Most Asked Real Essays Flashcards
Repopulation in case of CSF
- Min 30D after completion of C + D
* Open Air: if no sentinel pigs developed Ab against virus
Repopulation in case of African swine fever
• Min 40D after completion of C + D, and if necessary Disinsectisation
Official Measures: Equine Infectious Anaemia
- Isolation, housing in stable, disinsectisation
- Dx/ infected: Slaughter @ slaughterhouse
- SDx: movement, obs, clin + sero every 3 weeks
- S Inf: movement, Dg every 3 weeks, min 90D
- Transport: autho to slaughterhouse, closed
- Unloading: Off vet check, disinfect vehicle
- Pasture: infected for 6 months
- Lifting: No Eq, D, Disinsect
Public Health: Glanders
- Notify public health service
- Inform keepers
- Personal D, protective clothes
- NO Tx infected
- SD: Tx by vet
Dx Glanders
- Typical CS
- Non-typical CS, immunodiagnostics +
- No CS, repeated immunodiagnostics +
- Killed, slaughter PROHIBITED
SDx Glanders
- Non-typical CS but immunodiagnostics inconclusive
* Slaughter PROHIBITED
S Contaminated Glanders
- Contact with Dx/ SDx within 180D
- No CS but repeated immunodiagnostic test inconclusive
- Slaughtered in presence of Off vet if ophthalmic test negative within 14D
Avian Influenza
Infection of poultry/ captive birds with Influenza A virus
• Subtype H5 or H7 OR
• IV pathogenicity index in 6w old chickens >1.2
Free from CBPP without intermediate steps
- Continuously free min 10y AND
- No vax min 10y
- No evidence min 10y
- Adequate Dx surveillance + reporting
- Diagnostics to differentiate from other Bo Mycoplasma Spp
Official Measures American Foul-brood
- Mark bee colonies
- Prohibition of AB Tx
- Prohibition any intervention transmitting Dx
- Lab exam of colonies SDx
• <50% infected: kill only infected
• During monitoring new infected colonies found= kill all colonies
• burning carcasses + burial min 50cm deep
Strict Disinfection
• Hive, equipment, buildings, soil
Lifting restrictions American Foul-brood
- No colonies + strict D
- 60D observation AND
- Strict D
- SDx + lab ruled out: lifting without D
- S Contaminated: without D after observation
American (EUROPEAN) Foul-brood Protection Zone
- 5Km
- No movement
- No exhibtion
- Exam of colonies
Wandering: from places not under restriction + vet checks
• Autho by district vet officer
• 60 (15) obs period (check every 2 weeks)
Escape due to plant protection: to a place with no colonies
• Notify Off vet, back to original place in 14 days
Movement restrictions European Foul-brood
- Mark bee colonies
- Prohibition any intervention transmitting Dx
- Lab exam SDx
Obligatory Tx all colonies within PZ (Hungary no AB Tx autho)
• Check every 2 weeks
• Tx refused by keeper: bees killed without state compensation
• Weak colony: Killing
• + American: prohibit Tx, Kill all Dx
Lifting restrictions Myxomatosis
• Killing, death and recovery of last Dx
- 30d waiting period, Strict D
Public health TB
- Notify state medical service
- Inform keeper + owner
- Personal D
- Protective clothes, gloves + footwear
- Control products
Specialist Commissions of OIE
- Terrestrial animal health standards commission (“Code commission”)
- Scientific commission for animal diseases (“Scientific commission”)
- Biological standards commission (“Laboratories commission”)
- Aquatic animal health standards commission (“Aquatic animals commission”)
• Reference laboratories – take a sample & send to the lab (if the lab follows the rules then the result is
Organisations that promote animal welfare
- EU
- Council of Europe
- World trade organisation
3 R’s
- Refinement
- Reduction
- Replacement
5 Freedoms
Freedom from
- Hunger and thirst
- Discomfort
- Pain, injury and dx
- Fear and distress
- Freedom to express normal behaviour
MUST NOT BE KILLED unless justified:
- Food production
- Fur production
- Population control
- Incurable dx
- Injury
- Risk of infection
- Pest control
- Scientific research
- Prevent unavoidable attacks
- Official restrictions
- Exclusion from state compensation
- Fine: animal health/ welfare
- Infringements
- Criminal Offence
When can piglets be castrated
- <7 days old without anaesthetic and analgesia
* >7 days old ONLY under anaesthesia with prolonged analgesia by a vet
Weaning of piglets
- No less than 4 weeks old, unless welfare of health of dam/ piglets would be adversely affected
- Max 7 days earlier is specialised housing
What does enriched cage contain?
- 750cm2 each laying space (600m2 usable)
- Cage at least 200cm2
- Nest
- Litter- pecking + scratching
- Perches
- Feed trough 12cm/laying hen
- Claw-shortening device
- Drinking system: 2 nipple drinkers or 2 drinking cups within reach
- Aisle minimum width 90cm
Surgical treatments that change the appearance of the animals that is not curative shall be prohibited and, in particular:
- Docking of tails ( in Hungary it is allowed till 7 days of age in certain breeds)
- Declawing and defanging
- Devocalisation
- Cropping of ears
Exceptions to these prohibitions shall be permitted only:
• If a vet considers non-curative procedures necessary either for medical reasons or for the benefit of animal
• To prevent reproduction
- Operations which involve pain shall be carried out under anaesthesia only by a veterinary or under his supervision
- Operations for which no anaesthesia is required may be carried out by a person competent under national legislation
• Are directly applied without the need for national measures to implement them
• Bind Member states as to the objective to be achieved while leaving national authorities the power to choose the form and the means to be used
• Are binding in all their aspects upon those to whom they are addressed. A decision may be addressed to any of all Member states , undertakings, or individuals
Power of European parliament:
- Legislative: consultation procedure, cooperation procedure, co-decision procedure, Parliament’s assent
- Supervision of the executive
- Power over the budget
Maximum journey time- Transport time for Farm animals
• Journey time shall not exceed 8 hours
• The maximum journey time may be expended if special requirements are met:
o Un-weaned animals (foals, piglets, lambs, kids, still on milk diet)= 9 hours, 1 hour rest and another 9 hours transport
o Pig= Max 24 hours with continuous access to water
o Equine: Max 24 hours , give water and if necessary feed every 8 hours
o Other animals= 14 hours, then stop for 1 hour for feeding and access to water. After that may be transported another 14 hours
• After the journey time laid down, animals must be unloaded, fed and watered and be rested for at least 24 hours
Authorized stunning methods:
- Stunning must not be carried out unless it is possible to bleed the animal out immediately
- Does not apply to invertebrates, poultry, rabbits for home consumption, or where killing of animal is necessary due to emergency situations
- Captive bolt pistol
- Percussive blow to the head
- Exposure to CO
- Electronarcosis
EXCEPT ritual slaughter
Authorized killing methods of farm animals:
• Animals shall be spared any avoidable excitement, pain, or suffering during movement, restraint, stunning, slaughter and killing
- Free bullet pistol/ rifle
- Exposure to CO
- Electrocution
- Decapitation
- Dislocation of neck
- Vacuum chamber
Veterinary laboratories :
- Public veterinary laboratory
- Veterinary laboratory of a holding
- Veterinary (clinical) laboratory
Cruelty to animals in criminal law
Any person who is engaged in the unjustified abuse or mistreatment of vertebrate animals resulting in permanent damage to the animal’s health or in the animal’s destruction;
• Or who abandons, dispossess or expels a domesticated vertebrate or a dangerous animal is guilty of a misdemeanour
The penalty for a felony shall be higher, if the criminal offence is carried out in a manner to cause undue suffering to the animal, or results in permanent damage to several animals or in the destruction of more than one animal.
Lifting restriction in case of Anthrax
- Observation period: 20 days
* If there is no surveillance in the village on other farms
Public Health Measures in case of Bo. Brucellosis
- Notify state medical service
- Informing the keeper, owner (especially if pregnant)
- Personal disinfection
- Protective clothing, gloves and footwear
- Control of products
Teschovirus Encephalitis on a small holding
- All diseased and suspected of being diseased pigs are killed on the spot
- Suspected of being contaminated: separate slaughter, heat treatment
Teschovirus Encephalitis on a large scale holding
- All diseased and suspected of being diseased pigs are killed on the spot
- Suspected of being contaminated: observation for 40 days, if slaughtered: heat treatment 70°c for 20m
Animal suspected of being contaminated with Scabies
- Direct or indirect contact within 42 days with Dx or suspected Dx animal
- The obligatory yearly treatment was not carried out in sheep
- There were sheep introduced into the herd without previous isolation
Measures in case of Myxomatosis
- Diseased and suspected of being diseased: killing, disposal of meat and skin
- Suspected of being diseased animals may be vaccinated if authorised by the district veterinary officer
- Suspected of being infected: may be slaughtered if authorised by the district veterinary officer
Preventative measures in case of Duck Viral Enteritis
- No free keeping on natural water during the 2 weeks before egg-laying period
- Infected natural water: no susceptible birds for 2 years except vaccinated broiler ducks
- Breeding and broiler flocks shall not be kept together
Reaching free status in CBPP
- Provisional freedom from disease +2 years
- Freedom from the disease + 2 years
- Freedom from infection
Re-establishing CBPP infection free status
- 2 years from the date of the last case
- Demonstration that the outbreak did not represent endemic infection and that the disease has been eradicated by the actions taken
Official measures in case of Acariasis (Tracheal mite infection)
- Bee colonies: obligatory treatment of all colonies in the protection zone (5Km)
- If refused: killing without state compensation
- Honey, products: only after heat treatment
- Disinfection: empty hive, equipment’s, SO2 treatment, keep empty for 1 week
Lifting restrictions in case of Acariasis
• Obligatory treatment + 1 year observation + checks
Infected herd with Aujeszky’s Disease
- Confirmed disease or infection
- Movement restrictions
- Elimination of the herd until the end of the production period (max. 7 months)
- State compensation
Control of free status Aujeszky’s Herd
Regular Tests: • Large scale holding o All boars every 6 months o Sows: 20-50% every 6 months o Representative sample from fattening pigs
• Small holding
o All boars and sows every year
o 5% of pigs over 4 months
• Artificial insemination center: test every 6 months
If positive or inconclusive
o Free status is suspended
o Official surveillance
oSuspicious clinical signs, pathological lesions: sample to the vet institute
Definition of a long journey
• A journey that exceeds 8 hours starting from when the first animal of the consignment is moved
Journey Log
No person shall contract or subcontract the transport of animals except to authorised transporters.
For long journeys between Member States and with third countries for domestic equidae other than registered equidae, and domestic animals of bovine, ovine, caprine and porcine species, transporters and organisers shall comply with the provisions on the journey log.
Work of the European Commissions
- 27 independent members, one from each EU country
- Proposes new legislation
- Executive organ
- Guardian of the Treaties
- Represents the EU on the international stage
Official measures in the protection zone in case of Bluetongue
• min radius 100km around the infected holding
- Identification of all holdings
- Monitoring of sentinel groups of bovine animals and vector populations
- Ban on animals leaving the zone
- Vaccination of animals and identification in protection zone may be decided
Official measures in the surveillance zone (Bluetongue)
• min 50m extended beyond protection zone, NO vaccination in p12m
- Measures for the protection zone apply
- Vaccination is prohibited
- All persons in protection + surveillance zone shall be fully informed of the restrictions and make arrangements required for proper implementation of these measures
= Differentiating Infected from Vaccinated Animal
• Vaccination strategy enabling differentiation between vaccinated/infected birds, and vaccinated/non-infected birds by application of diagnostic test designed to detect antibodies against the field virus and the use of non-vaccinated sentinel birds
Newcastle dx protection zone
- Minimum 3km radius
- Standstill measures and controlled movement of poultry for at least 21 days
- Before lifting measures: sampling of poultry holdings
Newcastle dx surveillance zone
- Minimum 10km radius
- Standstill measures and controlled movement of poultry for at least 30 days
- Before lifting measures: sampling of poultry holdings
Protection zone in case of African Horse Sickness
- Minimum 12 months
- A minimum radius of 100km
- Taking into account of epidemiological, geographical, climatic conditions
- Informing the public about restrictions
- Disinsectisation
- Visit of all holding keeping Equidae, samples
- Movement of horses: only for emergency slaughter
Surveillance zone in case of African Horse Sickness
- Minimum 12 months
- A minimum radius of +50Km
- Taking into account of epidemiological, geographical, climatic conditions
- Informing the public about restrictions
- Disinsectisation
- Visit of all holding keeping Equidae, samples
- Movement of horses: only for emergency slaughter
- Vaccination is prohibited
- Contingency plan
- National reference laboratory
Principles for the keeping of pet animals
- Nobody shall cause a pet animal unnecessary pain, suffering or distress
- Nobody shall abandon a pet animal
- Any person who keeps a pet animal or who has agreed to look after it, shall be responsible for its health and welfare and accommodation
• Give it suitable and sufficient food and water, provide it with adequate opportunities for exercise and take all responsible measures to prevent its escape - Any person who selects a pet animal for breeding shall be responsible for having regard to the anatomical, physiological and behavioural characteristics which are likely to put at risk the health and welfare of either the offspring or the female parent
- No pet animal should be sold to person <16 years old/ without consent of parents/ guardians
- No pet animal shall be trained in a way that is detrimental to its health and welfare
Recovery of FMD-free and infection- free status if vaccination has been used
- The control and eradication measures laid down for the protection and surveillance zones have been effective and may be lifted AND
- At least 3 months have elapsed since the slaughter of the last vaccinated animal and serological surveillance has been carried out; OR
- At least 6 months have elapsed since the last outbreak of FMD or the completion of emergency vaccination
Surgical interventions on piglets
- Tail docking/ reduction of corner teeth: within 7 days of birth
- Castration >7 days ONLY under anaesthesia and additional prolonged analgesia by a vet
- Boar’s tusks may be reduced to prevent injury
- Nose ringing in outdoor keeping systems