MS LEC Prelims Cardiac Cetheterization Flashcards
Percut Coron Inter….
After the procedure
- BP and Apical pulse
- Check peripheral pulse
- Check for bleeding
- Assess for chest pain
Keep extremity extended - Assess for impaired circulation
impaired circulation
- check capillary refill
- check extremities for pallor
- check for pain, pulse-lessness
- worst case: paralysis
check for bleeding
- look at the intestine (there’s a pressure dressing in the area)
pressure dressing
apply pressure: sandbag
during the procedure: position
flat on bed for 6-8 hrs, they are only allowed to stand up after 24 hours
(chest pain)
- related to coronary artery disease; usually effects the coronary artery disease
- Angina Pectoris
- Unstable Angina
- Prinzmetal
Angina Manifestations
- Location
- Character of pain, ST elevation
- Duration
- Precipitating events
Latin: chest pain
develops chest pain due to increased workload in response to supply and demand
Angina Pectoris (stable)
chest pain due to exertion
duration does not last longer than 15 minutes and can usually be relieved by rest and medications
Unstable Angina
something bad; may be a risk of a start of a heart attack
send to the hospital immediately
coronary artery develops vasospasms; usually not triggered by exertion; can happen anytime
ECG changes
may present hypoxia
stress test
treadmill test
run because stable angina pectoris is usually triggered by exertion
a cardiologist is always present
stress test health teaching
NI: wear comfortable exercise clothes and bring rubber shoes, bring extra clothes
stress test is not yet done until
hindi titigil until
- you get tired af
- they find what they’re looking for
- if you have a chest pain
Nursing interventions: Assess pain
- Location
- Character
- Duration
- Precipitating factors
Nursing Intervention: help px adjust lifestyle
- avoid excessive cold weather
- avoid overeating
- avoid constipation
- rest after meals
- exercise
heartburn vs chest pain
heartburn is usually associated with hyperacidity
Drugs for cardiovascular problems
some drugs demand workload and causes venous dilation = less ang dugo na bumabalik sa heart thus lower heart rate; also increases supply, increase coronary blood flow, coronary vasodilation
Nursing Intervention: teach client how to cope one Nitroglycerin
- when to take it
- how often
- storage
- side effects
- types
Nitroglycerin: when to take it
chest pain; exertion
Nitroglycerin: how often
rest; tolerance happens when you frequently take it
Nitroglycerin: storage
only has 3 months shelf life; store in airtight moisture free containers; put in desicant that absorbs moisture
Nitroglycerin: side effects
burning, HIA
Nitroglycerin: types
based on: IV nitrates, topical nitrates, and oral nitrates
increases demand and increases supply; decreases after load
Nitroglycerin: IV nitrates
used as emergency drugs usually for management of myocardial infraction
Nitroglycerin: topical
usually ointment and patc, can be put anywhere as long as its clean and no hair
Nitroglycerin: oral or sublingual
rest first then take orally
Myocardial Infarction
acute coronary syndromes
triggers cardiac muscle death
Myocardial Infarction: causes
- ASHD; athosclerotic heart disease
- coronary artery embolism
Myocardial Infarction: ASHD
athosclerotic heart disease
- this is usually the trigger