MRCPsych Paper B - Old Age Flashcards
Atypical antipsychotics increases risk of vascular events by a factor of how much?
MAPT gene is located in which chromosome?
APP gene is located in which chromosome?
Geriatric bipolar disorder targe serum lithium level
0.4-0.7 mmol/L
*usually 0.40-0.60mmol/L, can increase to maximally 0.70 or 0.80 at 65-79yrs and to maximally 0.70mmol/L over 80yrs
10yr probability of conversion from MCI to dementia
Risk of developing TD in the elderly vs younger adults (how much more)
Most common symptom of late paraphrenia/ late onset schizophrenia
persecutory delusions, 90%
*auditory hallucinations, 75%
Prevalence of psychotic symptoms among older individuals with major neurocognitive disorder (AD)
Apolipoprotein allele that is protective? that is a risk factor?
APOE E2 - protective, APOE E4 - susceptible
Measure for ADL function in the elderly
Barthel Index
Most likely neurological findings in vascular dementia
Focal neurological findings - unilateral brisk DTR, asymmetrical hyperreflexia or weakness
Most common cause of death in AD
instrument for the ddx of dementia
Cambridge examination for mental disorders of the elderly (CAMDEX-R)
CASE: Geria px + cognitive difficulties + slurring of consonants + staccato pattern
Cerebellar degeneration
NIA-AA criteria for probable dementia
criteria for dementia + insidious onset, worsening condition, cognitive deficits (amnestic presentation -most common or non-amnestic presentation -language, visuospatial, or executive), no evidence of substantial CVD
PDs usually seen in late life
histrionic, dependent, schizoid, OC, avoidant, paranoid
Cortical dementias
AD, FTD/ Pick disease
LB, CJD, corticobasal degeneration
EEG findings in CJD
periodic complexes - bi- or triphasic against slow voltage background
Delirium scale with good symptom coverage and distinguishes it from from other disorders (dementia, depression, and schizoprenia)
Delirium rating scale (DRS)
Neurobehavioral syndrome: squalor (dirty and unpleasant), pathological hoarding, lack of insight, no desire for help
Diogenes syndrome
*greek philosopher living in a barrel
Assessment of dementia for people with LD
Dementia questionnaire for People with LD (DLD)
Cardinal manifestations of progressive supranuclear palsy
Postural instability and falls (backward)
Variant CJD is characterized by early…
anxiety and depressive symptoms,
*early 20s, … then personality changes, then progressive dementia. Ataxia, myocolonus. Death in 1-2yrs
A feature seen commonly in early onset depression when compared with late onset depression
episodic memory dysfunction (temporal lobe dysfunction)
* vs late onset depression: deficits in attention and executive function (frontal lobe dysfunction)
Signs it is pathological grief
intense guilt related to issues beyond those surrounding the death of the loved one, preoccupation with death (excluding being with the deceased), morbid preoccupation with worthlessness, marked psychomotor retardation, prolonged severe functional impairment, hallucinations (excluding transient voice of the deceased)
First choice medication for elderly with delirium (in a surgical ward)
Huntington’s disease
autosomal dominance, CAG trinucleotide repeats, HTT gene, ch4p, onset 30-40s
Most common psychological and behavioral symptom in Huntington’s disease
apathy/ reduction in drive
Deficits on tests of attention and visuospatial ability maybe especially prominent in…
Psych drug that can aggravate psoriasis and acne
Most common psychiatric side effects of rivastigmine
anorexia, dizziness, nausea, vomiting
Most common psychiatric side effect of levodopa
nightmares & vivid dreams 30%, night terrors 7%, delirium 5%, delusional disorder 3%
Most prevalent personality disorder in the elderly
Most effective antipsychotic for psychosis/ agitation/ BPSD in dementia
Most effective antipsychotic for agitation in dementia
Most effective antipsychotic for overall BPSD in dementia
Most prevalent anxiety disorder among the elderly
Specific phobia (esp. fear of falling - basophobia)
Compared to early onset depression, late onset depression in the elderly ten to present more often with symptoms of…
psychomotor changes (30%)
antipsychotic treatment for Parkinsons with psychosis unrelated to levodopa
*clozapine is efficacious but limited by agranulocytosis; pimavanserin - another option, atypical antipsychotic
Biological changes associated with normal ageing
decrease brain weight (17%), reduced cortical gray matter, ventricular enlargement, increased transport across BBB, decreased cerebral flow
Pharmacokinetic changes in ageing
decreased gut motility, decreased gastric acid secretion, 35%-50% decline in renal function, serum creatinine is not 100% reliable
elderly have more body fat, less water, and less albumin, increased vol of distribution and longer duration of action for fat-soluble drugs, decreased liver size, more prone to accumulation due to declining kidney function, eGFR used as measure for renal function
Antipsychotic with great risk of severe postural hypotension for the elderly
risperidone, clozapine
*alternatives to treatment: amisulpride, sulpride, aripiprazole, haloperidol
Anti-dementia drug that demonstrated benefits in treating hallucinations in LBD
*newer data finds donepezil is effective as well in LBD
Knife-edge atrophy is found where?
behavioral FTD variant, frontal lobes
test of executive function in an elderly with schizophrenia
Tower of London/ Hanoi
Gingko biloba increases the risk of …
rate of VH in LBD
test to measure the likelihood of vascular dementia pathology
Hachinski ischaemic score (HIS), 4/12 cut off indicative of vascular dementia
most common sensory modality in the hallucinations of Parkinsons related psychosis
core clinical features of LBD
fluctuating cognition, recurrent visual hallucinations (80%), REM sleep behavior disorder, parkinsonism
case: elderly + being isolated + neglecting himself + living in filthy poor conditions
Diogenes syndrome
case: elderly + hearing impairment + delusions (persecutory, partition) + hallucinations
lates onset schizophrenia
case: elderly + blindness (cataracts) + hallucinations + independent/ relatively normal
Charles Bonnet syndrome
scale for the elderly focusing on cognitive and subjective symptoms more than physical symptoms
geriatric depression scale (GDS)
scale for the elderly useful to detect depression in people with dementia
Cornell scale for depression
scale for the elderly useful for hearing impaired subjects
Brief assessment schedule depression cards (BASDEC)
scale for the elderly for standard screening people with dementia
less appropriate scale for the elderly due to a number of somatic items
Hamilton rating scale
neuroimaging in Alzheimer’s disease CT Scan
cortical atrophy over parietal and temporal lobes, dilation of 3rd ventricle
neuroimaging in Alzheimer’s disease SPECT
reduced cerebral blood flow in the temporal and posterior parietal lobes
neuroimaging in Alzheimer’s disease PET scan
reduced oxygen and glucose metabolism in temporal and posterior parietal (30%)
neuroimaging in Alzheimer’s disease MRS
reduced levels of N-acetyl aspartate
case: elderly + treatment resistant (one of which is SGA)
case: elderly + Parkinson’s disease + psychosis
atypical antipsychotic - quetiapine, before clozapine
side effect of antidementia cholinesterase inhibitor that is related to excessive cholinergic stimulation
most common side effect of antidementia meds on the cardiovascular system
most frequent gastrointestinal side effect of antidementia meds
case: recurrent strokes + step-wise deterioration in cognitive function
multi-infarct dementia/ vascular dementia
case: progressive cognitive decline + dysfunction + fluctuating cognition + recurrent visual hallucinations (Liliputian) + neuroleptic sensitivity
Lewy body dementia
case: worsening memory + increased tone with rigidity + abnormal jerky movements + strong family history of dementia
Huntington’s disease dementia
case: memory problems + urinary incontinence + broad-based short stepped gait + CT: ventricular enlargement
Normal pressure hydrocephalus
case: memory problems + falls + depressed mood + tremors + cog wheel rigidity + motor and cognitive symptoms develop more than 12mos from each other
Parkinson’s disease dementia
case: elderly memory problems + falls + depressed mood + tremors + motor and cognitive symptoms develop within 12mos from each other
Lewy body dementia
case: elderly with memory loss + disinhibited behavior + CT: knife blade atrophy of frontal and temporal lobes
Pick’s disease dementia
case: elderly with changing pattern of cognition + history of trauma + clotting disorders + aspirin/ warfarin intake
chronic subdural haematoma
case: gait ataxia + dementia + urinary incontinence
normal pressure hydrocephalus
case: progressive frontal dementia + hallucinations & delusions (grandiosity) + lightning pain with tabes dorsalis + personality changes
General Paresis of Insane (GPI) (from untreated syphilis)
case: elderly treated for resting tremors - psych SE: acute confusional state + paranoia + visual hallucinations
dx: Parkinson’s disease
tx: levodopa
*euphoria, depression, insomnia, abnormal dreams
case: elderly treated for swollen legs - psych SE: visual halos, confusion
dx: cardiac failure
tx: digoxin
case: elderly treated for polymyalgia rheumatica - psych SE: hypomanic, confused
dx: autoimmune disease (polymyalgia rheumatica)
tx: prednisolone/ corticosteroids
*iatrogenic depression, mania, confusion
case: elderly treated for vtach - psych SE: confusion, agitation, paranoid delusions
dx: ventricular tachycardia
tx: amiodarone
*altered mental status, hallucinations, delirium
case: elderly recent onset memory loss + early morning headache & nausea
dx: cerebral tumor
tx: dexamethasone for compression symptoms, surgical evacuation for best treatment of choice
case: adult (~45yo) with alcohol use disorder + fluctuating alertness and asterixis
dx: hepatic encephalopathy, from hepatlic failure
tx: neomycin & lactulose
case: elderly + grandiose delusions + irritability + memory loss + abnormal pupils
dx: GPI - neurosyphilis
tx: antibiotic therapy - IM procaine penicillin x 10-21 days
case: 45yo chronic alcoholic + apathy, fatigue, irritability, depression and cognitive impairment
dx: chronic thiamine deficiency - Wernicke’s encephalopathy + Korsakoff’s psychosis - beri beri
tx: thiamine
case: elderly + atrophic gastritis + fatigue, tingling and numbness of hands and feet, depression + memory problems
dx: vitamin B12 deficiency - pernicious anemia
*diarrhea or constipation, loss of appetite, swollen red tongue, bleeding gums
tx: vitamin B12
case: elderly (~57yo) + mouth ulcers, diarrhea. lassitude (lack of energy) + impaired cognition + depression + dementia
dx: folate deficiency
*grey hair, peptic ulcers
tx: folate supplements
case: adult (~45yo) with lethargy, tiredness, constipation, low mood, and memory problems
dx: hypothyroidism
tx: thyroxine
case: elderly usually in the 60s + paralysis of EOM, cervical dystonia, ataxia + dementia
dx: Progressive supra nuclear palsy
*balance issues, falls (retropulsion), slurred speech, personality changes,
case: elderly (~50s) + clumsiness, uncontrollable twitching of face and shoulders, ataxia + cognitive impairment + family history
dx: Huntington’s disease
case: adult (~25yo) + jaundice, wing-beating tremor of shoulders, rigidity + memory problems
dx: Wilson’s disease
*flapping tremor of wrists, wing-beating tremor of shoulders, Kayser-Fleisher rings (greenish corneal deposits)
case: elderly with gradual change in personality + increasing disinhibition, forgetfulness + collecting multiple items over the course + family history of memory problems
dx: Pick’s disease
*repetitive behaviors - counting, checking, cleaning, collecting, hoarding, pathological gambling, touching and grabbing rituals, superstitious acts
case: adult (~43yo) with lymphoma + clumsiness, problems with coordination + cognitive impairment
Progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy
*AIDS, chronic corticosteroid therapy
case: elderly (~59yo) with rapidly progressive dementia + myoclonus, ataxia
dx: sporadic CJD
*cortical blindness
chromosome location: Presenilin 1 gene
chromosome 14
*associated early onset Alzheimer’s diseaese
chromosome location: Presenilin 2 gene
chromosome 1
* associated with early onset Alzheimer’s disease
chromosome location: beta-amyloid precursor protein gene
chromosome 21q
*associated with early onset Alzheimer’s disease
chromosome location: APOE4 gene
chromosome 19
*associated with late onset Alzheimer’s type
investigation: elderly (79yo) with progressive short term memory loss x 18mos + difficulties ADL
dx: Alzheimer’s disease
inv: CT - medial temporal atrophy
investigation: elderly (83yo) with progressive cognitive decline + apathy + visual hallucinations + PMH Parkinson’s disease
dx: Lewy Body Dementia
inv: DaTSCAN - reduced striatral dopamine uptake
investigation: elderly (67yo) with memory loss, language difficulties, disinhibition, personality changes + over 1 year
dx: fronto-temporal dementia
inv: HMPAO SPECT scan - decreased perfusion in the frontal lobes
investigation: elderly (63yo) with recent memory problems + rapid decline + abnormal twitching and gait disturbances
dx: CJD
inv: CT - atrophy of cortex and cerebellum
investigation: elderly (67yo) + memory problems x last 6mos + hypertension, TIAs
dx: vascular dementia
inv: MRI - focal white matter lesions
EEG: generalized periodic 1-2hz sharp wave complexes
sporadic CJD, NOT in variant form
EEG: episodic discharges every 1-3secs (with variable focal waves over temporal areas)
Herpes simplex encephalitis
EEG: (initial loos of alpha waves), later flattened trace
Huntington’s disease
EEG: triphasic waves and slowing of the normal background
Hepatic encephalopathy
antidementia medication: neuroprotective and disease modifying
memantine (10mg bid)
antidementia medications: on rivastigmine, likes it and does not want to switch + unlikely to cause gastrointestinal effects
rivastigmine transdermal patch (9.5/24h)
antidementia medications: safest choice for patients with cardiovascular disease and multiple other medications
antidementia medications: acetylcholinesterase inhibitor that is well tolerated / relatively minimal side effects
donepezil (10mg OD)
antidementia medications: vascular dementia
low dose aspirin, statins, diabetic and BP control
core features of Lewy Body Dementia
Parkinsonism + progressive cognitive decline + visual hallucinations
*fluctuating consciousness
core features of frontotemporal dementia/ Pick’s disease
insidious onset and gradual progression, striking loss of insight, personality change and behavioral disorder
*emotional blunting, disinhibition
core features of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
rapidly deteriorating dementia + myoclonus + cerebellar and extrapyramidal signs + death in 1 year
*cortical blindness
neuropsychometric test: executive function
Wisconsin card sorting test, Stroop test, Tower of London test, controlled word association
neuropsychometric test: practically useful episodic memory linked to daily functioning
Rivermead behavioural memory test
*everyday memory problems
neuropsychometric test: nonverbal intelligence
Ravens progressive matrices
neuropsychometric test (?): measure of ADLs
Blessed dementia rating scale
clinical features of multi-infarct dementia
abrupt onset + history of multiple strokes + stepwise deterioration
clinical features of Binswanger’s disease
subcortical dementia + gradual intellectual decline + generalized slowing
clinical features of CADASIL
onset during 40s, subcortical dementia, history of migraines
*autosomal dominant, chromosome 19q