fluid mechanics Flashcards
fluid mechanics
study of any object that travles through any liquid or gas
examples of dynamic fluid forces
drag and lift
any projectile will experince a drag and lift force
drag force
slows something down
resictnace force caused by motion od body travelling through liquid
has negeaitve ffect on velocity
produced from air restcnae and friction
cyclist will try to minimse drag to increase velocity
what are the two types of drag force
surface drag-friction between surface of an object and the enviroment
form drag-
factros that reduce drag
cross sectional area of the moving body
-largeer secitional area increases drag
cyclist may try to reduce there cross sectional area/make it smaller by crouching low over the handlebars ratherr then sitting upstraight
shape and surface
more streamlined aerodynamic shape reduces drag
wear streamlined clothing e.g helmet
aerodynamic helmet with air ducts designed to reduce drag even more
swimmers shave all body hair and wear
wear swimming cap or sahve hair off
bernoulli principles for lift force and downward llift force
lift force
body moves perpendicualr to the dircetion of the travel
air above is travleing longer diance then air below
fater velocity
creates lower pressure
air that travles below discus has less ditance to cover so travles at slower velocity, creates higher pressure
e.g discus throw
downward lift force
creates friction e.g cycling down a slope
air travelling above traveles at a shorter distance then below
slower veloity
high pressure
air travlling below is travlling longer distance
faster velocity
low pressure