Most important things to remember Flashcards
What is an AND logic gate?
Both the inputs needs to be the same for the outcome to be the same:
True + true = true
true + false = false
false + false = false
false + true = false
if this was a statement, both parts would have to be true
e.g. I have blonde hair and blue eyes
What is the OR logic gate?
Only one of the inputs needs to be true for the outcome to be true:
True + false = true
False + true = true
True + True = true
False + false = false
If this was a statement only one part needs to be true
e.g. I have brown hair and blue eyes
What is the NOT logic gate?
The NOT logic gate is always the opposite output to what the input was
True = false
False = true
An example of this is saying something is not something else or think of it as it is NOT true therefore it is false and it is NOT false therefore it is true
What is the XOR logic gate?
The XOR logic gate is very similar to the OR logic gate and in most cases, only one of the inputs has to be true for the outcome to be true:
True + false = true
False + true = true
False + false = false
The only difference is that when both the inputs are true then the outcome will be false
true + true = false
What is HTML?
Hyper Text Markup Language - the building blocks of a website and not a programming language. Works with CSS and JavaScript and is relevant to marketing as you may need to change something on a CMS
What is JavaScript?
JavaScript helps to make a website dynamic, it is the wizard and works alongside HTML and CSS to improve a website’s interactivity.
What is Java?
Java is a completely independent language that doesn’t need HTML or CSS to run and is mostly used for applications
What is a server stack?
it is an Operating System (OS), a web server, a database and a programming language
What is Lamp?
What is XAMPP
Cross platform
What is a MAMP?
Mac OS
What is WAMP?
What is a PDF?
- Portable Document Format * Developed by Adobe
- Contain text and rich formatting * PDFs always look the same, no matter what program they are opened in * Can be viewed for free
in Adobe Reader - Can only be edited in certain programs, such as Adobe Acrobat Pro.
- Perfect for sharing documents with anyone
What are the different image types
GIF - 256 colours and transparent backgrounds - lower quality
PNG - Portable Network graphics - Lossless so allows data to be perfectly reconstructed with no impact on the quality
JPG - Joint Photographic Experts Group. The most common type of image - the higher the file size the better the quality. for over 256 colours and uses lossy compression - for photographs
What is a JPG
Joint photographic experts group - a large photo with more than 256 colours
What is an MPEG?
A compressed video file - moving pictures expert group - popular type of video
What is an MP3?
A compressed audio file that doesn’t compromise quality
What is hosting?
renting space form the internet
What is a client?
An end piece of equipment like a phone
What is an application?
A piece of software on a client that performs a specific task
What is a web server?
is computer software and underlying hardware that accepts HTTP and HTTP requests
What is a rendering engine?
It takes HTML and converts it into what you can see
What is a search engine crawler?
search engine crawlers - they crawl the internet, read pages one by one and look at the data and uses an algorithm to show relevant websites to the user,
What is HTTP
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is used to load pages using hypertext links - this is not encrypted
What is HTTPS
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure - the same as HTTP but the data is encrypted
What is an SSL certificate?
Secure Sockets Layer and it is the s in HTTPS - a cryptographic protocol that provides secure communication over a computer network. It works by encrypting data transmitted between a client and a server.
What is TLS?
Transport Layer Security - a cryptographic protocol that ensures privacy and data integrity between two communicating applications and it is the successor of SSL
What is IETF?
Internet Engineering Task Force a large international community of designers, operators, vendors and researchers concerned with evolution and smooth operation of the internet
What are cookies?
A piece of code that identifies as user and tracks their behaviour to use for marketing purposes.
What is a flat file database?
A database where all the information is in one place and sometimes repeated.
What is a relational database?
Where information is separated into different tables and these tables pull information for each other.
What does the terms static and dynamic mean?
Static sites use HTML CSS and JS. Dynamic sites use HTML, CSS and a dynamic programming language such as PHP and a database such a MySQL.
What are the disadvantages of a dynamic site?
More complicated, can take longer to load and more can go wrong with the site.
What is w3c?
The World Wide Web Consortium is an international community where member organisations, a full-time staff and the public work together to develop web standards.
What is an API Key? (Application Programming Interface)
is a code used to identify and application or users and is used for authentication in computer applications
What is an application server?
An application server handles the more complicated tasks such as pulling information from databases.