Chevalier - Agricultural Risk Programs Flashcards
What is Growing Forward 2?
A comprehensive federal-provincial-territorial framework for Canada’s agricultural sector.
What are the BRMs Program in GF2 (Growing Forward)? (6)
1) Agri-insurance (protects against Production loss)
2) Agri-stability (protects against Margin Decline)
3) Agri-investment (investment fund for small losses)
4) Agri-recovery (protects against disaster)
5) Advance payments program (low interest loans for Cash Flow management)
6) WLPIP - Western Livestock Productions Insurance Program (protects against fluctuations in livestock)
How are BRMs programs funded?
- Agri-Insurance, Agri-Stability, Agri-Investment, WLPIP funded by producer-provincial-federal
- Agri-Recovery funded by provincial-federal
- Advance Payment Program funded by federal
Define Probable Yield.
It is the expected yield of an agricultural product (measures coverage in yield-based plans).
What is a Balance-Back factor?
It is a factor applied to the aggregate premium to correct for individual discounts and surcharges.
What are Risk-Splitting benefits?
They are indemnities based on a subset of production (for a given agricultural product).
Define the Uncertainty Load (or risk margin).
It is a load in rates to account for limitations in data, assumptions, and methods.
Define Self-Sustainability Load.
A load in rates to recover deficits and maintain surplus.
What are the reasons for uncertainty and self-sustainability loads?
- Uncertainty Load: covers future contingencies
- Self-sustainability Load: recovers past deficits
Actuarial Certification - What is the content of the actuarial certification? (3)
The Actuarial Certification should provide an opinion on:
i) method for calculating probable yield (for deriving exposure for yield-based plan)
ii) method on pricing
iii) self-sustainability of the program
Actuarial Certification - Why is it required?
In order to obtain federal funding.
Actuarial Certification - How often is it required?
- frequency is determined using a RISK-BASED approach
- at least every 5 years
Actuarial Certification - What triggers the requirement of a new certification?
- significant changes in program design or methods
- new crops
What are the key elements of Canadian Agri-Insurance Regulation? (4)
- minimum deductible = 10%
- probable yields must reflect DEMONSTRATED production capability (in order to prevent over insurance)
- rate must be ACTUARIALLY SOUND (including self-sustainability load + relevant costs)
- Actuarial Certification is required (if uncertified, then the federal government may reduce the premium contribution to the province)
Identify the main types of Agri-Insurance plans & provide examples for each. (2)
- yield-based plans (individual or collective)
- non-yield-based plans (weather derivative, acre based, mortality for livestock)
When does a yield-based plan pay?
It would pay when: an individual or collective production is less than the production guarantee FOR a specified agricultural product.
Define proxy crop coverage.
It is when the payment rate for a given crop is BASED ON the payment rate for another crop WITH MORE RELIABLE (production, price) data.
What is the coverage trigger for the non-yield based, weather derivative plan?
Trigger: when a pre-determined meteorological threshold has been breached, REGARDLESS of the actual production.
What is the coverage trigger for the non-yield based, tree mortality plan?
Trigger: when more than a certain % of the tress are destroyed by an insured peril, REGARDLESS of the actual production.
What is the formula for probable yield in a yield-based plan?
It is the AVERAGE of the yearly production yields.
Adjustments to historical years - What is the purpose of these adjustments?
In order to reflect current production capability (similar to on-leveling premiums).
Adjustments to historical years - What are the triggers for making such adjustments? (5)
- a change in farming or management practices
- a change in insurance program design
- a change in data source or data collection technique
- maturity of perennials (yield would vary over their life cycle)
- quality variation on crop from year to year (due to insured perils or other causes)