Category 1 Flashcards
Describe the electromagnetic radiation spectrum.
Distinguish between the various components of that spectrum.
Explain the relationship between wavelength, frequency and energy
emonstrate knowledge of the wave-particle duality of photons.
Discuss the production of X-rays and the distinction between Bremsstrahlung and Characteristic radiation.
Describe and illustrate the spectrum of X-ray energies produced by an X-ray tube.
Discuss the impact of changes in kVp, anode material, mA and filtration on the X-ray spectrum, patient dose and
image quality
Explain the impact that generator waveform has on image quality and patient dose
Describe how an AEC system operates in generic terms
Distinguish between atomic ionisation and excitation.
Explain what is meant by filtration in its various guises.
Describe the impact of filtration on the spectrum from an X-ray tube
Describe how and why the scatter reduction techniques work.
Demonstrate knowledge of the implication of scatter reduction and filtration techniques on image quality and dose
Define what is meant by pixels, voxels and the grey scale.
Describe the key elements of the CR system that lead to image formation.
Discuss the impact of image processing on image quality.
Describe the key elements of the DR system that lead to image formation
Differentiate between types of DR system.
Discuss the impact of image processing on image quality.
Describe with illustrations the key components of image intensifiers
Compare and contrast image intensifiers and flat panel detectors.
Explain the implications of field size, pulsed fluoroscopy on image quality and patient dose
Describe the purpose of ABC and describe in general terms how it operates.
Describe the physical principles of DSA including why logarithmic processing is undertaken.
Describe the process of mask subtraction and understand the impact that the subtraction process has on image
Describe what is meant by image processing operations such as pixel shifting and remasking and explain why
they are important in minimising impact of motion artifact.
Discuss in detail the key image descriptors, contrast, spatial resolution and noise.
Explain the impact of magnification and focal spot size on image qualit
Explain the impact of noise on image quality
Explain what is meant by quantum mottle (random noise) and the SNR.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of magnification versus contact mammograph
Describe the construction and operational principles of X-ray mammography equipment
Discuss the impact of kVp, filtration, glandular content and breast thickness on the Mean Glandular Dose
Contrast various digital methods which have been applied to mammography.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of digital techniques when compared with film/screen.
Describe various methods of reconstruction from projections with emphasis on filtered back projection
Describe and contrast the various geometries used for CT scanning
Discuss differences between single slice and multi slice CT, sequential vs helical
Define the CT-numbers.
Discuss the quality of CT images in terms of resolution and noise, highlighting factors that affect each
Describe the origin and appearance of common artifacts in CT images.
Discuss radiation dose features unique to CT scanning.
Explain in generic terms how tube current modulation works and its impact on patient dose
Explain the impact of multi detector CT vs. single slice CT on patient dose.
Distinguish between collimated X-Ray beam width and imaged sliced width
Describe the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) phenomenon from both classical physics and quantum
mechanics perspectives.
Discuss the significance and the uniqueness of the Larmor frequency for a nuclear species
Describe the origin of the Free Induction Decay and discuss the key factors which determine its strength.
Describe the origin of the T1 and T2 relaxation mechanisms.
Describe the behaviour of T1 and T2 as the strength of the static field is changed..
Describe the spin-echo and inversion recovery pulse sequences – including multiple spin echo and STIR
Outline the advantages and characteristic features of Gradient Echo, Fast Spin Echo, Echo Planar Imaging (EPI)
and other fast imaging techniques.
Discuss the physics behind the chemical shift phenomenon.
Describe how gradients may be applied to spatially encode the NMR signal.
Describe interleaved multislice imaging and indicate why it is utilised.
Discuss quality features of MR images including artifacts.
Discuss safety issues (patient and environmental) and contra-indications in the use of MRI
Distinguish between the major forms of radioactive decay
Express the radioactive decay law in mathematical terms.
Perform simple calculations using the concepts of physical, biological and effective half-lives
Describe the construction and mode of operation of scintillation detectors.
Describe the main features and mode of operation of a gamma camera.
Describe the main features and mode of operation of a SPECT camera
Discuss the performance characteristics of SPECT & gamma cameras.
Describe the physical, biological and chemical characteristics of radionuclides which are suitable for nuclear
Discuss major indicators of the physical quality of SPECT images
Describe the main features and mode of operation of a PET scanner.
Discuss issues that limit the performance of PET scanners.
Demonstrate knowledge of the basic physical nature of ultrasound waves and the interactions that occur as it
traverses through tissues and other media
Demonstrate knowledge of the various types of ultrasound transducers which are available, and to be able to
choose a transducer on the basis of its physical characteristics and suitability for a given application.
Demonstrate knowledge of the basic principles of ultrasound imaging and how various technical factors affect
image quality.
Describe how real-time systems work, and be aware of the interplay between temporal resolution, spatial
resolution and depth of penetration.
Describe the basic physical principles underlying the use of the Doppler effect in ultrasound imaging.
how choice of frequency affects attenuation, spatial resolution, and the maximum flow rate that can be detected
Describe the operation of a simple duplex transducer.
Recognise simple ultrasound artefacts and explain how they are formed
Discuss the main mechanisms by which ultrasound could damage tissue. Have a knowledge of safe levels of
exposure for imaging and safety recommendations
Define the main radiation quantities and units used in diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine, and to
understand the parameters they measure
Demonstrate knowledge of the function and interpret the values of specific dose measurement methods used
for radiological procedures. Explain the implications of measured dose parameters, both in terms of overall risk
and the risk to specific tissues and organs. Be aware of the relative radiation doses from different radiological
procedures, and how they compare to natural background radiation doses
Examine the mechanism of how radiation interacts with tissue to cause biological damage, and the parameters
used to quantify this damage
Demonstrate knowledge of the hereditary and genetic implications of radiation exposure
Demonstrate knowledge of the stochastic effects of radiation and the factors which influence it. Assess the
approximate risk from a radiation exposure and explain how to convey this risk in a simple manner to patients
and other staff
Demonstrate knowledge of the deterministic effects of radiation and the factors which influence it
Identify the procedures that may deliver large doses of radiation
Demonstrate knowledge of the effects of radiation on the developing embryo and foetus at various stages of
gestation. To be aware of which procedures may deliver large doses to the embryo/foetus, and the actions to be
taken in considering dose to a pregnant patient, prospectively or retrospectively.
Articulate the objective of radiation protection
Define radiation weighting factors and understand the various factor values.
Describe detriment, probability coefficients and tissue weighting factors, and differentiate between the factors
for various tissues..
Describe, compare and contrast the various radiation dose quantities, and how they relate to each other..
Describe the ICRP radiological protection principles, and how they relate to medical exposure, and to research
uses of radiation.
State and compare the ICRP dose limits for various groups
State and compare the ICRP dose limits for various groups
Describe the concept of DRLs and explain how they are derived
Describe, compare and contrast methods of occupational and public radiation dose reduction in both diagnostic
radiology and nuclear medicine environments
Describe the principle of dose optimisation, and how it is applied to diagnostic and interventional radiology.
Describe, compare and contrast the various technologies used for personal measurement and assessment of
radiation dose in medical imaging
Describe the various methods for calculation of patient radiation dose in radiology
State approximate doses for common x-ray imaging examinations.
Describe the factors influencing patient dose in CT scanning
Describe the methods of calculating patient and foetal radiation dose in nuclear medicine. State approximate
doses for common examinations.
Discuss the safety issues associated with therapeutic administration of radioisotopes in relation to:
• Thyroid
• Breast
• Foetus as appropriate