Category 2 Flashcards
Describe and illustrate the basic components of X-ray tube construction.
Describe and illustrate the line focus principle.
Describe and illustrate the heel effect and its implication for image quality
Explain the impact that generator waveform has on radiation output.
Distinguish between atomic ionisation and excitation.
Describe the coherent scattering interaction process.
Demonstrate knowledge of the process described by attenuation.
Describe the attenuation of monoenergetic and polychromatic radiation in terms of linear and mass attenuation
coefficients and HVLs
Demonstrate knowledge of the factors that impact on attenuation.
Distinguish between lossless and lossy images
Describe the key elements of PACS.
Describe the key factors that contribute to image quality for both film and softcopy reporting.
In the context of image intensifiers, describe what is meant by veiling glare and define limiting spatial resolution.
In DSA, describe the image processing operations such as edge enhancement and landmarking and processes
that may be used to reduce image noise such as frame integration
Define the LSF and MTF.
• Distinguish between quantum noise and other types of noise..
Explain the origin of image distortion arising from geometric effects.
Discuss the performance characteristics of X-ray mammography equipment.
Explain the impact of system geometry on spatial resolution.
Describe the effect of image processing on image quality
Describe key features of image reconstruction in CT Fluoroscopy
Describe the principle and relevance of Scanned Projection Radiography (SPR).
Describe key features of the concept of CT Fluoroscopy
Discuss the role of the Fourier Transform (FT) in MR image reconstruction.
Describe 2D-FT reconstruction methods in terms of the three time intervals (slice selection, phase encoding and
frequency encoding).
Compare the 3D-FT reconstruction technique with the 2D-FT method
Discuss the advantages of the Gradient Echo, Fast Spin Echo, Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) and other fast imaging
Explain the effects of preparatory inversion pulse on image contrast.
Compare and contrast fat suppression obtained by spectral, IR GRE and subtraction methods
Identify the biomolecular species which may be analysed in clinical MRS.
Describe the construction and mode of operation of gas-filled detectors.
Discuss the concept of pulse height analysis.
Explain the significance of the Poisson distribution in the characterisation of image noise
Describe the manufacturing processes used for the production of medical radioisotopes.
Demonstrate knowledge of some of the basic parameters which characterise a sound wave. Conduct simple
calculations relating to frequency, wavelength and relative intensity in decibels.
Describe details of the main physical parameters that characterise transducers, and their effect on the image.
escribe the basic principles of B-mode pulse-echo imaging.
Understand parameters such as pulse length, frequency, pulse repetition frequency and TGC affect the image.
Perform simple calculations using the Doppler shift equation and understand the concepts underlying spectral
analysis colour Doppler and power Doppler
Describe the basic principles of compound imaging.
Describe the basic principles of panoramic imaging.
Explain the factors which produce more complex artefacts such as aliasing and side lobes.
Explain the importance and application of the dose descriptors:
Describe the principles and benefits of quality assurance in imaging.
Describe the physical principles of contrast agents used in radiology. Articulate in general terms how they
improve subject contrast.
Differentiate and contrast the use of iodine and barium agents in radiology examinations.
Describe the fundamental properties of MRI contrast agents. Articulate in general terms how they improve
Describe the nature, function, and use of ultrasound contrast agents.
Articulate in general terms the safety issues involved in contrast agent use.