MS-03-p1 Domain Name System Flashcards
Translates IP addresses to name
DNS function
What Does DNS stand for
Domain Name Systems
are authoritative for the DNS (13 servers)
DNS Root servers
DNS server asks other DNS server on behalf of clients
Only to the DNS server
Clients directly asks each server until the request is satisfied
Is a DNS extension that provides defense against common attacks. Uses digital signatures and public key infrastructures (PKI) cryptography
DNS Security & DNSSEC
Searching a name to find an IP address
Forward Lookups
Search an IP address to find a name
Reverse Lookups
Used to identify the host name and port number of servers that provide specific services
SRV Record
Specifies an SMTP email server for the domain, which routes outgoing emails to their destination
MX Record
Responsible for IPv4 translation
A Record
Represents the authoritative name server and provides the address of the server
NS Record
Reverse-lookup pointer that allows provision of an I{ address and receives a host name
PTR Record
Points to another host name and is used as an alias
CNAME Record
Name to IP mapping, Contains A, CNAME, MX and other records
Forward Lookup Zone
IP to name mapping, contains PTR records
Reverse Lookup Zone
DNS lookups allow for the troubleshooting of DNS on a machine and can provide important domain information such as the name of the server hosting the domain, associated aliases, and IP addresses
DNS Lookups & Tools
This type of zone has the same permission as the secondary zone (i.e., read-only) but stores only partial information. These zones only contain the SOA, NS, and A records, which are necessary to identify the authoritative DNS for that zone.
Stub Zone