MRCPsych Paper B - Forensic Flashcards
Percentage of people held in custody by police that have a mental disorder
Prevalence of psychotic disorders in prisons compared to the general population (how many times)
Profile of internet child pornography offenders (ICPO)
younger, better educated, employed, have higher incomes, less antisocial and subs user, single
M:F conviction rate for any offence in the UK
When women with psychosis commit homicide, victims are usually what age
<16yo, usually a family member
Proportion of men discharged from medium secure units that are convicted of a violent offence within 5 yrs of discharge
1 in 6
Percentage of psychiatrists that reported being stalked during their career
10%, 30% reported harassment
*20% in hi-yield notes
Proportion of elderly prisoners that have a mental illness
> 50%
*most common is depression (30%)
Proportion of domestic violence experienced by men
Percentage of people who commit homicides that have a mental illness
Percentage of new offenders among those charged of indecent exposure
Percentage of violence in the population that can be ascribed to psychosis
Factor that contributes most to the risk of suicide in prison
Occupying a single cell
Insane automastism
intrinsic cause - sleep walking, brain tumors, epilepsy
*acquittal on the grounds of insanity
Sane automatism
extrinsic cause - confusional states, concussion, reflex actions, dissociative states, sleep terrors, hypoglycemia
*complete acquittal
Prevalence of ID within prison populations
Actuarial instrument for violence risk assessment
Violence Risk Appraisal Guide (VRAG)
Violence Risk Scale
PCL-R (HARE) - psychopathy test
The Static 99 - 10 item, estimate sexual recidivism
Sexual offender risk assessment guide (SORAG) - 14 item, assess violent recidivism risk in sexual offenders
Structured risk tools for violence risk assessment
HCR-20 - violence risk
SARA - spousal assault
SVR - sexual violence
2 factors most associated with sexual recidivism
deviant sexual interests
antisocial orientation/lifestyle instability
Percentage of female homicides that are DV related
Most common psychiatric diagnosis in arsonists
substance use disorders & personality disorders
Personality trait more commonly seen in elderly sexual offenders compared to elderly non-sex-offenders
schizoid, obsessive-compulsive, and avoidant
Most common forensic presentation or offence of conduct disorder
3 explanations for memory loss or amnesia in offenders
- suffering from brain dysfunction during the time of the crime (organic amnesia)
- extreme emotional condition when committing the crime (dissociative amnesia)
- pretending to unable to remember (feigned amnesia)
Risk factor that increases the risk of violence in association with stalking
stalker is an ex-partner
Considered to be a test for fitness to give evidence in court
Ability to understand questions posed by the court
Proportion of homicide perpetrators with a primary diagnosis of PD that received prison sentence
Percentage of homicide perpetrators with a primary diagnosis of a PD had no contact with the mental health services in the year before
Percentage of PD patients had no other psychiatric illness at the time of committing the homicide
Percentage of homicide perpetrators with a history of mental disorder has PD as a primary diagnosis
A tool that guides decisions regarding the need for, and level of, secure placement
Proportion of shoplifters that will reoffend after conviction
Proportion of prisoners that will self-harm during their prison term
Lifetime rate of any mental disorder in perpetrators of homicide
Probability of having a mental disorder at the time of committing a homicide offence