Movement of Plates Flashcards
When two plates slide past each other.
Transform Faulting
Continental to Continental
Large Mountain Range
The _________ plate is subducted underneath the __________ plate.
Denser; less dense
States that the Earth’s outermost layer is fragmented into a dozen or more large and small plates that are moving relative to one another as they ride atop hotter, more mobile material.
Plate Tectonics Theory
Two continental plates are moved toward each other.
Oceanic to Oceanic
Island Arcs and Oceanic Trenches
Wegener’s theory was based in part on what appeared to him to be the remarkable fit of the South American and African continents, first noted by Abraham Ortelius three centuries earlier.
Continental Drift Theory
Tectonic Plates can be divided into ________ and _________ plate.
Continental and Oceanic
Where plates slide pass each other.
Transform Plate Boundaries
The tectonic movement of the Earth’s plates has rose in the folding and faulting of the crust. This is due to the Earth’s plates ________________, _____________, or ________________against one another
transversing, diverging or converging
Oceanic to Continental
Mountain Range and Volcanoes
Occur when two plates move away from each other. The space created will be filled with new material from molten magma that forms below the surface of the earth.
Divergent Plate Boundaries
Transform Plate Boundaries causes
Rift or Rift Valleys. –> Ocean Basin —> ____________________
Mid-oceanic Ridge
Continental Drift Theory is made by ______________________________ in 1912.
Alfred Lothar Wegener
Occur when one or both of the tectonic plates are composed of oceanic crust.
Subduction zones
Is a massive, irregularly shaped slab of solid rock.
Tectonic Plate
Transform Plate Boundaries happen in ____________ motion
Types of Tectonic Boundaries
- Convergent
- Divergent
- Transform
Occurs when two plates collide.
Convergent Plate Boundaries
Wegener was also intrigued by the occurrences of unusual ___________ _________and __________ _________ fossils found on the matching coastlines of South America and Africa, which are now widely separated by the Atlantic Ocean.
geologic structures: plants and animals
When two plates are move away from each other.
One plate subsides beneath the other plate
Explain the features and movement of Earth’s surface in the present and the past.
Plate Tectonics