Auditory I-III Flashcards
General physical nature of sound
- sound radiates from vibrating sources
- emitted as a serioes of pressure vaces of alternating compression (increased air density) and rarefaction (decreased air density)
- primary auditory qualities:
- amplitude (intensity)
- frequency
Characteristics of sound intensity
- intesity relates to force w/which air is compressed
- increased force (higher amplitude) ==> increased air density
- perceived as loudness
- expressed on log scale = decibels of sound pressure level (dB SPL)
- dB SPL = 20 * log [P1/P2]
- P2 = standard reference pressure
- i.e. if measured P1 = 10*P2, then sound = 20 dB SPL
- dB SPL = 20 * log [P1/P2]
Auditory threshold definition
- lower lmit of sound detection by a patient
- depends on frequency
- threshold is used to measure hearing loss
- smallest dB SPL that subject can detect at different frequences
- [lower limit] threshold of any human = 20 x 10-6 N/m2
Characteristics of sound frequency
- = number of times/sec that a sound wave reaches peak of rarefaction/compression
- measured in Hertz (Hz = cycles/sec)
- perceived as pitch
- human hearing = 20 Hz - 20,000 Hz
Divisions of the ear
- external ear
- pinna
- external auditory meatus (ear canal)
- bounded by tympanic membrane
- middle ear
- contains ossicular chain (middle ear bones):
- malleus
- incus
- stapes
- inner ear
- cochlea
- semicircular canals (vestibular system)

Impedance mismatch in sound transmission @ ear
- air = low impedance, while fluid = high impedance
- aka fluid is more resistant to movement that air
- if TM was directly acting on cochlea ==> inefficient transfer of sound energy ==> due to impedance mistmatch
Middle ear as “impedence matcher”
- structure of TM + 3 ossicles allows ear to overcome impedence mistmatch
- P = F/A ==> increase pressure by increasing force or by decreasing area ==> middle ear does both:
- Area of the TM = 20x area of stapes footplate
- orientation of ossicles ==> levering action ==> increased force
Conductive vs. sensorineural hearing loss + test to distinguish
- conductive = due to degredation of mechanal transmisson of sound energy
- sensorineural = damage or loss of hair cells or nerve
- PE test for conductive vs. sensorineural:
- place tuning fork near ear and then pressed against skull
- in conductive hearing loss ==> tuning fork against skull will overcome deficit
Common causes of conductive hearing loss
- fluid-filled middle ear e.g. otitis media
- otosclerosis = arthirtic bone growth impedes movement of ossicles
- malformation of ear canal
- perforation/rupture of TM
- interruption of ossicular chain
- static pressure in middle ear
Common causes of sensorineural hearing loss
- excessively loud sounds
- exposure to ototoxic drugs
- diuretics, aminoglycocide antibiotics, aspirin, cancer therapy durgs
- age (presbycusis)
Structure of the inner ear
- inner ear = coiled tube (cochlea) w/3 fluid-filled compartments
- scala vestibuli
- scala media
- scala tympani
- media and tympani are separated by basilar membrane (BM)
- w/in scala media: on top of BM = organ of Corti
- OoC contains inner hair cells ==> transduce sound into electrical signals
- also contains outer hair cells (outer: inner = 3:1)
Mechanism of sound transduction ==> movement of basal membrane
- Inner hair cells (w/in scala media @ cochlea) are attached to BM
- movement of inner hair cells ==> movement of BM
- stapes compresses oval window ==> bulges into scala vestibuli
- compression is relieved by downward movement of BM ==> compression @ scala tympani ==> bulging of round window into middle ear
- opposit during rarefaction
- Due to varying mechanical properties of BM along cochlea, BM will actually vary in its response to frequencies along its length

BM response to frequencies by location in cochlea
BM @ base of cochlea = thinner, narrower, more rigid
- vibrates best to _high frequencies _
BM @ apex of cochlea = wider, more flexible, thicker
- vibrates best to *low frequencies *
Consequences of frequency-based arrangement of mechanical properties of BM
- ==> “tonotopic arrangement/map”
- = a topographic arrangement of “tones” (frequencies) along the length of the BM
- ==> ability to organize the frequency senstivity of inner hair cells
- ==> primary stimulus attribute that is mapped along cochlea is sound frequency (and intensity)
Mechanism of Inner Hair Cell transduction
- hair cells project bunches of stereocilia (of varying lengths)
- movement of bundle of stereocilia ==> change in membrane potential of hair cell
- bundle pushed in direction of longest stereocilia ==> depolarization
- bundle pushed in direction of shortest stereocilia ==> hyperpolarization
- @ scala media: hair cells bathed in endolymph (K+-rich fluid) ==> endocochlear potential = +80 mV
- bending of stereocilia ==> altered gating of NSC channels
- in depolarization: mechanical force ==> opening of NSC ==> influx of K+ ==> depolarization
Mechanism of mechanical stimulation ==> opening of channels @ stereocilia
- channels at tips of stereocilia are connected by “tip links” (= ~ springs)
- bending of stereocilia causes tip-links to “pull” tops of stereocilia ==> mechanical opening fo channels

Consequence of loss of endocochlear potential (+ example)
- ==> sensorineural deafness due to loss of driving force for transduction
- e.g. mutation @ subunit connexin 32 (important in active transport of K+@ stria vascularis) ==> collapse of endocochlear potential ==> major cause of congenital deafness
- stria vascularis = epithelium @ scala medai
Overall steps from airborne sound ==> electrical nervous signals
- Airborne pressure waves in the external ear canal set up vibrations of the eardrum
- Eardrum vibrations move the 3 ossicles
- Vibrations of the stapes on oval window set up traveling waves in the cochlear fluids
- These fluid waves cause a vertical displacements of the basilar and tectorial membranes
- The relative shearing force between membranes bends the ciliary bundles of the hair cells
- Ciliary bending leads to depolarization and hyperpolarization of the membrane potential,
- Which causes increased and decreased rates of transmitter release, respectively
- Transmitter (aspartate or glutamate) causes depolarization of the afferent auditory nerve fiber
- This results in action potentials that are sent to second order neurons in the brainstem.
Afferent sensory nerves supplying the ear
- signals generated by inner hair cells ==> “auditory nerve” = CN VIII
- aka the spiral ganglion
- Type I ANFs (auditory nerve fibers) innervate inner hair cells
- 10-30 ANFs/IHC
- Type II ANFs innervate outer hair cells
- 1 ANF/10 OHC
Mechanism of cochlear amplification
- OHC (outer hair cells) are poorly innervated by afferent nerves, but play an important role as “cochlear amplifier”
- OHCs respond to changes in voltage with a change in length ==> pulling of the BM towards or away from the tectorial membrane ==> change in mechanical frequency selectivity of BM
- This response at given frequencies leads to amplification via larger and sharper responses of the BM
Clinical important of OHCs/cochlear amplification
- damage @ OHCs ==> sensorineural deafness
- OHCs are more sensitive than IHCs to:
- ototoxic antibiotics: streptomycin or gentomycin
- prolonged exposure to loud sounds
- OHCs can create sounds = “otoacoustic emissions”
- method of testing sensorineural hearing in infants
Response of ANFs to sound transduced by IHCs
- sounds response is characterized by a frequency tuning curve
- = number of APs/sec corresonds to the sound frequency
- max APs fired @ “characteristic frequency” to which fiber is sensitive
- frequency tuning arises from mechanical frequency selectivity of BM
Coding of frequency/pitch: high frequency vs. low frequency
- frequency is partly encoded by place along cochlea where afferent fibers innervate an IHC
- high frequency = frequency tuning curve
- low frequency (<1000 Hz)= using temporal pattern of action potentials (“phase lock”)
Anatomical pathway: ANFs ==> brainstem
- ANF = cell bodies @ spiral ganglion ==> travel w/ CN VIII ==> bifurcate @ brainstem to ventral cochlear nucleus and dorsal cochlear nucleus (both @ inferior cerebellar peduncle)
- VCN axons = “trapezoid body” ==> cross midline
- DCN axons = “dorsal acoustic stria” ==> cross midline
- axons rejoin ==> lateral lemniscus ==> inferior colliculus @ midbrain
- along the way some axons terminate at various nuclei @ pons:
- superior olivary complex
- some axons from cochlear nucleus join the ipsilateral lateral lemniscus
Clinical significance of anatomical pathway of ANFs
- axons from cells @ cochlear nucleus ==> some ipsilateral lateral lemniscus and some contralateral lateral lemniscus
- lesions rostral to cochlear nuclei DO NOT lead to unilateral deafness
- lesions caudal to cochlear nuclei DO lead to unilateral deafness
Auditory pathway: Inferior colliculus ==> cerebral cortex
- cochlear nuclei + superior olivary complex ==> inferior colliculus
- inferior colliculus ==>
- ispilateral medial geniculate @ thalamus OR
- contralateral inferior colliculus/medial geniculate
- medial geniculate ==> primary auditory cortex (A1) @ superior temporal gyrus
Primary fxns of the auditory system
- identify what in the environment produced the sound
- identify where in space that sound came from
Location in nervous system of sound localization
- ANFs code frequency, intensity, and temporal patterns of sound, but not location ==>
- sound location must be computed centrally based on neural representations of spectral and temporal characteristics
Acoustical cues for sound localization
- **Each cue is encoded in a separate pathway through the brainstem
- Interaural time delays = differences in time of arrival between the ears
- Interaural level differences = head creates an “acoustic shadow” for high frequency sounds to the far ear
- small ILDs for low frequency
- larger ILDs for higher frequency <== primary use = distinguish high frequency sounds
- Monoaural spectral shape = arise from direction-based sound wave modification by interaction w/pinna
Anatomic locations of encoding of acoustical cues of soudn localization
- ITDs = encoded @ medial superior olive
- afferent inputs cary timing info via phase locked neural responses
- most sensitive to lower frequencies
- ILDs = encoded @ lateral superior olive
- mostly sensitive to high frequency sounds
- cues from ipsilateral ear to LSO = excitatory
- cues from contralateral ear to LSO = inhibitory
- Spectral cues = ecnoded @ dorsal cochlear nucleus
Auditory portion of the thalamus =
medial geniculate body (MGB)
Location of auditory cortex
- auditory areas of cortex = superior temporal gyrus
- primary auditory cortex (A1) = Broadmann’s area 41
- A1 is surrounded by secondary auditory cortex (A2) = Broadmann’s area 42
Mapping of sound @ cortex
- tonotopic map = spatially organized by response to given frequency
- anterior neurons @ A1 = respond to low frequencies
- posterior neurons @ A1 = respond to high frequencies