Movement, Locomotion And Support Flashcards
Give the importance of support in terrestrial plants
- Enables holding leaves to receive maximum sunlight for photosynthesis
- Enables exposing flowers in the most suitable position for pollination
- Allows holding fruits and seeds in the possible favourable position for dispersal
- Maintains plant shape.
Describe the support mechanisms in dicot plants
- Turgidity of cells
Turgor pressure: outward pressure from the inside of a fully turgid cell.
When fully turgid, the close packing of parenchyma cells in cortex and pith of the stem causes them to press against one another to keep herbaceous plants and young woody plants erect. Absence / insufficient water reduces turgor pressure causing loss of support due to wilts. - Mechanical tissues
(a) Collenchyma cells have uneven thickened cellulose cell walls, and are alive.
(i) Collenchyma tissue provide flexible support (a mechanical function) to stems and leaves, enabling withstanding the lateral force of the wind.
(ii) The walls of collenchyma cells can be deformed by pressure or tension and retain the new shape even if the pressure or tension ceases.
Location: in young plants, herbaceous plants and some organs such as leaves
(b) Sclerenchyma fibres and sclereids have lignified cell walls and are dead when mature.
(i) The tough and elastic cell wall of elongated fibres allow the cell to be deformed but can snap back to their original size and shape when the pressure or tension is released.
(ii) Provides great tensile or compressional strength in plants parts, such as in the vascular tissues of stems and roots and the bundle sheath of leaves
(iii) Support the tree while the elasticity allows the trunk and the branches to sway in the wind without breaking. Location: found in small groups in cortex, pith, phloem and shells of coconuts. - Distribution of vascular tissues (xylem vessels and tracheids)
The distribution is related to the resistance of the various forces acting upon them, e.g. in land plants the stem is mainly exposed to bending stresses due to the action of wind while roots experience pulling stress.
(i) Xylem vessels and tracheids are dead, the cell walls are lignified and thickened which provides great mechanical strength to resist bending in the stem, reinforce against pulling in the root and are the most important supporting cells in the veins of leaves.
(ii) Vascular tissue in young dicot stems
Location: at the root periphery (near edge) This increases the resistance to the bending stresses produced by wind or the passing animals.
(iii) Vascular tissue in dicot roots
Location: at the root centre
The solid cylinder increases the tensile strength to resist the uprooting force produced by the pulling effect of wind.
The solid cylinder also provides sufficient incompressibility against the longitudinal compression by the load from overhead and against the lateral pressure exerted by the surrounding soil
(iv) In leaves, vascular tissue is located at the upper side of midrib and lateral veins, and it extends throughout the leaf surface. This enables resisting tearing forces acting on the leaves blade by the wind.
(v) In woody stems, the lignified secondary xylem tissues (known as wood) occupy most part of the woody stem, which makes the stem very hard and rigid to avoid depending on cell turgidity for support
Describe support mechanisms in aquatic plants (hydrophytes)
Support from buoyancy is provided by:
1. Surrounding water, whose density is much higher than that of air, hence providing a larger upthrust force.
2. Presence of numerous large air spaces (intercellular spaces) in stems and leaves, which form air-filled cavities extending through the tissues, inside to give buoyancy.
Why is it that when removed from water, most hydrophytes collapse quickly?
This is because of having poorly developed (some lack) mechanical tissues (i.e. collenchyma and sclerenchyma) and xylem tissue is reduced, since it is unnecessary (no need to transport water within the body and buoyancy is provided by water for support).
Give differences between support in terrestrial plants and that in hydrophytes
Terrestrial Plants
- Require mechanical support because air will not hold up plant structures in the same way that water does.
- The presence of collenchyma cells, sclerenchyma cells and the abundant highly lignified thick-walled xylem vessels in terrestrial plants implies that support depends on these specialized thick-walled cells.
- Small air spaces in stem since air with low density only provides limited support to plants.
Aquatic Plants
- Density of water is much higher than air, hence providing a larger upthrust force
- No collenchyma and sclerenchyma cells are found in aquatic plants, and the poorly developed xylem vessels indicate that aquatic plants do not depend on these cells for mechanical support.
- There are numerous large air spaces in the stem and the leaf of aquatic plants suggest that aquatic plants depend on the buoyancy
Define Locomotion
The act of changing position by the entire body.
Define Movement
The act of displacing body parts while maintaining the whole body in one position.
What is the importance of amoeboid movement to organisms involved?
a) Enables amoeba to move about to
(i) obtain food
(ii) avoid dangers
(iii) escape from energy.
b) Enables white blood cells (Leucocytes) like phagocytes, macrophages of the lymph and Kupffer cells of liver to
(i) engulf antigen or microbes
(ii) immigrate in the circulatory fluid.
What is the importance of ciliary and flagellar movement?
a) Ciliary movement enables paramecium to
(i) avoid danger
(ii) drive water and food into their gullet.
b) In certain molluscs Ciliary movement facilitates gaseous exchange by passing water currents over the gills
c) In echinoderms Ciliary movement enables locomotion by driving water through the water vascular system.
d) Ciliary movement of the cells lining the respiratory tract of humans drives away the microbes and dust particles towards the nose or mouth.
f) Ciliary movement in the oviduct or fallopian tubes of human female moves ova towards the uterus.
g) Ciliary movement in nephridia of annelids e.g. earthworms moves wastes
h) Flagellum of sperms enables their swimming movement.
i) Flagellum enables the movement in certain protozoans like euglena
Describe the importance of muscular movement in organisms involved
Muscular movements enable
(i) animals to find food, mate up, avoid predators and unsuitable environmental conditions
(ii) flow of contents in the gut and arteries
(iii)positioning of eyes and external ears for effective functioning in some animals
What is amoeboid movement?
This is a crawling-like type of movement characterised by protoplasmic protrusion to form temporary feet-like structures called pseudopodia.
What is ciliary movement?
The rhythmic beating of fine hair-like processes projecting from the cell membrane of certain cells (cilia).
Describe ciliary movement
●A ciliary beat cycle consists of an effective (power) stroke phase and a passive recovery stroke phase.
●During the effective stroke phase the fully extended cilium makes an oar-like movement towards one side exerting maximum force on the surrounding fluid. The cilia beat in reverse when the power stroke is directed toward the anterior end of the organism so as to propel it backwards while beating towards the posterior end causes the cell or organism to swim forward.
●In the passive recovery stroke phase which follows the effective stroke, the cilium moves back by propagating a bend from base to tip in an unrolling motion to reduce drag.
●The cycles of adjacent cilia are slightly out of phase so that they do not bend at exactly the same moment, resulting in metachronal rhythm in which waves of ciliary activity pass along the organism from front to rear.
Give the unique properties of muscles which enable their functionality
(a) Excitability
(b) Contractibility
(c) Extensibility
(d) Elasticity Muscular movement is dependent on skeletal systems.
Give examples of organisms in which the Hydrostatic skeleton or Hydroskeleton is found
It’s the most widespread type of skeleton found in:
a) Organisms like annelids (e.g. earthworms), cnidarians (e.g. jellyfish, sea anemones), nematodes (e.g. round worms)
b) Structures like mammalian eyes (the aqueous and vitreous humour), spinal cord (cerebrospinal fluid), extra embryonic membranes (amniotic fluid), hearts (move blood), and intestines (move food).
What is the Hydroskeleton?
This is a high-pressured fluid in a cavity (coelom), surrounded by muscle layers at different orientations.
What is the main principle on which the hydroskeleton operates?
The low compressibility of liquid water (often assumed incompressible).
Muscle contractions exert pressure on the coelomic fluid causing stiffening of the outer structures to form a strong rigid skeletal unit that provides a base against which movements can occur.
What is the effect of too much water loss and too much water gain in hydrostatic skeleton?
Too much loss of fluid causes limpness of tissues and pressure loss, and too much gain causes over swelling, both of which fail muscle stretching and hence movement fails.
This explains why snails and earthworms are restricted in their activity to moist conditions.
Give examples of organisms with the Exoskeleton
●Chitinous exoskeleton is in: arthropods like insects, arachnids (e.g. spiders) crustaceans (e.g. crabs, lobsters), some fungi and bacteria
●Calcified exoskeleton is in: shelled mollusks (e.g. snails, clams), some polychaetes like lugworms.
●Silicated exoskeleton is in diatoms. ●Bone, cartilage, or dentine make up the exoskeletons of turtles and primitive fish
What is an Exoskeleton?
This is a non living external body structure that supports and protects an organism.
What secretes the exoskeleton?
Give examples of organisms with the Endoskeleton
Found in:
a) Chordates: birds, mammals, reptiles etc.
b) Echinoderms: starfish, brittle stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers
c) Poriferans: sponges
d) Molluscs (class Cephalopoda) e.g. cuttlefish
Note: Some animals, such as the tortoise, have both an endoskeleton and an exoskeleton.
What is the Endoskeleton?
This is a living internal support structure of an animal, usually composed of mineralized tissue which develops within the skin or in the deeper body tissues.
Give the advantage of the Hydroskeleton
●Hydroskeleton is elastic and can bend accordingly when a muscle contracts enabling fitting in narrow burrows.
Give the disadvantage of the hydroskeleton
● Coelenterates that use a hydroskeleton regularly face a loss of pressure because their skeleton is also their gut.
● Due to lack of a strong supportive system, majority of the invertebrates are small
●The slow motion due to lack of effective ways to support a large body compromises the animals’ escape response from predators.
●The organisms are limited to moist habitats because of the need to minimise water loss by evaporation
What are the advantages of the Exoskeleton?
● Exoskeletons contain rigid and resistant components that offer protection against predators, bacterial attack and desiccation while on land.
●Exoskeletons contain rigid components that offer support enabling maintaining body shape.
●Exoskeleton of arthropods contains rigid framework of ingrowths known as apodemes which serve as attachment sites for muscles.
● In arthropods the exoskeleton is modified into appendages which offer more rapid locomotion than the hydroskeleton
● The arthropod exoskeleton contains various folds, flaps and parts modified for feeding and structures for respiration.
● Exoskeletons are often highly coloured for camouflage from predators, recognition by mates, and warning to scare off predators.
●The arthropod exoskeleton is jointed enabling flexibility in locomotion.
Give disadvantages of the exoskeletons
● Since exoskeletons are rigid and do not grow with the body, in arthropods they disrupt smooth and steady growth and so must be periodically shed to allow growth, which makes the animal temporarily vulnerable for predation and water loss by evaporation until hardening.
NB: Snails and many other mollusks solve that problem by continually enlarging their shells as they grow.
● An exoskeleton cannot support large sized animals because of their large volume and body mass in proportion to the cube of their linear dimensions, necessitating an impossibly heavy and thick exoskeleton.
●It requires modifications in movement. Many individual muscles are attached to the outer shell in order to create movement. In the appendages, these muscles are set up within multiple hinge joints, as these allow a wide range of motions.
Give the advantage of the endoskeleton
●Vertebrates have a versatile support system and as a result, they develop faster and bigger bodies than invertebrates.
● It’s jointed for flexibility to allow diverse range of locomotory patterns: swimming, digging, running, climbing, and flying, feeding (jaws).
●Endoskeleton does not limit space available for internal organs and can support greater weight.
●Bone are hard for protecting delicate parts like the brain, lungs, heart, spinal cord, etc.
●Bone tissue is mineralized and hence acts as mineral reserve for the body’s’ physiological processes.
●Mammalian bones manufacture the defensive leucocytes
Give disadvantages of endoskeleton
●Endoskeletons are enclosed in other tissues do not offer much protection from predators in some animals.
● Endoskeletons do not contribute to minimizing water loss from the body by evaporation
Describe locomotion in earthworms
●Crawling is initiated when circular muscles at the anterior end contract while longitudinal muscles relax segment by segment backwards as a wave along the body, there by exerting pressure on the coelomic fluid, which is forced to move at right angles to the squeezing circular muscles, while at the same time the chaetae retract inwards in this region of contracted circular muscles. The net result is forward extension of the anterior end.
●The movement of the fluid stretches the set of longitudinal muscles, which then contract to stretch the circular muscles back to the relaxed position, causing segments to elongate and thin.
●Forward extension of the anterior end is coupled with contraction of longitudinal muscles and relaxation of circular muscles in the more posterior segments causing body swelling and protrusion of chaetae this region.
●As the successive peristaltic waves approach towards the rear end of the body, longitudinal muscles in the anterior region contract, circular muscles relax, the chaetae protrude to anchor at the ground and pull the rear end forward.
●Control of muscle contraction is brought about by a complex network of inter and intrasegmental neurones
State the antagonist muscles present in insects
(a) Levator vs. depressor muscles for wings
(b) Flexor vs extensor muscles in legs
Describe walking in insects
●Walking is achieved by the coordinated activity of 6 legs all attached on the thorax.
● Bending and straightening of limbs is brought about by the reciprocal innervation of flexor and extensor muscles attached to the inner surface of the exoskeleton on either side of a joint.
Reciprocal innervation: Same time excitation of one muscle with the inhibition of its antagonist.
●A limb bends (folds) by contraction of flexor muscle and relaxation of extensor muscle simultaneously (at the same time).
●A limb straightens (extends) by contraction of extensor muscle and relaxation of flexor muscle simultaneously.
●When the insect starts to walk, the 2nd leg on one side and the 1st and 3rd legs on the other side support the body off the ground while the other 3 move forward.
●The 1st leg on the side where the 2nd leg is stationary pulls the insect, while the 3rd leg of the same side and the 2nd leg on the other side push.
●The process is then repeated but with the role of each trio of limbs reversed.
What are Direct muscles?
These are flight muscles that directly attach to wings eg in dragonflies
What are Indirect muscles?
These are muscles that attach to interior of thorax eg houseflies, honey bees
Give differences between direct and indirect muscles in insects
1. Directly attach to wing bases e.g. dragon flies, mayflies
2. Are Synchronous muscles i.e.
- One nerve impulse = one muscle contraction = one wing beat – One contraction and relaxation per 1 neural impulse.
3. Frequency of wing beat corresponds to the rate at which the nervous system can send impulses
4. Wing beat is slower (about 5-50 times/second)
1. Attach to interior of thorax (NOT directly to wings) e.g. houseflies, honey bees, midges, etc
2. Are Asynchronous muscles i.e.
– More than 1 contraction and relaxation per 1 neural impulse.
3. Single nerve impulse required to initiate muscle contraction, single impulse to stop.
- The muscles exhibit stretch reflex i.e. automatic contraction in response to being stretched.
4. Energy is conserved because the elasticity of the thorax restores its shape
5. Frequency of wing beat exceeds the rate at which the nervous system can send impulses (about 120-200 beats in house flies to 1000 beats /second in midges).
Describe upstroke using direct flight muscles
● During the upstroke, the elevator muscles contract, the depressor muscles relax at the same time, the wings are elevated.
Describe downstroke using direct flight muscles
● During the downstroke, the depressor muscles contract, the elevator muscles relax at the same time, the wings are depressed down.
Describe downstroke using indirect flight muscles
●During the downstroke, the longitudinal muscles (depressor muscles) contract, the tergo-sternal muscles (dorso-ventral muscles) relax at the same time, the thorax is compressed, its dorsal surface (notum) arches (bulges / bows upward), the wings flip downward (depress).
Describe upstroke using indirect flight muscles
● During the upstroke, the tergo-sternal muscles (elevator muscles) contract, the longitudinal muscles (depressor muscles) relax at the same time, the notum is pulled downward (flattens), causing the wings to flip upward (elevate).
What is a Slow-twitch fibre?
e.g. calf muscle
These contract more slowly, less powerfully, over a longer period hence suited to endurance work e.g. marathon running.
What are the Adaptations of slow twitch muscles?
(i) Large reservoir of myoglobin for storage of oxygen which facilitate aerobic respiration to avoid accumulation of lactic acid which would make them less effective.
(ii) Much glycogen to provide a source of metabolic energy.
(iii) A rich supply of blood vessels to deliver oxygen and glucose needed in aerobic respiration to provide ATP.
(iv) Numerous mitochondria to produce ATP that maintains muscle contraction.
What are fast twitch muscles?
eg biceps
These are muscles which contract more rapidly, more powerfully, only for a short period hence suited to intense exercise e.g. weight lifting.
Give adaptations of fast twitch muscles?
(i) Thicker and more numerous myosin filaments.
(ii) High concentration of enzymes involved in anaerobic respiration.
(iii) Store of phosphocreatine, a molecule that can rapidly generate ATP from ADP in anaerobic conditions and so provide energy for muscle contraction.
How does skeletal muscle structure relates to functioning?
●Each muscle cell is long to allow considerable contractile effect.
●The fibres are parallel to each other so that contractile effect is transmitted along same axis.
●Muscle fibres taper at both ends for interweaving to improve muscle strength.
●Muscle fibres have very many mitochondria to provide much ATP needed in muscle contraction.
●Cross bridges enable actin and myosin to fit into each other to allow sliding during muscle contraction.
●There is a rich supply of blood vessels to supply nutrients to and drain wastes away from cells.
●There is much myoglobin for storage of oxygen needed very much in aerobic respiration during exercising.
●There are motor end plates to allow innervation that result in contraction.
●There is a dense network of internal membrane system (including transverse tubules) for calcium ion storage which is very much needed in muscle contraction.
●Reciprocal innervation ensures antagonistic muscular contraction to bring about realistic movement
What is a neuromuscular junction or motor end plate?
A single synapse or junction made between one motor neuron and one muscle fiber.
Describe contraction of a muscle with the arrival of an impulse at the neuromuscular junction
- Arrival of an action potential at the synaptic terminal of motor neuron causes the influx of Ca2+ ions from the extracellular fluid into the presynaptic neuron’s cytosol followed by exocytosis of synaptic vesicles containing acetylcholine.
- Acetylcholine diffuses across the synaptic cleft of neuromuscular junction to depolarize the sarcolemma and trigger an action potential that spreads through the transverse tubules, causing the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release Ca2+ into the sarcoplasm.
- Ca2+ bind to troponin of actin to cause cooperative conformational changes in troponin-tropomyosin system, releasing the inhibition of actin and myosin interaction.
- Myosin hydrolyses ATP and undergoes a conformational change into a high-energy state.
- The myosin head binds to actin forming a cross-bridge between the thick and thin filaments.
- This is accompanied by energy release, ADP and inorganic phosphate dissociation from myosin.
- The resulting relaxation entails rotation of myosin head, which flexes the cross bridge to move actin a small distance pulling the Z-discs towards each other, thus shortening the sarcomere and the I-band.
- The collective flexing of many cross bridges by myosin to move actin in the same direction results in muscle contraction.
Describe relaxation of a muscle
● Ca2+ are pumped back into sarcoplasmic reticulum.
●Again ATP binds to myosin head, detaching it from actin as the myosin head “recharges” or “cocks”.
●Troponin-tropomyosin regulated inhibition of actin and myosin interaction is restored
● Finally, active tension disappears and the rest length is restored. This completes the contraction-relaxation cycle.
What is the result of high concentration of Ca2+ in the sarcoplasm coupled with lack of ATP
Rigor mortis
What are the observations of a fully contracted muscle?
● Each sarcomere shortens / Z lines come closer
●I Band shortens
●H zone shortens greatly (usually disappears).
●A Band remains unchanged in length during contraction or relaxation but may become thicker due to more overlapping of filaments
●Cross bridges are visible between actin and myosin in photomicrographs.
What changes occur during passive stretching?
●Sarcomere lengthens
● I Band elongates.
Define rigor mortis
●The progressive stiffening of the body that occurs several hours after death as a result of failure of contracted muscles to relax.
What causes rigor mortis?
●Upon death, there’s increased permeability of sarcoplasmic membrane to Ca2+, allowing Ca2+ influx into the sarcoplasm hence promoting the cross-bridge formation between actin and myosin (muscle contraction).
●However efflux of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasm into the sarcoplasmic reticulum fails because of lack of ATP since respiration would have ceased. This causes the muscle to remain contracted, relaxing only when decomposition starts.
NB: Interestingly, meat is generally considered to be tenderer if it is consumed after expiry of rigor mortis.
What is excitation-contraction coupling?
●The sequence of events by which an action potential in the plasma membrane of the muscle fibre leads to force production via an increase in intracellular calcium and cross bridge formation and turn-over
How is ATP produced during muscle contraction?
- Phosphorylation of ADP by creatine phosphate provides a very rapid means of forming ATP at the onset of contractile activity. Phosphocreatine + ADP ATP + creatine
In a resting muscle fiber, the concentration of ATP is always greater than ADP leading to the reformation of creatine phosphate. - Oxidative phosphorylation of ADP in mitochondria during aerobic respiration (need myoglobin for oxygen transfer)
- Substrate phosphorylation of ADP in glycolysis during anaerobic respiration to form lactic acid in the process. The accumulation of lactic acid is associated with muscle fatigue, which is broken down later in the liver using oxygen to constitute what is called oxygen debt.
The amount of extra oxygen required by muscle tissue to oxidize lactic acid and replenish depleted ATP and phosphocreatine following vigorous exercise.
What is muscle twitch?
This is the rapid muscle contraction in response to a single stimulation
What is latent period in movement and support?
A very brief interval between stimulus application and onset of muscle fibre contraction.
During latent period, excitation of muscle fibre followed by contraction occur
What is the all or nothing law of muscle contraction?
The response of one muscle fiber is independent of the intensity of the stimulus, provided the stimulus is of threshold strength.
The entire skeletal muscle does not obey the all-or-none law because the total amount of contraction depends on the number of muscle fibres that are contracted at a time.
NB: the all-or-none law holds only for the unit of tissue; i.e. the nerve cell (for nervous tissue), one muscle fiber (for skeletal muscle) and the entire auricles or the entire ventricles (for the heart).
What is the threshold?
The electrical potential (less negative than the resting potential) at which an action potential is triggered.
Define unfused tetany or multiple summation
The condition whereby multiple stimulation of a muscle or nerve before full relaxation results in a series of twitches added together to produce a more sustained contraction.
What is tetany?
●Smooth, sustained maximal contraction of a muscle in response to rapid firing by its motor neuron.
NB: The ability of a muscle to undergo tetany depends upon its refractory period.
Define refractory period
●A short period of inexcitability in a nerve or muscle cell following stimulation.
●The amount of time it takes for an excitable membrane to be ready for a second stimulus once it returns to its resting state following excitation.
What is muscle fatigue?
●A condition of the muscle in which its capacity to produce maximum voluntary action, or to perform a series of repetitive actions, is reduced.
Muscle fatigue results when there is tissue oxygen deprivation, glycogen or Phosphocreatine depletion, and increased level of blood and muscle lactic acid in an exercised muscle.
What is rolling in fish?
The rotation of the body about its longitudinal axis.
What fins counteract rolling in fish?
Vertical and horizontal fins;
Dorsal, ventral (vertical) and pectoral (horizontal) fins acting like stabilizers on a ship.
What is Pitching?
The tendency of the fish’s anterior end to plunge vertically downwards (transverse axis rotation).
What fins counteract pitching?
(i) pectoral fins and to a lesser extent pelvic fins
(ii) dorsal-ventral flattening of the body in the dogfish.
What is Yawing?
The lateral side to side deflection of the anterior part of body resulting from the propulsive action of the tail (vertical axis rotation).
What counteracts yawing?
(i) general massiveness of anterior part of body
(ii) water’s pressure against the body side
(iii) water’s pressure against the vertical fins (dorsal, anal, ventral fins)
(iv) lateral flattening (compression) of the body
Give adaptations of the fish to locomotion
●Fish’s body is fusiform-shaped (spindle shaped) and laterally compressed to reduce water resistance during swimming
●The slippery layer of mucus on the skin reduces water resistance during swimming
●The presence of many rayed-fins enables the fish to swim and also maintain its balance / stability in water
●The lateral line enables sensitivity of fish and also functions as an echo location process for the fish to identify its surroundings while in water
●Scales are arranged in a head to tail direction to reduce water resistance during swimming
●The swim bladder in bony fish maintains buoyancy
●Extensive blood vascular system supplies oxygen and nutrients to the muscle tissues for contraction and drain away wastes
●Body is highly muscular to generate great propulsive force against water resistance
●The neuromuscular activity is highly coordinated resulting in reciprocal innervation.
What features adapt birds to locomotion?
●Birds’ bodies are streamlined (spindle shaped) during flight for overcoming air-resistance during flight.
●The endoskeleton is hollow (pneumatized) to reduce weight, and many unnecessary bones are fused into a single structure e.g. some vertebrae, pelvic girdle, finger and leg bones.
●Many unnecessary parts like urinary bladder and pinna are totally eliminated while reproductive organs (testes, ovaries and oviducts) are kept tiny during non-breeding seasons to reduce weight.
●The sternum bone is extended into a large keel, for the attachment of large powerful flight muscles.
●The vanes of the feathers have hooklets called barbules that zip them together, giving the feathers the strength needed to hold the airfoil.
●The major wing bones have internal strut-like reinforcements to prevent buckling during stress.
●The respiratory system is extensive and very efficient in supplying muscles with oxygen to facilitate much energy release needed in muscle contraction during respiration
●Their efficient circulatory system powered by a four-chambered heart enables fast supply of oxygen and food to the body tissues and carry away wastes.
●The large brains that are connected to eyes coupled with high-speed nerve transmission enable quick decision making especially when landing.
●The large size of eyes in relation to their body size, coupled with eye keenness enable high visual acuity without crashing into objects.
●The flight muscles of most birds contain oxygen-carrying compounds, (myoglobin and cytochrome) for storing much oxygen which facilitates the release of much energy needed in muscle contraction.
●The forelimbs have become modified into wings which act as aerofoil, generating lift when passed into air.
●They have high body temperature which maintains the high metabolic rate for generating much energy.
What is Aerofoil / Airfoil?
A structure whose shape and orientation provides lift, propulsion, stability, or directional control in a flying object.
What are the principles of aerofoil?
The four basic forces at work when a bird is in flight are: Lift, Thrust, Gravity (weight) and Drag of which only gravity is constant (unchanging), the remaining three forces can be altered.
NB: Weight is a body force, not an aerodynamic force.
In a bird flying level at a constant speed, all four of these forces are in balance or equilibrium.
Weight: a continuous downward force (force of gravity) that flying objects must constantly overcome to stay in the air (aloft). The opposing force of gravity is lift.
Thrust: the force generated by flapping the wings which moves the bird forward and opposes drag. To move forward the flying bird must overcome drag. Drag can be reduced by streamlined shapes.
Drag (air resistance): is the friction between the moving object and the air, opposing thrust. The more streamlined or aerodynamic an object is, the less air resistance the object generates.
State Daniel Bernoulli’s theorem
It states that an increase in the speed of a fluid produces a decrease in pressure and a decrease in the speed produces an increase in pressure.
As the bird flies, the air splitting at the front of the wing must rejoin at the back of the wing so as not to create a vacuum. The curved top surface being longer forces the air to move faster across the top than the bottom.
- Faster moving fluids create less pressure, so the bottom of the wing creates greater pressure than the pressure exerted downward above the wing, resulting in a net upward force, or lift.
The faster air moves across the wing the more lift the wing will produce, so moving it through the air by flapping increases this airflow and thus increases lift. The bird doesn’t propel air underneath its wing; instead it cuts into the air with the leading edge to obtain the flow over the surface that it requires.
What is angle of attack (AoA)?
This is the angle at which the leading edge of wing cuts into the forward airflow.
NB: It is erroneously thought that AoA is the angle of the aerofoil relative to the ground, yet it’s the angle of the wing relative to airflow
●Increasing the angle of attack increases the volume of air diverted over the wing and leads to an increase in lift, but this is at the expense of drag which quickly increases.
●In a bird excessive AoA results in air turbulence / interruption of airflow (eddy) above the wing which causes a flight stall e.g., when taking off or landing.
Describe downstroke in birds
- Downstroke is marked by contraction of pectoralis major muscle and relaxation of pectoralis minor muscle (supracoracoideus) at the same time; abduction (elevation / raising) of humerus to a nearly vertical position and also retraction (pulling back) of wings to a horizontal position backwards;
- full extension of the elbow and wrist joints;
- pronation (dropping of leading edge relative to the trailing edge) and slight protraction (stretching out) slightly of humerus.
- This is followed by the downwards and forwards movement of wings until they lie parallel to and in front of the body.
- This is accomplished in part by protraction (stretching out) of the humerus.
Describe Upstroke in birds
- Flexed wrist reduces air resistance.
- The up-stroke of the wing is much more rapid than the down-stroke.
●During upstroke the pectoralis minor muscles (supracoracoideus) contract - the pectoralis major muscles relax at same time;
- the wings are first adducted(elevated/raised);
- bent at the wrist;
- the arm is rotated slightly so that the leading edge is higher than the trailing edge;
- thus reducing the air resistance and the rush of air lifts the wing.
NB: The secondary feathers provide much of the lifting force and the primaries most of the forward thrust.
Why does the slower moving air generate more pressure on the wing than the faster moving air?
In calm air, the molecules are moving randomly in all directions.
However, when air begins to move, most (but not all) molecules are moving in the same direction.
The faster the air moves, the greater the number of air molecules moving in the same direction.
So, air moving a bit slower will have more molecules moving in other directions.
In the case of a wing, because air under the wing is moving a bit slower than air over the wing, more air molecules will be striking the bottom of the wing than will be striking the top of the wing.