MRI Flashcards
Lamoor Frequency
When nuclei are placed in a magnetic field, a torque causes the moments to perform a precession motion similar to a spinning top. The larmor frequency is the precession frequency (measured in megahertz) of nuclei in a magnetic field, B0.
Larmor frequency, fL = gyromagnetic ratio, γ x magnetic field, B
The Larmor frequency for protons (hydrogen) at 1tesla is 42Mhz. (therefore gyromagnetic ratio for H is 42.6 MHz/T)
Fixed magnetic Field
- Loops of wires with a large electrical current, kept at superconducting temperatures, which produces a large magnetic field (B0), in which a patient can be placed.
- A typical MR fixed magnetic field is 1-3 Tesla.
- B0 is also known as the longitudinal plane.
- As the coils are superconducting, the magnetic is always on.
When a patient is put in, the net magnetic moments of their Hydrogen protons align with the main magnetic field, producing ‘net magnetisation’ parallel to the main magnetic field.
T1 / Longitudinal / spin-lattice relaxation time constant:
- The time it takes for the longitudinal relaxation vector to return to 63% of its original value after application of a 90degree RF pulse at the larmor frequency
- Its decay is exponential
- Is primarily caused by spin-lattice interactions
- From dipole-dipole interactions between adjacent molecules.
- Fat has a very short T1 time and relaxes rapidly. Water has a long T1 time and relaxes slowly. TR and TE are short - To maximize contrast, we pick a TR time intermediate to these two decay curves.
- Influenced by Bo and temperature (both increase T1), macromolecules, paramagnetic substances
- The time it takes for the transverse magnetization to reduce to 37% of its maximial value after application of a 90RF at larmor frequency via dephasing
- Its decay is exponential
- Is primarily caused by spin-spin interactions (T2)
- T2* - is dephasing from both spin-spin interactions and magnetic field inhomogenieity
- Fat has a short T2 and dephases rapidly. Water has a long T2 and dephases slowly. TR and TE are short – to maximize contrast, we pick a TE time intermediate to these two decay curves
- T2* is decay not just from spin-spin interactions, but also from chemical shift and magnetic field inhomogenieties as well.
- Influenced by Bo, temperature, macromolecules, paramagnetic substances (like gadolinium)
Radiofreuency fields (coils):
- RF fields come in the form of rapidly changing electromagnetic fields generated by loops of wire applied perpendicular to the main main magnetic field
- These RF coils produce RF electromagnetic fields which interacts with the net nuclear magnetization vector
- When Radiofrequency field pulse matches the larmor frequency, resonance happens
- Produces a transverse component of magnetisation
- The result of this is that the NMV moves away from B0 alignment = flip angle
- Produces a transverse component of magnetisation
- When Radiofrequency field pulse matches the larmor frequency, resonance happens
- Coils have a transmit and a receive function
- Resonance is the energy transmission that happens when something is subjected to the same frequency that it oscillates at
- Effect of resonance
- Energy absorption – increased energy leads to more spin up nuclei, when the number is the same as spin-down then the NMV lies in the transverse plane
- Phase coherence – magnetic moments move into phase with each other
T1 Recovery (spin-lattice)
- Spin-lattice relaxation = t1 relaxation constant = longitudinal relaxation time
The time it takes for the longitudinal relaxation vector to return to 63% of its original/maximal value after application of a 90RF pulse at the larmor frequency (is exponential and is graphed below)
- Ie. the high-energy antiparallel spin-up vectors are slowly going back to low-energy spin-down vectors
- Is a result of spin lattice interactions (nuclei giving up their energy to the surrounding environments)
- T1 is made from short TR and short TE (see the graphs) in spin-echo sequences
- Example: TR = 700ms and TE = 10-20ms)
- Fat is bright on T1 (and H20 dark)
TR – Repetition time (the time from one 90RF pulse to the next)
- TR is the time from one 90RF pulse to the next
- Therefore, this determines how much longitudinal relaxation can occur
- Therefore, TR determines the amount of T1 recovery
- a long TR (see above) means lots of recovery and everything has returned to B0, so there is poor differentiation between signals (no T1 weighting).
- Therefore, a T1 weighted image has a very short TR to emphasise T1 differences
- To maximize contrast, we pick a short TR that is intermediate between fat and water to accentuate the differences
T2 decay (spin-spin)
- Spin-spin relaxation = T2 decay
- T2 relaxation time constant is the time it takes for the transverse magnetization to reduce to 37% of its maximal value after application of a 90RF at larmor frequency (is exponential and graphed below)
- After 90RF pulse – the net mag. Vector (NMV) flips from longitudinal to transverse, and puts the transverse components in phase. After 90RF turned off, dephasing of transverse magnetization starts
- T2 decay is primarily due to spin-spin interactions
- T2* - Local variations in the magnetic field (local field inhomogeneity), as well as chemical shift and spin-spin interactions) cause the spins to rotate at variable rates and they begin to de-phase
- This means the transverse magnetization vectors returns to original state
- T2 decay is caused by the magnetic fields of neighbouring nuclei interacting with each other (spin-spin)
- T2 becomes shorter with increasing viscosity/decreasing molecular mobility, therefore T2 is shorter for solids than liquids
- To maximize T2 contrast, use a long TR and a long TE in spin-echo sequences
TE = Time to Echo
- TE is the time-to-echo – the time from the RF pulse to the application of a signal peak in the receiver coil
- TE timing therefore determines how much transverse decay goes on
- Therefore, TE controls the amount of T2 relaxation
- A short TE (see above) will result in very little T2 decay, therefore there are minimal differences in signals between 2 tissues with different T2 times. This means a short TE has minimal T2 weighting.
- Therefore, a T2 weighted image has a long TE to maximize T2 differences.
Proton density
- Is simply the number of protons per unit volume of the tissue
- Higher proton density = greater the signal available from that tissue = brighter on PD weighted imaging
- PD contrast is always present and depnds on the area being examined (and the patient)
- In proton density, you need to minimize BOTH T1 and T2 weighting.
- Therefore, to minimize T1 you have a long TR
- Therefore, to minimize T2 you have a short TE
- So, a long TR and a short TE give PD-weighted imaging
- Dephasing due to inhomogeneities (T2*) produces a rapid loss of coherenet transverse magnetisiation (and therefore signal), so that transverse magnetization is at zero before most tissues have had time to attain their T1 or T2 relaxation times.
- So, we need ways to compensate for T2* effects (dephasing from inhomogenities (+ normal T2 decay)).
- We use
- Spin-echo pulse sequences
- Spin-echo pulse sequences start with a 90RF pulse to flip NMV into transverse plane
- In transverse plane, magnetization rapidly dephases due to T2* effects
- Spin rephrasing is achieved by using a 180RF pulse at a time TE/2 to generate a SE at time TE
- The SE sequences of 90RF and 180RF pulses is repeated after a repetition time (TR)
- N.b. TR is the time between consecutinve 90RF pulses
- Gradient fields
- Slice selection (z-axis)
- Phase encoding (y-axis)
- Frequency encoding (x-axis)
- Spin-echo pulse sequences
- Spin-echo pulse sequences start with a 90RF pulse to flip the NMV into the transverse plane
- In the transverse plane, the NMV rapidly dephases due to T2* (field inhomogeneities, T2 decay)
- Spin rephrasing is then achieved by applying a second 180RF pulse at a time TE/2, which generates a spin echo (SE) at time to echo, TE
- The time at which is 180RF pulse is given, TE/2, is also known as tau
- The Spin Echo (SE) sequence of events is then repeated after a time-to-repitition, TR (time to next 90RF pulse)
- We still change TE and TR depending on whether we want to maximize T1 or T2 weighting
- For T1 weighting, we want a short TR and TE
- For T2 weighting, we want a long TR and TE
- For PD weighting, we want a long TR (to minimize T1) and a short TE (to minimize T2)
- We still change TE and TR depending on whether we want to maximize T1 or T2 weighting
Spin echo pulse sequences compensate for T2*!
- Gradient echo sequences (GRE) are the alternative to spin echo. They differ in 2 ways:
- Utilization of gradient fields to generate transverse magnetization
- Flip angles of less than 90 degrees
- The precessional frequency of protons varies with the strength of a magnetic field, as dictated by the larmor equation (fL = gyromagnetic ratio x magnetic field strength, B)
- By using magnetic gradients, we have different strengths of the magnetic field at different points. This means that the precessional frequency of magnetic moments will be different, depending where in the magnetic field they are
- As gradients cause nuclei precessional frequency to either increase or decrease, they can be used to either dephase or rephrase magnetic moments.
- First, give the variable flip angle
- First gradient applied – precessional frequencies at the lower end of the magnetic field slow down, whereas precessional frequencies of under the higher end of the gradient speed up. The magnetic moments of the nuclei are therefore dephased. T2* effects are happening.
- A second gradient with an opposite ‘slope’ is then applied – the fast nuclei are now in a lower magnetic field and slow down, the slower nuclie are in a higher magnetic field and speed up. The gradient has therefore re-phased. A maximum signal is therefore induced in the receiver (the gradient echo)
- Is similar to SPE in that it still uses TE and TR
- But is different in that variable flip angles are used
- A spoiler is the de-phasing gradient
- A rewinder is the re-phasing gradient
- First, give the variable flip angle
- Variable flip angles are used
- Advantage of GRE - The TE can be much shorter than in spin echo imaging
- Coz we are not using 180RF pulses, the minimum TE is shorter (therefore the TR can also be reduced)
- Therefore, GRE images can be acquired quicker!
- Coz we are not using 180RF pulses, the minimum TE is shorter (therefore the TR can also be reduced)
- Disadvantage of GRE - Gradients do NOT eliminate effects from magnetic field inhomogeneieties, unlike spin-echo imaging
- Therefore T2* Imaging is only done with gradient echo imaging (GRE), coz spin-echo will remove T2*!
- Magnetic gradients are used to code the spatial location of the MR signal
- Remember, the precessional frequency of protons varies with the strength of the magnetic field (Larmor equation)
- By using gradients (and gradient field coils) in the x/y/z planes, we can code the spatial location of an MR signal
- 3 magnetic field gradients are
- Slice selection(always the z-axis)
- done when a pulse is applied (and at TE when collect echo)
- Phase encoding – short axis
- after RF pulse, before echo
- Frequency encoding - long axis
- done when reading out
- Slice selection(always the z-axis)
- Magnetic field gradient pulse induces non-uniformities in precessing phase and frequency between volume elements between selected slices.
- Using image reconstruction methods such as the Fourier Transformation, we can determine which volume element gave rise to which signal strength based on the specific phase and frequency of that volume element
- Slice selection (always the z-axis)
- when the gradient field is applied, the precessional frequency of nuclei located along its axis is changed based on where the protons lie within the magnetic field (and how strong it is in that place) – this is Larmor equation.
- A slice can therefore be selected by transmitting RF with a band of frequencies coinciding with the Larmor frequency in that particular slice (tuning fork analogy)