MRI Flashcards
What sized waves does MRI use?
Large wavelength, lower frequency and lower energy
What are some concerns about while body MRI scans?
- Becoming commercialised
- Concers about abnormalities needing trained medical practitioners
- Removers radiographers from the NHS (already a shortage)
- Very expensive (around $4000)- certain people won’t be able to afford this
What principles is MRI based on?
Electromagnetism from the 1800s from Nikola tesla’s rotating magnetic field
What was an essential discovery, revolutionising MRI?
- The discovery of the spin of nuclei
- Understand how atoms react to a magnetic field, create and detect signals
- Rabi, Bloch and Purcell 1944
Who first pioneered the use of MRI in medicine?
Raymond Damadian
Who pioneered the implication of MRI methods?
Lauterber and Mansfield
What are key advantages of MRI technology?
- Non-invasive- reduces the need for surgical or other invasive techniques
- No ionising radiation- safer for patients
- Visualisation of soft tissue in 3D
- Flexible contrast- to probe many aspects of the body e.g. vasculature
- High spatial resolution (uncertainty of this in functional)
- Structural and functional informaion
What 2 primary things does MRI use?
- Strong magnetic firld; magnetic gradients, in order to create the signal
- Radiofrequency pulses (signal transmitter/receiver)
Where does the MRI signal come from?
- Water molecules (or others) resonant in magnetic field
- Changes induced by the radiofrequency pulses
- Contrast in tissues from proton density, molecular environment and how protons influence each other
How is the MRI signal transformed into images?
- Spatial encoding/decoding using magnetic gradients
- Mathematical reconstruction of MRI signal
What is standard MRI strength?
1.5-3.0 tesla (car scrap yard magnet is 1 tesla)
What is the strength of the strongest human scanners?
- 7.0-10.5tesla
- Have high resolution but are noisy as probe deeply in the resolution so have to make up for other sources of signal coming at these strengths
- People feel uncomfortable, nauseas and dizzy, are still safe but tend not to use
What is a magnetic dipole?
Anything that consists of two opposite magnetic poles (north and south), like a small bar magnet and creates a magnetic field around it
What is magnetic moment?
A measure of the strength and orientation of a magnetic dipole’s magnetic field, related to its tendency to align with an external magnetic field (how the object will react to the magnetic field)
What is torque?
The force that causes an object to rotate
What is resonance?
When an object or system vibrates in response to an external force or oscillation
What is encoding/deconding?
- Encoding refers to converting information into a different form of storage or transmission
- Decoding is the process of interpreting or converting it back into its original form
What are the magnetic dipoles in the body? Explain their base state.
- Hydrogen atom (abundant in the body as water makes up 60-70%)
- These protons and atom move around (odd atomic number) and have a north and south pole
- These will be oriented in a random direction when not subjected to external magnetic field (no net magnetisation)
How do the magnetic fields and precession work in MRI?
- In the presence of a strong magnetic field (B₀), protons align with the field along the longitudinal plane.
- This creates a net magnetisation parallel to B₀.
- The magnetic moment of protons experiences torque in the B₀ field.
- Protons precess around the axis of B₀ at the Larmor frequency, which depends on the field strength and the gyromagnetic ratio.
- The gyromagnetic ratio is the relationship between a particle’s magnetic moment and its angular momentum.
Outline how the resonance from the radiofrequency (RF) pulse is generated.
- The particles in the imaged object are aligned with the magnetic field they are within.
- However, the net magnetisation from protons cannot be detected because of the strong external magnetic field (B0)
- Thus there needs to be movement out of the main direction to detect the signal that we are creating without being overwhelmed by B0 (the z axis of magnetisation).
- The RF pulse excites the nuclei at 90 degrees (transverse plane) to their original axis.
- Protons will now shift the field towards this RF pulse and resonate in phase at this angle depending on the duration of pulse.
- From here, this is where the signal will be generated.
Outline how resonance is generated in the transverse plane whilst the dipoles are being exposed to B0 to elicit a usable signal in MRI.
- The dipoles direction have been aligned to the main magnetic field B0.
- Now, the nuclei need to be pulled away from the main external magnetic field so that they can be detected.
- Thus, the RF transmitter creates an oscillating B1 field in the transverse plane.
- This leads to the dipoles orientation being pulled down/excited into the transverse plane at which the RF is firing.
- This excites the protons to resonate in phase in a new orientation i.e. it produces torque to pull the megnetisation into the new plane.
- It is then the return to the B0, whether it be of T1 or T2 measurment, that the signal is generated from.
How is the MRI signal detected?
- The RF pulse shifts dipoles from the longitudinal to the transverse plane.
- After the RF pulse stops, nuclei relax back to alignment with the main magnetic field.
- Transverse magnetisation decreases over time while longitudinal alignment recovers.
- Oscillating protons induce a signal in the receiver coil as they pass by.
- The receiver coil detects the changing magnetisation in the transverse plane.
How is the MR signal decoded?
- In RF receiver coil, the signal will oscillate over time due to the particles passing closer and further from the coil as they themselves oscillate (free induction decay)
- The signal is sent to a computer to be digitilised
- Signals can be complex and convoluted from different tissues with different frequencies
- The strength and distribution of the frequency components are mathematically determined using Fourier Transform (FT) which decodes the frequencies wihtin the MR signal
What is free induction decay?
It is the signal generated by the decaying transverse magnetisation after the RF pulse is turned off.
It reflects the combined effects of T2 relaxation (dephasing) and the gradual recovery of longitudinal magnetisation and is the basis for MRI signal acquisition.
How is the image acquired from the signal?
- The RF receiver coil will detect a whole bunch of RF signal
- MRI signal is converted into an MRI signal spectrum in frequency domain
- The signal needs to be seperated to determine which voxel the signal is coming from
- Altering RF magnetic gradients so that each particle will resonate at a slightly different frequency because of the gradient of the field
- As we set the paramaters for the magnetic gradient, individual frequencies can be decoded from the MRI spectrum
- Postition is encoded by the frequency
What are the two common contrast mechanisms for MRI?
- T1 weighted (less sensitive to water content)
- T2 weighted (more sensitive to water content)
What do T1 and T2 relaxation times determine?
How quickly the water magnetisation returns to equilibrium following perturbation by RF pulse.
What are T1 and T2 relaxation times dependent on?
Nature of the tissue
Outline T1 relaxation
- Recovery in the longitudinal direction from the transverse plane to reach 63%
- Used to obtain brain structure and reconstruction of cortical surfaces
Outline T2 relaxation
- Is the decay of the signal (transverse plane) and is dependent on the spin-spin interaction
- Is faster than T1
- Information about the content of the tissue
What is specific T2 contrast relaxation?
Is the intrinsic dampening of the magnetic signal due to magentic field inhomogeneities, magnetic susceptibility, chemical shift effects
Who discovered the fMRI?
- 1948
- Kety and Schmidt measured oxygen metabolism and blood flow in their seminal paper to confirm that blood flow if regionally regulated by the brain itself