Longest real essays Flashcards
Duties/ Objectives of OIE
- Inform governments about occurrence + course of animal Dx throughout + control methods
- Provide coordination at international level for studies devoted to surveillance and control of animal dx
- Examine regulations for trade in animals + animal products, with a view to harmonise these regulations among MS
- Give priority to welfare of animals used in agriculture + aquaculture and identify animal welfare research need
OIE Principles
- Transparency in global animal dx situation
- Scientific info: collect, analyse + disseminate info especially on dx control methods + animal welfare
- Provide expertise in control on animal dx
- Ensure safety in world trade in animals and animal products
- Improve safety of food of animal origin from hazards originating in animal production
- Establish standards + guidelines for animal welfare
- Improve the legal framework
- Address animal health issues related to poverty
- Provide expertise to members in understanding + managing effects of environmental + climate changes on animal health + welfare
Food and Veterinary offices (FVO)
- Promote effective control systems in food safety and quality, veterinary and plant health sectors
- Check on compliance with requirements of EU food safety and quality, veterinary plant health legislation within EU and 3rd countries exporting to EU
- Contribute to development of EU policy in food safety and quality, veterinary and plant health sectors
Main areas of EU Veterinary Legislation
- Single market
- Import from 3rd country
- Animal health certs
- Reporting and recording animal dx
- Prevention + control of contagious animal dx
- National eradication plans
- Animal welfare
- Animal breeding, zoo-sanitary rules
- Residuum’s
- Standards of Dg tests, vaccinations
- Reference laboratories
- Vet committees of the EU
- Financial measurements, monetary support
Duties of Local animal experimentation committee (LAEC)
- Prepare animal experimentation regulation
- Control observation of animal experimentation regulation
- Professional ethical supervision of animal experimentation
- Organise education and training of those authorised to carry out animal experiments
- Violation of animals during experiments: LAEC can terminate the experiment with notification of animal welfare authority
General agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT)
- International agreement setting out rules for conduction international trade and an international organisation created later to support the agreement
- GATT no longer exists= World trade organisation
GATT agreement on the application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures (SPS)
- Signed April 15 1994, into action January 1 1995
- Aims to reduce to a min the negative effects of health barriers on international trade
- States that countries should achieve the widest possible harmonisation of their animal health measures
- Those health measures which conform to international standards will be deemed necessary for the protection of human and animal life and health
Chlorine disinfectants
- Bleaching and germicidal properties, commonly used in disinfection, sanitizing and water purification
- In high conc, chloring is used for sewage treatment
- Disinfectants and sanitizers and readily available, inexpensive, have a broad antimicrobial spectrum and present minimal environmental hazards
- Very effective in the absence of organic material
- Other factors affecting efficacy: conc, pH, presence of natural proteins, presence of ammonia
• Broad spectrum of antibacterial and antiviral action
• Corrosive, easily neutralised by organic material and decompose readily
Chlorinated lime
• Hygroscopic powder containing and variety of calcium and chlorine compounds
• Frequently sprinkled to on barnyards and manure= release chlorine serving as a general disinfectant
Public laboratories are
- Institutes and laboratories established or approved by the Minister of Agriculture which belong into the frame of state veterinary service and are divided according to their fields of work: diagnostics, food investigation and fodder control)
- State veterinary or other laboratories, laboratories of public bodies not listed in point 1 (Universities, research institutes)
- Non-state laboratories but which are approved and suitable for performing a part of the tasks
What to do with Category 1
- Incineration
- Co-incineration
- Material other than TSE category 1 material: disposed of by pressure sterilisation
- Burial in authorised landfill
- Used as fuel for combustion with or without prior processing
- Used for the manufacture of derived products
What to do with Category 2
- Incinerate
- Co-incinerate
- Dispose at authorized landfill
- Used for manufacturing of organic fertilizers or soil improvers
- Composted or transformed into biogas
- Applied to land without processing
- From aquatic animals: ensiled, composted or transformed into biogas
- Used as fuel for combustion
- Used for the manufacture of derived products
What to do with Category 3 :
- Pet food
- Feed for farm animals
- Organic fertilizers
- Incinerate
- Co-incinerate
- Dispose at landfill
- Raw petfood
- Biogas
- Fuel for combustion
Requirements in case of Enzootic Bo. Leucosis, single animal
- If a single animal in an officially free herd has reacted positively or where infection is otherwise suspected in one animal in a herd
- The animal which has reacted positively and in case of a cow, any calf it may have produced must have left the herd for slaughter under the supervision of the veterinary authority
- All animals in the herd more than 12 months old have reacted negatively to 2 serological tests carried out at least 3 months after removal of the positive animal and their progeny
- Epidemic inquiry
Requirement in case of Enzootic Bo. Leucosis, multiple animals
- More than one animal from an officially free herd has reactive positively or where the infection has been suspected in more than one animal in a herd
- Any animals which have reacted positively and in case of cows, their calves, must be removed for slaughter under the supervision of the veterinary authority
- All animals over 12 months of age must react negatively to 2 test carried out at least 4 months and no more than 12 months
- All other animals in the herd remain on the holding until they are over 24 months of age and have been tested after reaching that age
- Epidemiological inquiry
Measures to be applied on holding when Highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks are confirmed
- All poultry and other captive birds on the holding shall be killed
- Member States may grant derogations for certain species of birds not to be killed, based on assessment of the risk of further spread of avian influenza
- All carcasses and eggs shall be disposed of
- Poultry hatched from eggs during the period between the probably introduction of HPAI and the application of stamping out measures shall be placed under official supervision and investigations carried out
- Meat of poultry slaughtered and eggs collected during the period between the probably introduction of HPAI and the application of stamping out measures shall be traced and disposed of when possible
- Substances and waste likely to be contaminated shall be destroyed or treated to ensure the destruction of the avian influenza virus
- Treatment of buildings, land, equipment, and vehicles likely to be contaminated
- Other captive birds/ mammals of domestic species shall not enter/leave the holding without authorisation
- In case of primary outbreak the virus isolate shall be examined to identify the genetic subtype
- Derogations: non-commercial holding, circus, zoo, pet bird shop, wild life park, fenced area for poultry kept for scientific purposes, rare breeds of poultry
Measures to be applied on the holdings where Low pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks are confirmed
- Official surveillance and movement restriction are applied on the basis of a risk assessment
- Depopulation of poultry and other captive birds in which LPAI has been confirmed, in a way to prevent the spread of avian influenza, depopulation may extend to other captive birds on the holding based on risk assessments evaluating their risk to spread avian influenza
- Before depopulation, no poultry or other captive birds shall enter or leave the holding unless authorized
- The competent authority shall decide if the poultry and other captive birds are killed or slaughtered
- When depopulation is by slaughter in a designated slaughterhouse, the poultry shall be subjected to further surveillance and testing
- Carcasses and hatching eggs are disposed of under official supervision
- Following an LPAI outbreak a restriction zone with a radius of at least 1 km around the holding shall be established
Protection zone FMD
- A minimum radius of 3Km
- National and local dx control centres
- Tracing of all susceptible animals and animal products
- Registration of all holdings and establishment: regular vet inspections
- Animals of susceptible species must remain on the holding except where they are emergency slaughtered in a slaughterhouse outside the protection zone
- Fairs, markets and shows for ungulates and AI prohibited
- Ban of transport of susceptible animals
- Prohibition of the placing on the market of meat and meat products derived from animals of susceptible species
- Milk + milk products, semen, ova and embryos, hides and skins, wool, hair bristles, animal feed, fodder, hay and straw: special treatment and/or strict veterinary control or ban
The measures are maintained and complied with until
• At least 15 days have elapsed since the killing and disposal of all the animals on the holdings affected by FM
• A survey in all holdings in the protection have been concluded with negative results
Surveillance zone FMD
• A minimum radius of 10Km
• Tracing of all susceptible animals and animal products
• Census of the holdings and animals on them
• A ban on transporting susceptible animals
• Restrictions on the placing on the market of meat and products of animal origin
After the removal of the measures applied in the protection zone, the measures applied in the surveillance zone continue to apply for at least 2 weeks