10.3 Personell Transactions Manual Flashcards
An applicant who discloses illegal drug use or illegal use of prescribed drugs within how long shall be disqualified?
2 years
For sensitive Classifications hard drugs such as _______, _________, or ___________ within a ________ year period should be viewed as a significant concern.
Herion, cocaine, and meth.
5 years
Name sensitive positions (11)
Would a positive drug test disqualify an applicant for one of these positions?
Auto Tech I &II Commercial vehicle inspection specialist Gunsmith Motor Carrier Specialist I M/C Mechanic Public safety dispatch Public Safety Operator School Pupil Transportation safety Coordinator Telecommunications facilities tech I & II
YEs DQ for positive test
EEO protected parties (17)
Age (40 and above) Ancestry Color Denial of family and medical care leave disability gender gender identity genetic info marital status medical condition national origin political affiliation race religion sex (childbirth, breastfeeding, sexual harassment) Sexual orientation military and veteran status
How long are applications records kept for?
2 years from receipt
Max travel distances in state vehicles for commander and non
shall not exceed 70 for commander and 50 for non commander
How much written notice must be given for a mandatory transfer?
60 advanced notice (not required if not reasonable required for them to move)
Who can administer Oath of Allegiance or Declaration of permission to work?
Sgt or above for uniformed
Commander or designated alt for non- uniformed
Probation period requirements of 6 months need how many hours and how many appraisals and when?
at least 840 hours
appraisals at 2, 4, and 6 months
Probation period requirements of 12 months need how many hours and how many appraisals and when?
at least 1680 hours
appraisals at 4, 8, and 12 months
When is training required after LEAVE? (uniformed)
less than a year shall be retrained at their command
1-2 years leave are required to compile refresh training at the acamedy
over 2 years must complete reinstatement training at academy
What shall a female do when she becomes aware she is pregnant?
notify her command and submit a statement from DR. regarding her ability to perform full or limited duties
FMLA leave is for how long? is it paid or unpaid?
12 weeks
department shall allow employee to use leave credits
What are allowable FMLA events?
birth of child
adoption of child or newly placed foster child
care for immediate family member w/ serious health cone
employee’s own serious health condition
victim of domestic violence
Can you work ot on fmla?
Yes, as long it’s not during your normal shift
Can you withdraw a resignation?
Yes, if it is before the effective date
When must an employee be “cashed out” when they are discharged? how about if they resign?
at time of separation
no later than 72 hours, unless they provided at least 72 hours notice, then at time of separation
How long can catastrophic leave be?
3 months for a natural disaster, with a possible 3 month extension from appropriate assistant commissioner
other than that 12 months max
What time can be used for catastrophic leave?
annual leave, vacation, cto, personal leave, and or holiday (no sick)
What shall employees notify their commander via memo of changing working conditions or stopping secondary employment?
within 10 calendar days
What do you when you lose your departmental ID card?
immediately notify commander via memo
Can an employee use sick leave if they get sick on vacation?
max vacation hours for non uniformed?
640 hours
max CTO for non-uniformed?
240 hours
how long can a paid leave of absence be authorized for by the appointing power when the employee works or resides in a county where a state of emergency has be declared?
5 days
How many excess hours should an employee maintain?
16-40 hrs
What happens to an employees shift when they go out on IDL, TD, NDI, SUSPENSION or 4800.5 time?
they revert to a 8 hr schedule
How long are grievance records kept for?
3 years after the final action