mr tweedale-psychologial factors that influenve an individual Flashcards
what is a leader
someone who influences You into achieving your goals
inspire team and set targets to keep motivation
what are the types of leaders
prescribed leader
emergent leader
prescribed leader
appointed from outside the group from another group or higher in authority
bring in new ideas and learn new methods
emergent leader
appointed from within the existing group
adv of prescribed leaders
bring new ideas into team
dis of prescribed leaders
may upset team mates
may not get along
may chnage trusted methods with unfamilair ones
adv of ermgent leader
keep harmony
dis of emergent leader
dont bring in any new ideas
leader qualities
good communicator to get messages across
empathy, need to listen to members of team and take their views into account
organisational skills
styles of leaderships
lassez faire style
autocratic style
autocratic leadership style
where leader makes ALL decisions
dictates instructions to group
adopts task orintated style
aim is to get results and reach targets
wont continue withput coach there/more reliant
specific e.g winning a game
person-orinetated task
seeks opinons off group before making decisions
gorup continue to wrok withut coach presnt
laissez faire
leader does very little
leaves group too it
dis-less motoated players may stop working if left alone
fielders contingency model of leadership
suggests autocatic style is best used in opposite situations-when ervything is bad and when everything is good
everything good=most favourable sitaution
everything bad=less favourable situation
in middle ground=when situation is betweeen good and bad
he suggested that this is best acheived by person orientated style
modertaly favourable sitaution
example of most favourable situations
-leader has respect
-good support within the group
-high levels of motivation
least favourable situation
more hosiability between group members
little respect for leader
moderately favourable sit
motivation is moderate
group has reasonable ability
chelladurais multi-dimensional model
leader must use interactive approach to balance aspects of situation and the group
stress management
negative response of teh body to a threat causing anxiety
positive response of the body to a threat
response to threat of dificualt challenge is overcome and the performer feels more confident and motivated
what are the two types neagtive effects of stress
brings negative thoughts and feelings
attentioanl narrowing
as arousal and anxiety increases, ability to take in info or cues from enviorment is reduced
imporant info may be missed due to high stress
losss of concenrtation
somantic stress
physical response to body from stress
increase in HR increase in sweating
cognitive stress managemnt techniques
thought stopping-performer uses learned action to trigger neagitve thoughts and remove them
psotive self-talk-performer replaces negative thoughts with psotive ones
imagery-creating image of past performance where action was perfomered succesfully
visualisation-mental image perfected during training the locked in and used in game
mental rehersal
goign over ovement of task before the task actually happens
somantic stress management techniques
progressive musculr relaxation
relaxing muscles from state of tension to state of relaxation
breathing technique
relaxing shoulders and chest and focusing on depths of breathing
attribution theory
perception of reaso for an outcome of an event
e.g reasons giving for winnign, losing , playing well, playing badly
imporatn factor for motivation
given from coaches and managers and given youself