Minimum Questions 2022 (Entrance) 23 Essays Flashcards
Definition of animals suspected of being infected with anthrax
• Were in contact with animal died of, dx in or suspicious to anthrax within 20 days before the confirmation
• Consumed feedstuffs or water of the same origin as feedstuffs of water of animal died or, dx or suspicious to
• Grazed on a pasture infected with anthrax without vaccination 2weeks- 6 months before
Definition of animals diseased with anthrax
- Typical CS
- Characteristics lesions in organs (PM, meat inspection)
- Lab findings
Official measures in case of animals diseased with anthrax
OFFICIAL SURVEILLANCE Separation of • Dx animals and those suspected of being dx • Animals suspected as being infected • Other susceptible animals
Dx and suspected dx animals:
• Immediate OBLIGATORY treatment
• Change of feedstuffs, drinking water, and no access to grazing
Official measures in case of animals suspected of being infected with anthrax
OFFICIAL SURVEILLANCE Separation of • Dx animals and those suspected of being dx • Animals suspected as being infected • Other susceptible animals
Suspected of being infected:
• Vaccination + 14 days observation period
• Cattle + horse: taking temperature daily
• Sheep + goat + pig: daily observation
• Fever/ CS= treatment
Rules of taking samples in case of FMD suspicion
• 1g of tissue from an unruptured/ recently ruptured vesicle. Epithelium samples should be placed in a transport
medium which maintains a pH of 7.2-7.4. Samples should be kept at 4°c
• Oesophageal- pharyngeal fluid collected by means of a probang cup (device for collecting cells from the walls of
upper part of oesophagus)
Rules of recovery of foot-and mouth disease free status if no vaccination has been used:
- The control and eradication measures laid down for the protection and surveillance zones have been effective and may be lifted AND
- At least 3 months have elapsed after the last recorded outbreak
Definition of positive single intradermal tuberculin test
• 72 hours after injection of tuberculin(s): If CS are observed or there is an increase of >4mm in the thickness of the fold of skin at the injection site
Definition of negative single intradermal tuberculin test
• 72 hours after injection of tuberculin(s): If only limited swelling is observed, with an increase of not more than 2mm in thickness of the fold of skin without CS such as diffuse/ extensive oedema, exudation, necrosis, pain or inflammation of the lymphatic ducts in that region or of the LN
Definition of positive comparative intradermal tuberculin test
o A positive bovine rxn which is >4mm greater than the avian reaction, or the presence of CS
Definition of negative comparative intradermal tuberculin test
o A negative bovine rxn, or a positive or inconclusive bovine rxn but which is equal to or less than a positive or inconclusive avian reaction and the absence of CS in both cases
Definition of specified risk material in bovine animals
- The skull excluding the mandible and including the brain and eyes, the spinal cord of animals >12 months old
- The vertebral column excluding the vertebrae of the tail, the transverse processes of the lumbar and thoracic vertebrae and the wings of the sacrum, but including the dorsal root ganglia, and spinal cord of animals >30 months
- The tonsils and the last four meters of the small intestines the caecum and the mesentery of animals of all ages;
Definition of specified risk material in ovine and caprine animals
- The skull including the brain and eyes, the tonsils, the spinal cord of animals >12 months old or which have permanent incisor erupted through the gum, AND
- The spleen and ileum of animals of all ages
Definition of “cohort” in case of confirmation of BSE
• A group of bovine animals which were either born in the same herd (within 12 months preceding or following the
birth of) as the affected cattle, or were reared together with the same affected animal at any time during the 1st year of life, or which may have consumed the same feed as that the affected animal consumed during the 1st year of its life
Official measure in case of confirmation of African swine fever on a holding
- All pigs on the holding must be killed and their carcasses processed
- All contaminated material (meat, semen, ova) or waste must be destroyed, processed or treated
- Cleaning and disinfection of all premises, vehicles and equipment must be carried out under official surveillance
- Meat of pigs slaughtered during the period between the probable introduction of the dx to the holding and implementation of official measures shall- where possible- be traced and processed under official supervision
- census of all the holdings
- ban on the movement and transport of pigs
- movement restrictions: products, persons, vehicles etc
- no markets, fairs etc
- strict cleaning, disinfection, disinsectisation
Official measures in case of confirmation of classical swine fever on a holding
- All pigs on the holding must be slaughtered and their carcasses rendered
- Any material (meat, semen, ova) or any waste likely to be contaminated must be destroyed, rendered or processed
- Cleaning and disinfection must be carried out under official supervision
- Meat of any pigs slaughtered during the period between the probable introduction of the dx to the holding and the taking of official measures shall- wherever possible- be traced and processed under official supervision
- An epidemiological enquiry must be carried out
Use of vaccination in case of confirmation of classical swine fever
• Use of preventative CSF vaccines is PROHIBITED
• The member state concerned may submit an emergency vaccination plan to the commission for both farm pigs and feral pigs
• Marker vaccine
o A vaccine that can elicit a protective immunity that is distinguishable from the immune response elicited by the natural infection with the wild type vaccine by means of lab testing
Definition of animals diseased of equine infectious anaemia
- Typical CS, OR
- Non-typical CS but demonstration of the virus and/or 2 positive serology tests with a 21 days interval
- Pathology, histopathology
Definition of animals suspected of being contaminated with equine infectious anaemia
- Kept with dx or suspected of being dx animals within 90 days
- No CS but 2 inconclusive tests or 1 positive serology test with 21 days interval
Evaluation of ophthalmic test in case of glanders
- A few drops of mallein are instilled into the eye at the canthus.
- Infected= eyelids + sometimes side of face become swollen and there may be a little discharge from the eye
- The reaction may also occur to a lesser extent in the opposite eye
– 24 hours rest
– 0.2 ml mallein dripped onto the conjunctiva
– evaluation: 8-12 or 16-24 hours:
⚫ positive: swelling, purulent discharge
⚫ inconclusive: mucous discharge
⚫ negative
Official control measures in case of confirmation of African horse sickness outbreak
• Informing the public about restrictions
• Kill all infected horses
• Disposal of carcasses and animal waste
• Strict disinfection
• 20km zone
o Official surveillance, obligatory vaccination, lab exams of dogs, killing of dx dogs
• Epizootic enquiry
• Taking into account of epidemiological, geographical, climatic conditions
Rules of preventive vaccination of dogs against rabies
• The animal keeper shall arrange, at his/her own cost, for the vaccination of all dogs >3 months old to be
performed by the private vet responsible for the health provisions of such dogs as follows o Within 30 days after reaching 3 months old, AND
o Within 6 months after the 1st vaccination, AND
o Every year after
Rules of lifting the restrictions ordered in case of scabies:
• Observation period
o Sheep if <2 cm wool: 42 days after dipping
§ >2cm wool: 70 days after X2 dipping
§Other preparations: 42 days
o Other species
§ 42 days after X2 treatment
Official control measures with rabbit flocks diseased of viral haemorrhagic disease
• Diseased
o Movement restrictions, slaughter prohibited; killing the rabbits
• Proper disposal of carcasses
• Valuable flock
o Killing of ONLY the dx animals, healthy animals in the flock are vaccinated
o Movement restrictions and vaccination is continued during the next 6 months
** Definition of officially brucellosis free bovine herd **
• No CS for minimum 12 months
• No vaccination minimum 3 years
• All animals > 12 months
o 2 serological test (6-12 month interval)
• All introduced animals must be from officially free herds/ tested (within previous 30 days)
• Yearly testing
• General measures
o Isolation of holding, biosecurity, lab exams and records of them, isolated calving, control of movement of vehicles, control of dogs and cats on holding
** Definition of tuberculosis free bovine herd **
• No CS for at least 12 months
• All animals > 6weeks old: 2 official intradermal tuberculin tests
o 1sT: 6 months after removal of the infected animals
o 2nd: 6-12 months later
• Animals introduced from officially free herds or tested (within 30 days)
• Meat inspection/ lesions: compulsory investigation
• Yearly TB testing
• General measures
o Isolation of the holding, record of comparative lab exams, control of movements of visitors, animals, vehicles, control of dogs and cats on the holding
** Definition of IBR-virus free bovine herd **
• no case min 12 months
• no vax min 2 years
• serological tests
– blood/milk/meat juice sample from each bo over period not more than 12 months
- blood/milk/meat juice sample taken X2 @ 2-12m interval from
* all female bo >12 m
* all breeding/intended for breeding males >12m
* random sample of males not breeding >12m
• intro free + tested/ quarantine + tested
• all germinal products of bo intro from free/ approved germinal product establishments
** Maintenance of IBR-virus free status in bovine herd **
- All animals >6 months old: tested every 12 months
- Slaughter: test before transport for slaughter
- Dairy herd: milk test every 6 months
- Aborted animals: test 3-6 weeks after abortion
- Only animals originating from free herds are introduced; test X2, 21 days interval
- negative sero test results on blood/milk/meat juice from all >24 m
** Definition of Aujeszky’s disease infection free swine herd **
• No infection for 2 years
• No vax 12 m
• Epidemiological controls are in place
o Isolation, controlled movements, regular lab exams and records
• Test all breeding sows + boars and a representative sample of fattening pigs
• Insemination/ natural breeding only with negative boars/ semen
Definition of officially enzootic-bovine-leukosis-free herd
1) There is no evidence, either clinical or as a result of lab tests, of any case of enzootic bovine leukosis in the herd, and no such case has been confirmed in the previous 24 months; AND
2) All animals >24 months old have reacted negatively during the preceding 12 months to 2 test carried out at an interval of at least 4 months;
3) any animals introduced into the herd come from officially EBL free herd or originate from establishment where there has been no evidence of EBL within the 24 months prior to their dispatch; and
- >24 months - X2 4 month interval during isolation or; - serological test within 30D prior to introduction
- > all animals <24m born to dams subjected to sero tests with - regults during past 12 months X2 4 month interval
4) all germinal products of Bo animals intro are from free establishments or from approved germinal product establishment
** Definition of potentially rabid animal **
- An animal that shows symptoms of the dx, OR
- An animal that is symptomless, but has been bitten by a potentially rabid animal, OR
- A wild mammal that behaves strangely or that attacks humans
** Definition of potentially rabies-infected animal **
• An animals that has or may have been in contact with a rabid or potentially rabid animal within the last 90 days
* Definition of rabies risky*
- Any mammal that has attacked/ bitten humans, OR
* Any dogs that has not received an anti-rabies vaccination in accordance with the regulations
** Official measures with potentially rabid animals **
- The potentially rabid domestic animals or susceptible animals kept in captivity shall be killed OR, upon the animal keeper’s request, put under official monitoring for 90 days if the conditions of such monitoring can be ensured without any problem. The animals showing CS shall be inspected daily, while the animals not showing CS shall be inspected weekly
- The potentially rabid stray/ wild animals shall be killed and the official vet shall be informed without delay
** Official measures with potentially rabies-infected animals **
- Potentially rabies-infected animals shall be put under official monitoring for 90 days
- Potentially rabies-infected carnivorous animals shall be monitored under isolation at the place of their keeping, inspected once every 3 weeks or, if their safe separation is not possible, at an official place
- Potentially rabies-infected non-carnivorous animals shall be inspected once every 3 weeks. During the monitoring period the animals shall be kept (and preferably tied) separately to avoid their contact with humans or other animals
** Official measures with rabies risky animals **
- Rabies-risky animals shall be put under official monitoring for 14 days and, unless they already have it, the dogs shall be marked with an electronic transponder at the owner’s cost. At the end of the monitoring it is necessary to order the anti-rabies vaccination of the dogs not having a valid vaccination
- Rabies-risky carnivorous animals shall be monitored on the dog keeper’s site or, in lack of that, on any other site available and suitable for such purpose inhibiting any contact with humans and any other wild animals
- The animals showing any CS shall be inspected daily until they are fully recovered, while the animals not showing CS shall be inspected weekly
- Rabies-risky non-carnivorous animals shall be monitored at the place of their keeping or separation
**Public health measures in case of rabies **
• The official vet shall notify the competent regional institution of medical authority if
o He/ she confirms rabies/ potential rabies
o He/she becomes aware of the fact that a rabid/ potentially rabid or potentially-rabies infected animals has attacked any person
- Upon the detection of any wound caused by a dog, cat or wild animal, the physician caring for the wound shall immediately notify in writing the competent vet authority about the information available with regard to the circumstances of the case including, in particular, the name and home address of the animal keeper. Based on such notification, the official vet shall take necessary measured without delay
- The autopsy of the rabid/ potentially rabid animal or the removal of its head for diagnostic purposes may be performed only in protective clothes to exclude the risk of infections