How Layers of Rocks (Stratified Rocks) Are Formed Flashcards
They are formed on or near the Earth’s surface from the compression of ocean sediments or other processes.
Sedimentary Rocks
Plural of Stratum
Sedimentary rocks are those rocks formed from sediment- material like __
sand, gravel, mud, and ions in solution
layers of sediment were originally deposited horizontally under the action of gravity. It suggests that all rock layers are originally laid down (deposited) horizontally and can later be deformed. This allows us to infer that something must have happened to the rocks to make them tilted.
Law of Original Horizontality
Are formed from particles of older rocks that have been broken apart by water or wind.
Sedimentary Rocks
The rock layers are formed by _______ and _________ of mountains and the particles are transported and deposited in the sedimentary basin, then the sediment particles are cemented over hundreds of years to form layers. These sediments are deposited horizontally by gravity.
Erosion and Weathering
Mud becomes __________ or __________
Mudstone or Shale
Sand becomes _________
A basic law of geochronology, stating that in any undisturbed sequence of rocks deposited in layers, the youngest layer is on top and the oldest on bottom, each layer being younger than the one beneath it and older than the one above it.
Law of Superposition
The layers range from ________________________________ in thickness and vary greatly in shape.
several millimeters to many meters
The horizontal layers, or beds, present in most sedimentary rocks.
a buried erosional or non-depositional surface that separates two different-age rock masses or strata, indicating that the deposition of sediments was not continuous.
Law of Unconformities
Gravel becomes ______________
With the passage of time and the accumulation of more particles, and often with chemical changes, the ____________ at the bottom of the pile become rock.
The geologic feature which cuts another is the younger of the two features.
Law of Crosscutting Relationship
May range from thin sheets that cover many square kilometers to thick lens like bodies that extend only a few meters lateral.
the layering that occurs in most sedimentary rocks and in those igneous rocks formed at the Earth’s surface, as from lava flows and volcanic fragmental deposits.
General rules, or laws, that we use to determine how rocks were created and how they changed through time
Geological Principles
the layers of rock are continuous until they encounter other solid bodies that block their deposition or until they are acted upon by agents that appear after deposition takes place such as erosion and fault movements.
Law of Lateral Continuity