Movements of the upper limb Flashcards
What movements are allowed in the glenohumeral joint/shoulder?
- flexion and extension
- abduction and adduction
- medial and lateral rotation of the humerus
- Combination of these movements = circumduction
What are the movements of the shoulder girdle?
- retraction and protraction
- elevation and depression
What are the movements at the elbow joint/forearm?
- humeroulnar and humeroradial joints allows for flexion and extension.
- humeroradial and proximal radioulnar joint allows for pronation and supination (does not occur exactly at elbow but at nearby radioulnar joints)
What are the movements at the radiocarpal joint/wrist?
- flexion and extension
- abduction and adduction
- successive combination results in circumduction
What are the movements of the fingers?
- flexion and extension
- adduction and abduction
What are the movements of the thumb?
- flexion and extention
- adduction and abduction
- opposition of thumb
What movements are rotator cuff muscles involved in?
- Supraspinatus: abducts and stabilises arm at glenohumeral joint
- Infraspinatus and teres minor: laterally rotates, transversely abducts and stabilises arm at glenohumeral joint
- Subscapularis: medially rotates and stabilises arm at glenohumeral joint
What movements is the deltoid involved in?
- Abduction, flexion and extension, rotation
What movements are the biceps involved in?
- Flexes forearm at elbow joint (main flexor is brachialis)
- Supinates forearm at radioulnar joint
What movements are the triceps involved in?
- Extends forearm at elbow joint
What movements is the coracobrachialis involved in?
- Adducts and flexes arm at the glenohumeral joint
Which muscles are involved in flexion of hand?
- flexor carpi radialis (also abduction), flexor carpi ulnaris (also adduction), pronator teres, palmaris longus
Which muscles are involved in flexion of 4 digits?
- flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus
- Very powerful
Which muscle is invovled in flexion of thumb?
- flexor pollicis longus
What movement is the brachioradialis muscle involved in?
- Main muscle that flexes forearm at elbow joint
Which muscles are involved in extension of wrist?
- Extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor carpi ulnaris
Which muscles are involved in extension of digits?
- Extensor digitorum communis, extensor digiti minimi
Which muscle extends the index finger?
- extensor indicis
Which muscles extends the thumb?
- extensor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis
Which muscle abducts the thumb?
- abductor pollicis longus
What movement is involved with the supinator muscle?
- supination of forearm at radioulnar joint