11.1 Admin procedures Flashcards
Can travel expenses be claimed for interviews?
What two ways can a travel expense claim be filed by an employee?
CHP262 or Calaters online
Business expenses over what price require a receipt?
Do lodging reimbursements require a receipt?
Can an employee claim sick leave while on while away on business and claim reimbursement?
Yes up to 3
How many hours can an employee drive?
8 hrs and is not to drive again for 8 more consecutive hours.
An employee can volunteer to extend the time by 4 hrs. can only go longer in an emergency.
When two or more employees share the driving 12 hour limit doesn’t apply.
Can you claim mileage for your personal motorcycle? What about a bike?
no for m/c
yes for bike. .04 per mile.
How many travel claims can you submit per month?
How far in the past can a TEC be filed?
current year plus two fiscal years
What price levels are receipts required for when filing TEC?
any expense over $25
taxi, parking fee’s, bridge tolls, bus fairs, etc. over $10
Telephone, fax, or other business charges over $5
What color must TEC’s be signed in?
blue ink
What is required for a on duty t/c? in What time?
Chp 270 w/ 48hrs CHP 208 w/ 48 hrs CHP 555 CHP 121 if injuries to employees. CHP 442
What form shall be filled out when there is an incident where a non-CHP is injured and there is no damage to a CHP vehicle? EX- a driver t/c’s while you are pulling them over?
CHP 270
A CHP 208 is not required
What needs to be done if a motor goes down and there helmet is worn and believed to have prevented and injury?
a comm-net shall be completed
What is a CAT A Threshold event? Who needs to be notified? when shall it be completed?
immediate notification to entac, shall be input into threshold-arty-client priv 24/ hours
1-anytime member is seriously hurt or killed at work
2- any use of force, including k-9 that results in serious injury or death
3- any in custody death
4-a patrol car t/c that results in serious injury or death, and it appears we are liable
5-special relationship w/ serious injury or death