Morneau - Pensions Flashcards
Primary objective of the Canada Health Act.
Protect, Promote, restore the health of Canadians without financial or other barriers.
Identify conditions for province to receive unreduced funding under the Canada Health Act. (5)
COMPREHENSIVE: covers all hospital & medical services
UNIVERSAL: covers all eligible residents
PUBLIC: requires administration by non-profit public authority
PORTABLE: between provinces
ACCESSIBLE: uniform terms & conditions for all eligible residents
Does the federal government cover more or less than half of provincial health care costs?
LESS than half.
Federal government mechanism for provincial medical funding.
Through transfer payments.
Methods that provinces use to raise balance not covered by federal transfer payments for medical programs. (4)
- direct cost-sharing by residents & employers (eg: ON)
- payroll tax (eg: ON)
- general revenue (eg: NB)
- tax on group insurance plans (eg: ON)
Tax treatment of individual premium payments to PROVINCIAL health insurance premiums.
Individual payments are NOT tax deductible.
Tax treatment of employer payments to PROVINCIAL health insurance premiums.
Employer payments are taxable.
Tax treatment of employer premium payments to PRIVATE health insurance premiums.
Payments are NOT taxable, (except for Quebec).
What is the reason for the inception of WC (worker’s compensation) insurance?
COURTS: overwhelmed by rapid industrialization and workplace accidents
VICTIMS: needed prompt medical & financial assistance
What is the underlying insurance principle of WC insurance?
No-fault insurance.
How is WC funded?
WC insurance is funded by the employer.
Explain individual liability in WC insurance regarding: operation, funding, and where used.
OPERATION: by WC boards
FUNDING: each employer is self-funded based on claims history
WHERE USED: public agencies
Explain collective liability in WC insurance regarding: operation, funding, and where used.
OPERATION: by WC boards
FUNDING: each industry class (based on activity & risk) is assessed collectively based on claims history
WHERE USED: non-public industries
EI (Employment Insurance): Objective
- income replacement (temporary)
- re-employment assistance
EI: Financing
- generally (employer, employee) = (50%, 50%)
- some programs funded by general tax revenues
EI: tax treatment with respect to premiums, benefits
PREMIUMS: employer = tax deductible employee = tax credit self-employed = 50% tax deductible BENEFITS: taxable
Reasons EI won’t be viable without government involvement. (3)
ADVERSE SELECTION: only those who are about to lose their jobs would buy the insurance
EMPLOYERS WOULDN’T CONTRIBUTE: they get no benefits, thus government must mandate coverage
COMPLEXITY: government already has necessary structures in place to facilitate operations
How employee benefit plan qualifies for EI premium reduction? (4)
- employee benefits GREATER than EI benefits
- benefits START in 15 days
- benefits DURATION longer than 15 days
- employee compensation NOT REDUCED even if additional EI benefits are given in the same period
How to return premium reduction to employees? (3)
- written agreement
- cash back on 5/12 of company savings
- increased benefits
Disqualifications for EI. (3)
Employment disruptions:
- Dismissal with cause
- Quit
- Strike