4.2-prep and training methods-mr smith Flashcards
factual information
numerical data
most fitness tests use it
e.g coopers test
qualative data
looks at feelings, emotions
e.g BOrg sclale used to measure persons RPE (retaing perceived exertion)
objecitve data
based on facts and is measurable
subjective data
based on opinions
test actually measures what its set out to do
test can be repeated accurately
results conssnet can be repeated wiwth same outcome
ways to make sure a test has high validity
tester should be experienced
seuipment should be standardised
warm up
helps prepare body for exercise
should be carried out at start of every training session
what are the 3 stages of a warm up
- perfoming cardiovascualr exercise e.g jogging
2.stretching (all types of stretching)
3.movement patterns
first stage of warm up
perfoming type of cardiovascualr endurance
gently increases HR
increases cardiac output
vasucalr shunt, more blood directed to working muscles
increase amount of oxygen being deliverd to working muscles
second stage of warm up
ballistic-perfoming stretch with swinging or bouncing moevemnts
static-stretching with no moemnt (can be active or passive)
passive-stretch occurs with help of external force e.g partner
active-wokring on one joint pushing it beyond its resistance
psychological ffects of a warm up
reduces chances of injury as increases elastcity of muscle tissue
increase HR
more blood dustricbuted to skeletal msucles
muscle temp increase
cool down
takes place at end of exercise
some form of light exercise to keep HR elevated
keeps blood flow high
allows oxygen to be flushed through muscles oxiding any lactic acid that remains
principles of training
Specificity-making sure trainiing is releavnt for your chosen activity
Progressive-gradually training harder in training porgramme as fitness improves
Reversibility-if you are injured, any adaptations will be lost/deteriorate
Recovery-rest days needed for body to recover from training
FITT principles
frequency-how often you train e.g 3 times a week
intensty-how hard you train
time-how long train for
type-what type of training relevant to chosen activity
dividing training year into specific sections for specific purpose
what is training year broken into
big period
involves Long term performance goal
made up of 3 sections
prep phase-development of fitness levels
comp phase-refines skills as well as maintaining fitness levels
tranistion phase-rest and recvery phase, ensures injury healed for forthcoing season
4 to 12 week period of training with particlaur focus
may be omponsent of ftness e.g power
a week or few days of training sessions throughout whole length cycle of macrocyle
e.g what performer does monday to friday including rest days
reducing volume or intesnty of training prior to competition
planning training so perfromer is at theri peak (best)n both mentally and phsically for a competetion
double periodisation
perfomer may want to eak more than one duing a season
e.g cross country runner wants to peak in winter and summer
training methods
continous training
develops areobic power
low intenstiy exercise for ong periods of time ithout rests/ intervals
e.g jogging
develops stamina
places stress on aerobic systems
improvemnts of cardiovacular and respiratory systems
increse abillity to take up transport and use oxygen efficiently
adv of contionus training
can do it with friends
doesnt involve any equipment
no high risk of injury due to low intensity
dis of contitous training
time consuming
fartlek training
different method of continious training
pace of run stresses both aerobic and anaerobic systems
pace chnages and route varies uphill and downhill
intesnity chnages fro low to high
adv of fartlek training
more varied so much more motivating
can plan routes
dis of fartlek training
have to plan route
injury is high due to woods
interval training
imporve anaerobic power
involves periods of intervals of high intenisty exercise folled by rest periods
circuit training
athlete perfromers series of exercises at stations
ahve to think about number of stations, variety of staties, is it specific to the chosen activity
adv of circuit training
can be motiavting
can do it with other people
dis of circuit training
time consumign to set up
expensive quipment
weigth training
develop muscular strength
involves resitance exercises
using free weights or resiance weigths
uses sets and reps
1 rep max
max amount of weigth person can lift in ine repititon
max strength is goal-high weigths, low reps
muscular endurace is goal-low weight, high reps
newtons first law of motion
law of inertia
inertia-resitance of an object to change its state of motion
if object at rest, it will remain still
if object moving in one direction, stay at same velocity until force is exerted upon it
bigger the mass, larger the inertia of the object
more force is needed to change its state of motion
e.g worul rather stop rugby player with lower mass as that means they also have lower inertia
linear motion
motion in straight or curved line
all body parts moving in same direction,at same speed at same distance
resistance object has to change its state of motion
newtons second law of motion
law of acceleration
the magintude(size) and the direction of the force determines the manitude and direction of the acdeleration
perfomer has to create large force to create acceleration
newtons third law
law of action/reaction
for ervy action (forec) there is an equal and oppositon reaction (force)
when two bodies exert forces on one another
action and reaction are opposite and equal and always occur in pairs
ground reaction force-force exerted on the ground by body in contact with it
the laws applied in sport
acceleration-kicking ball
scalar quantity
way of measuring linear motion
described in terms of size and magnitude,
rate of chnage of position
distance covered divided by time taken
length of path body follows when moving from one position to another
scalar qantitiy as only measures size
centre of mass
the point of balance of a body
changes when we move and hard to identify as body is irregular shape
factors affecting stability
height of centre of mass-lower it is, more stability
position of the line of gravity-should be central over base of support to increase stability
area of support base-more contact points, the larger the base of support becomes, increases stability
e.g head stand has more contact points so more balance then handstand
the larger the area of support base, higher the stability
mass of the performer-often greater mass, greater stability due to increased inertia
line of gravity
line extending vertically downwards from centre of mass
how can you start to overbalance
if COM starts to edge towards base of support
3 componeents
resitance component
weight to be moved by lever system
force applied by user of the lever system
point at which lever rotates
first class lever
fulcrum lies inbetween effort and load
sport example of first class level
extension and flexion of neck
ONLY extension of elbow
second class lever
load/resistance lies between fulcrum and effort
sport example of second class lever
ONLY plantarflexion of ankle
third class level
effort lies in between reistance and fulcrum
sport examples of their class lever
elbow, knee, ankle flexion
what is related to mechanical advantage
depends on force arm and resiatnce arm
force arm is length between fulcrum and effort
resitance arm-length between fulcrum and resiatnce
mechaniscal disadvanatge
resictance arm is LONGER then force arm
means lever system cannot move as heavy but can move faster
mechanical advantage
force arm is LONGER then resistance arm
means lever system can moce large load over short distance
what measures linear motion
scalar quantity
vector quantity
scalar quantity
measures size or maginitude
e.g mass speed
vector aquanity
descirbes maginitde (size) AND DIRECTION
e.g weight, dispalcement
quantity of matter body possesses
force of given mass due to gravity