general anaesthetic within 4 hours to reduce the risk of avascular necrosis.
Sciatic or femoral nerve injury
Avascular necrosis
Osteoarthritis: more common in older patients.
Recurrent dislocation: due to damage of supporting ligaments
calcification of the articular cartilage dx
Spinal stenosis
Usually gradual onset
Unilateral or bilateral leg pain (with or without back pain), numbness, and weakness which is worse on walking. Resolves when sits down. Pain may be described as ‘aching’, ‘crawling’.
Relieved by sitting down, leaning forwards and crouching down
Clinical examination is often normal
Requires MRI to confirm diagnosis
Signs of scaphoid fracture
Point of maximal tenderness over the anatomical snuffbox
This is a highly sensitive (around 90-95%), but poorly specific test (<40%) in isolation
2. Wrist joint effusion
Hyperacute injuries (<4hrs old), and delayed presentations (>4days old) may not present with joint effusions.
3. Pain elicited by telescoping of the thumb (pain on longitudinal compression)
Infrapatella bursitis
associated with kneeling as seen in clergymen
Swelling and tenderness
Psoriatic arthritis sx
symmetric polyarthritis
very similar to rheumatoid arthritis
30-40% of cases, most common type
asymmetrical oligoarthritis: typically affects hands and feet (20-30%)
periarticular disease - tenosynovitis and soft tissue inflammation resulting in:
enthesitis: inflammation at the site of tendon and ligament insertion e.g. Achilles tendonitis, plantar fascitis
tenosynovitis: typically of the flexor tendons of the hands
dactylitis: diffuse swelling of a finger or toe
nail changes
X ray psoriatic arthritis
‘pencil-in-cup’ appearance
Dermatomyositis sx
Skin features
macular rash over back and shoulder
heliotrope rash in the periorbital region
Gottron’s papules - roughened red papules over extensor surfaces of fingers
proximal muscle weakness +/- tenderness
Anti Jo
Right-sided hip pain radiating to knee and joint instability, post THR
Aseptic loosening
If UGI SE from alendronate
Change to risedronate
Acute mx of gout
Colchicine - avoid if GFR <10
Oral steroids if others CI
SE of entanjrcept
Reactivation of TB