Morning Sickness Flashcards
A time of Change
—Cessation of menses affects Chong and Ren Mai
*Excess of Yin, plethora of Yang
*Blood transformed into milk; Lower to Upper Jiao
—Blood into Essence
*Secretion of large amounts of estrogen,
progesterone and chorionic gonadotropin by the
*Pregnant women appear healthy, radiant
What is Pregnancy?
A Tx Strategy that consolidates the Original Qi to prevent miscarriage by Tonifying the mother’s Kidney Yang
What is ‘Calming the fetus’?
–LI 4, SP 6, BL 60, BL 67, GB 21, ST 25
*Giovanni refrains from using LU 7 & KID 6
–Points below the umbilicus not used in pregnancy
–Points above the umbilicus used only in the first
Contraindicated Points
Blood is the source of menstruation;
In non-pregnant women
Blood gathers to nourish the fetus and is also transformed into breast milk.’
In pregnancy
- Blood or Yin deficiency
- -Pre-existing condition
- Qi Stagnation
- -Proper ascending and descending of Qi in mid-Jiao
*Spleen Qi deficiency and Phlegm
*Earliest sign of pregnancy
–Not in all women
–Mild nausea to severe, frequent vomiting
–Intensity related to pre-existing digestive system
*Relative imbalance of Blood and Qi in the Chong Mai;
strain on Blood, Essence and Kidney energy that is
nourishing the fetus.
*Qi of Chong Mai rebels upward
Related to Stomach at ST 30; rebel ST Qi upward
Heart Qi not descending; rebelling upward
essentially a disharmony between the Blood and Essence of the Penetrating Vessel (which are diverted to nourish the fetus) and its Qi which rebels upwards as a result of this diversion. Chong Mai connects the Uterus and the Stomach at ST 30, interfering with Stomach Qi’s ability to descend causing nausea and vomiting.
The pathology of morning sickness
Vomiting soon after eating
Heat and Fullness
Vomiting of dilute fluids:
Cold and Deficiency
Vomiting with retching & belching
LIV Qi stag.
Only slight nausea
ST Qi deficiency
Vomiting of sour fluids
Liver Qi stagnation
Vomiting of bitter fluids
ST & LIV Heat
pacify the Penetrating Vessel, subdue rebellious Qi, harmonize the Stomach and stop vomiting.’
MAIN TREATMENT PRINCIPLE: in morning sickness