Cerebellum Flashcards
Types of cerebellar deficits
- all lead ==> motor function impairment
- deficit of coordination of motor output
- 3 main types of deficits:
- equilibrium
- tone
- synergy
Cerebellar connections to brainstem
- connected via 3 paired fiber bundles = “peduncles”
- inferior + middle peduncles = major input
- superior peduncle = major output
Gross anatomy of cerebellum
- primary fissure = separates anterior and posterior lobes
- posterolateral fissure = defines border of the flocculo-nodular lobe
- vermis = central longitudinal constriction
- hemispheres = large lateral hemispheres on either side of the vermis

archicerebellum =
paleocerebellum =
- archi = floccluo-nodular lobe
- phylogenetically oldest portion of the cerebellum
- paleo = midportion of the anterior lobe and posterior lobe = “vermis” and “paravermal cortex”
- neo = posterior lobe
- evolutionarily most recent
Fxnl role of flocculo-nodular lobe
- AKA “vestibulocerebellum”
- receives inputs from vestibular organs
- outputs to vestibular nucleus @ brainstem
Fxn of vermis/paravermal cortex
- AKA “paleocerebellum” AKA “spinocerebellum”
- receives extensive input from spinal afferents
- outputs onto motor control nuclei
Fxnl role of hemispheres of neocerebellum
- AKA “corticocerebellum”
- regions interconnected w/the cerebral cortices
Deep nuclei of the cerebellum
- 4 nuclei on each side:
- dentate
- interposed = globose + emboliform
- fastigial
- each nucleus corresponds to a corticonuclear zone
Fxn of vermal (corticonuclear) zone
- output connections through fastigial nucleus
- control of axial musculature, posture and balance, and integration of head and eye movements
Fxn of paravermal (corticonuclear) zone
- connections through the interposed nuclei
- fine-tunes movement of the limbs
Fxn of lateral zone of the hemispheres
- connections through dentate nucleus
- involved in higher level coordination of movements
- including planning and initiation of movements
Efferent connections of vermal zone
- ==> fastigial nucleus ==> vestibular nucleus and pontine reticular formation
- some axons from flocculo-nodular lobe synapse directly @ vestibular nucleus
Defecits arising from cerebellar damage
- Synergy, Equilibrium, and Tone.
- Damage causes inability ipsilaterally.
- No loss of sensation or muscle strength
- Medial lesions impair coordination of stance and gate, axial truncal posture and locomotion and gaze.
- Lateral Lesions: Initiation, planning, timing, distal motor control
- Afferent/Efferent pathways cause signs similar to cerebellar lesions
Lesions of SCP/DCN cause most severe disturbances
Pneumonic for cerebellar lesions
- HANDS Tremor:
- Hypotonia
- Ataxia/Asynergia
- Nystagmus
- Dysarthria
- Stance and Gait
- Tremor (intention)
Characteristics of cellular constituents of cerebellar cortex
- cerebellar cortex = three-layered
- uppermost layer = “molecular layer”
- parallel fibers = dendrites of Purkinje cells
- stellate cells and basket cells = scattered inhibitory interneurons
- middle layer = Purkinje cell layer
- cell bodies of the Purkinje cells
- lowest layer = granular layer
- granule cells = small cells whose processes extend superficially to become the parallel fibers of the molecular layer.

Cells of the cerebellar cortex w/inhibitory actions
- stellate cells and basket cells
- excitation of basket/stellate cells by parallel fibers ==> inhibition of neighboring Purkinje cells = “lateral inhibition”
- inhibition of Purkinje ==> disinhibiton of deep cerebellar neurons
Inputs to cerebellum carried by climbing fibers
- climbing fibers bring information from the contralateral inferior olive
- CF contact as few as one dozen Purkinje cells, and each Purkinje cell is contacted (extensively) by only one climbing fiber
- CF-Purkinje = very powerful synaptic contact
- single action potential in a climbing fiber gives rise to a burst of spikes in the Purkinje cell (called the ‘complex spike’).
Role of climbing fiber input in motor learning
- Climbing fiber → complex spike in purkinje fibers
- granule/parallel cells → simple spike.
- If both inputs fire at same time, opportunity for learning / plasticity presents itself.
- In cerebellum, coincidental firinig ==> synaptic modification = depression ==> subsequent weaker response