Mosq. malaria interactions Flashcards
look for good place- insert styets into skin - saliva out one tube and blood up another
sucking up blood
sift out plasma before remove stylet
break blood vessel and drink from pool of blood next to it
Only Anopheles does this
remove the fluid from blood meal and liquid comes out of anus
80% of protein in bloodmeal is in blood cells
bloodfeeding dangerous, may need to withdraw and return and feed again before producing eggs
female salivary gland
3 lobes - 1 median lobe, 2 lateral lobes
Distal region - produces apyrase in females - enables females to keep bloodfeeding - stops bloodvessels from blocking
Parasite only lives in distal region of slaivary glands
storage of sugar, in thorax
sucking blood
suck from a pool of blood so no pressure from blood vessels
mosq create own pressure with pharangeal pumps
After bloodfeeding
The single layered midgut epithelium is surrounded by
the basal lamina (basal matrix)
The apical cell membrane of the columnar cells is
extended into microvilli coated by a glycocalyx.
Enzymes secreted in response to a bloodmeal include
trypsins, chymotrypsin, aminopeptidase and
Peritrophic matrix
Formed around the bloodmeal 12-24 hrs
when digestion complete haematin excreted with PM
Blood initiates gonotrophic cycle
Vitellogenin (yolk) is synthesised in the
fat body trophocytes as a precursor
It is a glycolipoprotein
secreted and carried in haemolymph to the ovaries where taken up as vitellin
Structure of ovarian
Ovarioles contain follicles with an oocyte and nurse cells and
surrounded by an epithelium
every follicle develops synchronosly
if don’‘t finish bloodmeal some follicles will stop development or may be reabsorbed
Follicles arise from a germarium (and are connected to it by a
follicular stalk)
• The secondary follicle is resting
• The primary follicle undergoes development after a bloodmeal
Incorporation of vitagellin into ovary
Vitellogenin passes between the cells of the follicular epithelium,
which are patent (have spaces), to the oolemma
•Vg is taken up by receptor mediated endocytosis and fuses with yolk bodies to become crystalline vitellin
•Vitellogenin carboxypeptidase is also secreted in the fat body
and selectively endocytosed
• Egg batch size is dependent upon bloodmeal size
parasite affect persistance
if female doesn’t finish blood meal will come back for more
if oocysts present - more mosq give up early
if sporozoite present - more persistant and risky
parasite affect probing
when sporosoites present will probe more often on multiple people
production of apyrase reduces if salivary infection - means blood will dry up so have to probe more
Interaction inside midgut
parasite needs to get past barrier of midgut cells
Penetrates cell through midgut traversal
stays under basal lamina
cells that parasite passes through die via apoptosis and shed from basal lamina
Time bomb theory
cells produce peroxidases which degrade proteins in the cell.
if parasite hasn’t traversed to the next cell in time it will get stuck in the cell
effects of nitric oxide
Nitric oxide produce apoptosis
nitric oxide is a trigger for apoptosis in the parasite too
production of nitric oxide is an immune response to kill parasites in the midgut
during apoptosis chromatin condenses
parasite affect on egg production
costly and does not benefit the parasite
infected mosq. don’t produce as many eggs
reduction of resources put into eggs
less protein in fat body but more in the haemolymph - because it was not being taken up by the ovaries
no of eggs produced
no of eggs that hatch
apoptosis in ovraies
used caspase inibitors - showed that apoptosis of follicles happens first then reapsorption
plasmodium manipulator molecule shed in red blood cells in gut
produced by ookinetes
initiates immune response which affects production of eggs
parasite affect on sugar feeding
expression of insulin like peptides elevated
glycogen levels higher in infected mosquitoes
Insulin like growth factor (IIS)
The insulin signalling cascade plays a critical role in
regulating the immune response and stress responses
in both mammals and invertebrates
In mosquitoes the IIS regulates; reproduction,
lifespan, metabolism and pathogen resistance