*MOVED*Advanced Arthritis Flashcards
Which one of the following statements is false regarding neuropathic osteoarthropathy? A. Primarily caused by alteration in sympathetic control of bone blood flow B. Most (90%) of patients suffering from neuropathic osteoarthropathy have pain as the initial complaint. C. There is a rapid destruction of the involved joint(s) D. May appear radiographically similar to septic arthritis
B. Most (90%) of patients suffering from neuropathic osteoarthropathy have pain as the initial complaint.
Which of the following best characterizes the erosions occurring in Reiter’s syndrome? A. Initially appearing at the center of the joint and later associated with osteophytes B. Initially appearing at the joint margin later progressing to the center of the joint C. Initially appearing at the subchrondral bone progressing to ankylosis D. Both A and C are correct
B. Initially appearing at the joint margin later progressing to the center of the joint
The primary etiologic agent that “licks the joints but bites the heart” that precipitates Jaccoud’s arthropathy is what? A. Mycoplasm B. Staph. Aureus C. Pseudomonas D. Beta-hemolytic strep.
D. Beta-hemolytic strep.
The most common location for a degenerative spondylolisthesis in the lumbar spine is which of the following levels? A. L2/L3 B. L3/L4 C. L4/L5 D. L5/S1
C. L4/L5
Calcification of the medial collateral ligament of the knee associated with trauma is called what? A. Haglund’s syndrome B. Pellegrini-Stieda disease C. Wee-knee disease D. Crystal lite
B. Pellegrini-Stieda disease
When present, what radiographic finding helps differentiate neuropathic osteoarthropathy caused by leprosy from other causes? A. Leprosy always presents in a hypertrophic presentation B. Lisfranc fractures are frequent in leprosy neuropathic osteoarthropathy C. Leprosy causes a large soft tissue mass D. Calcified nerves may be seen in leprosy
D. Calcified nerves may be seen in leprosy
Which one of the following is NOT a type of bony erosion seen in the hand in Rheumatoid Arthritis? A. Marginal erosion B. Compressive erosion C. Surface resorption D. Subperiosteal erosion
D. Subperiosteal erosion
Which one of the following arthritides does NOT have soft tissue calcification associated with it? A. Septic (Pyogenic) arthritis B. Scleroderma C. SLE D. Dermatomyositis E. Gout
A. Septic (Pyogenic) arthritis
Which one of the following radiographic findings characterizes Ochronotic arthropathy of the spine? A. Large spondylophytes B. Bamboo spine C. Calcification and ossification of the intervertebral discs D. Negative HLA-B27 serologic test
C. Calcification and ossification of the intervertebral discs
Which one of the following does NOT cause enlargement of the intercondylar notch of the distal femur? A. JCA B. Hemophilia C. CPPD D. Psoriatic E. Tuberculous arthritis
Which one of the following skin disorders simulates psoriasis clinically and / or radiographically? A. Acne fulminans B. Pyoderma gangrenosum C. Sweet’s syndrome D. All the above may simulate psoriasis
D. All the above may simulate psoriasis
What clinical abnormality seen in patients with psoriasis has the strongest correlation with articular manifestations? A. Cutaneous lesions B. Pustular skin lesions C. Nail changes D. Eye changes
C. Nail changes
Which one of the following is NOT a theory of why hydroxyapatite crystals deposit within the supraspinatus tendon? A. Degeneration of the tendon fibers B. Necrosis of the tendon fibers C. Hypervascularity D. Trauma
C. Hypervascularity
What joints are commonly involved in scleroderma? A. Knee and hip B. Hip and elbow C. Cervical spine and shoulders D. Fingers and wrists
D. Fingers and wrists
The best description of bone sarcoidosis involving the distal phalanges is what? A. Lace-like or reticulated bone destruction B. Moth eaten appearance C. Peristeal deformans D. Running greyhound appearance
A. Lace-like or reticulated bone destruction
A significant association exists between osteoarthritis of the glenohumeral joint and what? A. Genetics B. Obesity C. Anteverted glenoid fossa D. Rotator cuff degeneration
D. Rotator cuff degeneration
Which one of the following diseases is not associated with superior displacement of the disc (Schmorl?s nodes)? A. IOC B. Scheuermann’s C. Spondylosis deformans D. Osteoporosis
C. Spondylosis deformans
What are the articular deformities seen in SLE related to? A. Capsular and ligament laxity B. Pannus formation C. Hapten complexes D. Cartilage degeneration
A. Capsular and ligament laxity
Widening of the intercondylar notch of the femur seen in hemophilia is related to what? A. Osteonecrosis B. Ligament laxity C. Intraosseous hemorrhage D. Hemorrhage about the cruciate ligaments
D. Hemorrhage about the cruciate ligaments
Which one of the following is not associated with scleroderma? A. Overlap syndrome B. Acro-osteolysis C. Erosive joint changes D. Osteonecrosis
D. Osteonecrosis
Which of the following is the least encountered type of osteophyte seen in DJD? A. Marginal B. Central C. Periosteal D. Capsular
B. Central
Neuropathic osteoarthropathy of the foot is most frequently associated with which systemic disorder? A. Hemophilia B. Diabetes C. Riley-Day syndrome D. Spinal cord trauma
B. Diabetes
What is the frequency of radiographically detectable peripheral manifestations in AS if all peripheral joints are considered? A. 75% B. 50% C. 25% D. 5%
B. 50%
Increased density, joint distention, bony debris, joint disorganization, and dislocation describe the classic radiographic manifestations of what type of neuropathic osteoarthropathy? A. Hypertrophic B. Atrophic C. Mixed D. Swirled
A. Hypertrophic
Pauciarticular or mono articular juvenile chronic arthritis most frequently involves which of the following joints? A. Cervical spine B. Lumbar spine C. Shoulder D. Knee
D. Knee
The patella “tooth” sign does not represent which of the following? A. Osteoarthritis B. D.I.S.H. C. Peritendinitis D. Both A and C
D. Both A and C
The hallmark of chronic gout is what? A. Hyperuricemia B. Tophi C. Longer recovery time between acute attacks D. Painful swelling of a joint
B. Tophi
“Hoarseness” in patients suffering from RA may be a result of what? A. Involvement of the TMJ B. Invovement of the cricoarytenoid joint C. Rheumatoid nodules occurring on the vocal cords D. Pannus formation within the peri-epiglotic region
B. Invovement of the cricoarytenoid joint
Taken individually, which one of the following is NOT a way to differentiate erosive osteoarthritis from rheumatoid arthritis on radiographs? A. Erosions B. Location of involved joints (pattern of involvement) C. Bony poliferative changes D. Intra-articular bony ankylosis
D. Intra-articular bony ankylosis
Which one of the following is not a characteristic manifestation of SLE? A. Skin manifestations B. Reversible deformities C. Hook erosions D. Positive HLA-B27 laboratory test
D. Positive HLA-B27 laboratory test
Which one(s) of the following represent differential diagnoses of degeneration occurring at the knee with prominent subchrondral cysts? A. Pyrophosphate arthropathy B. PVNS C. Gout D. Both A and B
D. Both A and B
Swan Neck deformities represent what? A. Hyperextension at the proximal interphalangeal joints and flexion at the distal interphalangeal joints B. Flexion at the distal interphalangeal joints and hyperextension at distal interphalangeal joints. C. Ulnar devulation of the metacarpals with radial deviation of the phalanges. D. Dislocation of the first metacarpal phalangeal joint with axial rotation of the digit.
A. Hyperextension at the proximal interphalangeal joints and flexion at the distal interphalangeal joints
Which one of the following is NOT a “lumpy bumpy” arthritis? (arthritis with soft tissue nodules) A. Gout B. Multicentric reticulohistocytosis C. Xanthamatosis D. Behcet’s
D. Behcet’s
What is the pathogenesis of uncovertebral joint arthrosis? A. Disc degeneration B. Facet degeneration leading to abnormal cervical motion C. Congenital hyperplasia of the uncinates D. Is always post-traumatic
A. Disc degeneration
The most common location for amorphous soft tissue calcification in patients with scleroderma is where? A. Dominate hand B. Dominate foot C. Mandible D. Paretic limbs
A. Dominate hand
Which one of the following does NOT have a plantar calcaneal spur associated with it? A. D.I.S.H. B. Reiter’s syndrome C. Psoriatic D. Hemophilia E. Ankylosing spondylitis
D. Hemophilia
What percentage of patients suffering from Henoch-Schonlein purpura develops articular manifestations consisting of pain, tenderness, and swelling? A. 90% B. 60% C. 30% D. 5%
B. 60%
Which of the following degenerative diseases is related to nutrition? A. Bull man’s hands B. Drillers disease C. Kashin-becks’ disease D. Kasaback-merrit syndrome
C. Kashin-becks’ disease
The main differential diagnosis for the articular manifestations of SLE is which one of the following? A. Psoriatic arthritis B. Rheumatoid arthritis C. Jaccoud’s arthritis D. Hemochromatosis
C. Jaccoud’s arthritis
Which one of the following is not a feature of Reiter’s syndrome? A. Urethritis B. Arthritis C. Conjunctivitis D. Epidermolysis bullosa
D. Epidermolysis bullosa
Which one of the following best helps to differentiate psoriatic arthritis from Reiter’s syndrome? A. Both upper and lower extremity joints are affected in psoriatic arthritis. B. Psoriatic arthritis has para vertebral soft tissue calcification C. Erosion and proliferation of the posterior or inferior surface of the calcareous only occurs in Reiter’s syndrome D. Psoriatic arthritis is seronegitive
A. Both upper and lower extremity joints are affected in psoriatic arthritis.
What crystal deposition disorder features bronze pigmentation of the skin, cirrhosis, and diabetes? A. HADD B. CPPD C. Wilson’s D. Hemochromatosis
D. Hemochromatosis
Degenerative enthesopathy is most commonly seen at which one of the following locations? A. Pelvis B. Hand C. Shoulder D. Medial compartment of the knee
A. Pelvis
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis have increased intra-articular pressure. Which one of the following is not a mechanism of synovial joint “decompression”?) A. Marginal erosions B. Subchondral cyst formation C. Synovial cyst formation D. Sinus tract formation
A. Marginal erosions
What type of Juvenile chronic arthritis frequently involves the cervical spine? A. Polyarticular B. Pauciarticular C. Monoarticular D. All the above
A. Polyarticular
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is most commonly found in what population? A. White females of childbearing age B. Middle aged white males C. Black females of child bearing age D. Middle aged black male
C. Black females of child bearing age