Motor Systems I-III Flashcards
Motor unit definition
- alpha motor neuron (LMN) + muscle fibers that it innervaties
- one muscle fiber is innervated by a single motor neuron
Characteristics of muscle spindles
- muscle spindles = sensory receptors = “proprioceptors” = embedded /in muscle and detects muscle stretch
- composed of specialized muscle fiber cells = “intrafusal muscle fibers” running in parallel to main (extrafusal) muscle fibers
- signal stretch through group Ia and II sensory afferents (large, fast axons)
- innervated by gamma motor neurons
Gamma motor neuron fxn
- innervate muscle spindle fibers
- acts to contract muscle spindle fibers during voluntary contraction ==> system maintains the fxn of the stretch receptor
Characteristics of Golgi Tendon Orgams
- = proprioceptor
- collagen structures @ muscule-tendon jxn
- signal via type Ib sensory afferent
- situated in series w/muscle and tendon ==> preferentially sensitive to muscle tension ==> can signal muscle contraction
- used by nervous system to regulate force
- GTO Ib afferents contact inhibitory neurons for the homonymous muscle AND
- excitatory neurons for the antagonist muscle
- ==> prevents overexertion
Characteristics of stretch reflex
- = “monosynaptic reflex arc”
- muscle stretched @ muscle spindles
- stimulates activity @ Ia sensory axons
- sensory info relayed to alpha motor neurons of homonymous muscle (same muscle being stretched) @ spinal cord (ventral horn)
- Ia afferts also contact inhibitory interneurons controlling the antagonist muscle
- alpha motor neurons signal muscle to contract
Characteristics of the “size principle”
- size principle = smaller motor units are recruited before larger motor units
- allows for delicate grasp/movement
- smaller motor neurons have high input resistance
- V=IR
- thus, for a given current, smaller neurons ==> higher voltage
- smaller neurons can be brought to threshold with less synaptic input
Muscle tone definition
muscle tone = resistance of a muscle to stretch
Neurons innervated by muscle spindle afferents
- Ia ==> excitatory alpha motor neurons @ homonymous muscle
- Ia ==> inhibitory interneurons for antagonist muscle
- II ==> dorsal column ==> neurons @ cuneate/gracile nuclei (?)
Characteristics of crossed extensor reflex
- e.g. stepping on a tack ==> automatic recoil and weight shifting to other leg
- = elaboration of knee-jerk reflex
- cutaneous nociceptors innervate spinal interneuronal motor networks
- step on tack ==> ipsilateral extensor relaxation and flexor contraction + contralateral extensor contraction and flexor relaxation
- occurs via recprical innervation
Characteristics of central pattern generators
- circuits w/in spinal cord capable of generating complex coordinated movements (i.e. locomotion, swimming)
- can be modified by descending input from higher motor sensors
- DO NOT require sensory input
CPG experiments on cats
- cats spinal cord transected at thoracic level
- placed over treadmill in sling ==> hind legs continued to have coordinated, alternating movements w/speed of treadmill
- movements possible even when dorsal root (sensory input) was transected
CPGs and future of spinal cord injury tx
- some experiments have shown the role of CPGs control over locomotion in humans (though there is more descending control)
- electrical stim @ lumbar spinal cord ==> locomotion-like EMG activity @ parapalegics
- also, loads @ hip ==> CPG locomotor activity
- research of CPGs ==> therapeutic advances in spinal cord injury tx
Reticular formation fxn in regulating movement
- inputs from mesencephalic locomotor region (=role in regulation of locomotor speed)
- RF is responsible for anticipatory responses to voluntary movement
- e.g. flexes leg muscle before engaging in lifting w/biceps in anticipation of center of gravity change
Upper motor centers @ brainstem/midbrain
- vestibular complex
- reticular formation
- superior colliculus (tectum)
Fxn of the vestibular complex/nuclei
- receive inputs from semicircular canals via CN VIII
- descending projections:
- axons ==> medial vestibulospinal tract ==> regulate head orientation and neck muscle activation
- axons ==> lateral vestibulospinal tract ==> regulate proximal limb musculature
- axons ==> CN III, CN IV, and CN VI to regulate eye movements ==> vestibulo-ochlear reflex (VOR)
Fxn of superior colliculus
- coordinates axial/neck musculature in response to synthesis of auditory and visual stimuli
- e.g. turning towards a siren
- descending projections via colliculospinal tract
General fxn of motor cortex
- motor cortex = cerebral motor control = volunatry motor control
- pyramidal neurons ==> corticospinal tract
- axons ==> internal capsule ==> cerebral peduncle ==> pyramids @ medulla
- some axons deccussate ==> lateral CS tract ==> distal limb interneurons/alpha motor neurons @ ventral horn
- remaining axons ==> ventral CS ==> innervate axial/proximal limb muscles
Motor actions resulting from primary motor cortex microzone stimulation
- ==> recruitment + suppression of several muscles
- ==> organized movements (NOT just individual muscles) are represented @ M1 microzones
- disproportionate amount of primary motor cortex surface is devoted to fine motor tasks
Characteristics of premotor cortex
- lies anterior to primary motor cortex
- makes up 25% of CS tract
- involved in initiating movement in response to external cue
- stimulation usually ==> complex, compuond movement (e.g. multiple joints)
Characteristics of supplementary motor cortex
- part of premotor cortex
- involved in self-cued movements
- highly active during mental rehearsal of movement
- stimulation ==> complex, multi-joint movement
Major components of motor cortex
- primary motor cortex
- premotor cortex
- supplementary motor cortex

UMN syndrome
- = lesion of premotor neurons (CS, brainstem)
- ==> contralateral muscle faccidity
- ==> weakness
- ==> spasticity
- increased tone
- hyperreflexia
- Babinski sign
- clonus
- ==> loss of voluntary movements
LMN syndrome
- = loss/degeneration of motor neurons @ spinal cord
- ==> paralysis
- ==> weakness
- ==> loss of deep refexes
- ==> decreased muscle tone
- ==> muscle atrophy
- ==> fasciculations
Evidence that cortical motor representation is dynamic
- Stroke
- stroke victims have an acute loss of motor fxn ==> partial or complete recovery due to plasticity
- Practice
- repeated performance of a motion ==> expansion of region devoted to that action
- e.g. musicians or blind reading Braille ==> expansion of finger control areas
- repeated performance of a motion ==> expansion of region devoted to that action
- Dynamic changes mostly occuring @ cortex