Electron Miscroscopy Flashcards
What is the definition of resolution?
Ability of the microscope to distinguish separate and distinct objects
What occurs to the resolution when the wavelength of light is small enough?
Two objects distinguishable as separate and distinct
What occurs to the resolution when the wavelength of light is too long?
Two objects not distinguishable as separate and distinct
What is the resolution of electron microscopy?
What is the resolution range of X-rays?
What is the resolution of light microscopes?
What is the resolution that visable light begins?
What is the definition of an electron microscope?
A microscope that uses electron beams, electrostatic and electromagnetic lenses to produce an enlarged image of very high magnification
What x of magnification can electron microscopy go to within the microscope?
100-1000x magnification
Who came up with the concept for electron microscopy?
- Louis de Broglie 1924
- Wanted to look at whether electrons could be diffracted in the same way as light properties
- He showed that electron beams behave similar to light waves
Who built the first electron microscope?
- Max Knoll and Ernst Ruska 1931
- Transmission microscope
- Built the first prototype
- At the time people knew there were small pathogenic diseases such as those causing polio
Who built the first scanning microscope?
- Max Knoll 1935
What are 7 components to the electron microscope?
- Electron gun
- Condenser lens
- Aperture
- Stage
- Objective lens
- Projector lens
- Viewing screen
What does the electron gun do and how?
- Traditionally a tungsten filament which is super-heated to 2700 degrees
- This generates electron admittance from the filament
What do the three lenses and the aperture do in the electron microscope?
Direct the bram through the column and focus onto the sample at the specific height where it is inserted on the stage
What happens at the viewing screen on a traditional EM and how are newer ones different?
- Image formation happens here
- Now have detectors in various places and imags are recorded onto these
What are two types of transmission EM?
- Single particle cryoEM
- Electron tomography
What are two types of scanning EM?
Serial blockface SEM
- FIB (focused ion beam) SEM
What does a scanning EM do?
Scans the surface of the specimen with an electron beam to produce a 3D-effect image
How does the SEM work?
- Electron beam rastered across the surface of the specimen using scanning coils in and X and Y motion
- Secondary electrons are bounced off the surface of the sample and are scattered and then picked up by the camera
What is a main preparation technique in SEM?
Put a conductive coating on the sample to prevent accumulation f charge and static electric fields
Usually a layer of gold
What are 3 advantages of SEM?
- 3D-effect surface visualisation
- Relatively quick
- Cheap
What is a downside of SEM?
The resolution is fairly low
What does a transmission EM do?
Transmits electron beam through the sample
What is the grey scale in a TEM the result of?
- The contrast between electron dense parts of the sample and non-dense parts
- Electrons pass through the less electron dense areas more readily
- Less electrons pass through electron dense areas
- Properties of the sample in terms of electron density of the material determines the grey scale
What is an essential requirement in TEM?
The sample has to be really thin in order to allow the electrons to pass through the sample
What is the spacing resolution within TEM imaging?
Very good resolution
Why is there a vacuum in conventional EM specimens?
In order for electrons to get from one end of the microscope to the other viewing end. If no vacum, the air would scatter the electrons
Why must conventional, biological EM specimens be dehydrated?
- Biological specimens consist of around 80% water
- This means they will not react well within the vacuum and must be dehydrated
Why must samples be fixed in conventional EM specimens?
- They can lose a third of their dry mass from electron bombardment
- They need to safely dehydrate them without losing their structural properties
How are conventional EM samples fixated?
- Using chemicals to stabalise molecular structure by cross-linking proteins
- Such as gluta-aldehyde
How are conventional EM samples dehydrated?
- The water content in the specimen is replaced with a solvent
- Such as alcohol
Why are conventional EM samples embedded?
- In order to make a sample thick enough to slice through put samples in resin
- The sample polymerises and makes the tissue a solid block, protecting the shape of it to enable sectioning
What determines the thickness of slices in electron microscopy and how does it vary for standard imaging versus tomography?
- Dependent on the powerfulness of the microscope- there is a balance between the sample being thin enough and a more powerful microscope, in which a thicker sample could be used and the electrons would still pass through.
- Produces 60-90nm thin slices using an ultra microtome
- Or thick sections around 200nm for tomography
What are used as stains in conventional EM?
- Heavy metals used to increase the contrast and scatter electrons
- Usually lead or uranium
What are the advantages of freezing samples?
- Preserve native ultrastructure eg protein structures, membrane organisation- reduces artefacts seen in dehydration
- Can image to high/atomic resolution
How are small samples such as proteins, virsuses and some bacteria frozen for TEM?
- Isolated in a solution the plunge freeze straight into liquid ethane
- 5-10micrometers
How are larger samples such as becteria, cells, tissue cells and small organisms frozen for TEM?
- High pressure freezing, pressurise the sample while freezing to force the cold cryogens into the sample so it is frozen all the way through
- Cryo- FIB (focused ion beam) then mills out a region of the sample (as too thick for electrons to get through)