MOU Flashcards
How many area reps per office?
1 Rep and 1 alternate.
How much time is a rep allowed to assist employee at each level of grievance or complaint? What about skelly response? Arbitration?
4 Hours for each
8 hours for Arbitration
time may be extended with approval of commander of oer.
Can a CAHP rep inpsect an employee’s personnel file?
Yes, with there consent during business hours.
When can CAHP reps hand out literature?
Before or after work, or during meals where work isn’t being performed.
What is IDR (informal dispute resolution)?
Where a CAHP rep acts on half of an employee using (meet and confer” to informally resolve adverse written comments (10 form, mod, form 2, incident reports, etc) If employee initiates process, they shall not file a grievance, or complain for same matter.
IDR times frames
Informal discussion first w/ 21 days of event, sup has 7 days to respond
Level 1
21 days w/ in issuance of form to advise and meet and confer
21 days for decision by commander shall render after meet and confer
Level 2
21 days after commanders decision you must appeal
21 days for decision by division commander shall render after meet and confer
Level 3
21 days after division commanders decision you may request formal meet and confer
21 days after meet and confer, the office of the commissioner will render a decision.
IDR can be withdrawn at anytime, and level 3 is the highest
is a dispute involving the interpretation, application, or enforcement of the express terms of the MOU.
Is a dispute involving the application or interpretation of written policy or rule.
Are the time frames the same for grievance and complaint?
what are they?
YEs, it shall start as a discussion w/ supervisor w/ in 21 days of event. Supervisor shall give decision w/ 7 days of discussion.
level 1 within 21 days after after initial incident or 7 days after supervisor gave decision a it shall be filed
department must respond w/ in 14 days
Level 2 within 14 days of decision it shall be filed
department must respond w/ 21 days
Level 3 within 14 days of decision it shall be filed
department must respond w/ 21 days (end of line for complaint because goes to commissioner for final decision)
(Grievance only)
Level 4 within 14 days of decision, it can be appealed to DPA and they have 45 days to respond.
Additional info on grievance and complaints-?
employee can withdraw at any time, if employee fails to meet times lines its null and void, if department fails, it automatically goes to next level. shall not be put in employee’s personnel file and shall be kept confidential.
What is minor discipline?
suspension without pay of 5 days or less, or 5% pay reduction for five months or less (excluding formal reprimands)
How long before minor discipline shall the employee be notified?
in person or by mail 5 working days before.
How soon must an employee appeal a minor discipline?
must be in writing within 10 calendar days of the service to them.
Bilingual pay?
$100 per month
Canine care and maintenance $
156.65 per month it is not a subject to removal for cause either because it is for maintenance
Educational incentive pay?
2.5 % (no less than $120 or 5 % ( no less than $240)
field training pay?
5% per day they train new employees, retraining old, or cmto
vehicle theft or fraud pay
$50 per month- must meet or exceed in all critical tasks