More on proteins... Flashcards
- Temperature (heat), pH and solvent conditions can
be adjusted to unfold a
protein back into a more extended form.
When the unfolding conditions are reverted, many proteins
have enough
information stored in their sequence of amino acids to refold back to exactly
the same tertiary structure. Other proteins get stuck along the way (e.g. curdled
milk stays curdled after heat/cool treatment
The essence of correct protein
folding is the…
retention of partially
correct intermediates
Molten globules containing…
native secondary structure but
not tertiary structure are formed early in folding
-Molten refers to fluctuating nature of interactions between
secondary structures
-Globule refers to a condensed state
is the
driving force for
formation of molten globules
An unfolded polypeptide chain is often …
unstable in water
(in absence of denaturing agents) because many
nonpolar residues may come into contact with water.
-The hydrophobic groups tend to come together to avoid
water (hydrophobic collapse)
Nonpolar amino acids form a
hydrophobic core hidden from water
Amino acid residues have different
tendencies for forming (a)-helices,
(b)sheets or (b)turns
promote helix formation + other formations:
Some amino acid side chains (like glutamate,
alanine and leucine)
Proline and glycine do not favour helix
formation but have a tendency to form turns
Some amino acids favour b-strand formation
(like leucine, isoleucine, and valine)
Secondary structure prediction is
only about
60% accurate (but getting better.
Supersecondary structure:
In general more than 60% of
polypeptide backbone comprises
a-helices and b-sheets
The overall free energy change on
folding is
negative–so favorable.
Free energy is a balance of several
thermodynamic factors:
-Conformational entropy
-Enthalpy contribution
-Entropy contribution from hydrophobic
Conformational entropy:
energy favors random chains
conformation due to burying of
hydrophobic residues interacting with
Enthalpy contribution:
energy from intramolecular side
groups interaction.
Entropy contribution from hydrophobic
Favorable energy due to the
burying of hydrophobic R group
Local folding through…
nucleation of small clusters of residues due
to the hydrophobic effect
A General Order of Folding:
- Random polypeptide: hydrophobic residues stabilized by water forming a
cagelike structure, DS low. - Secondary structure starts to form:
-hydrophobic effect (hydrophobic residues buried inside the protein)
->favorable energy DS.
-release of water due to hydrophobic effect
->randomness conformational entropy increase (unfavorable energy DS).
- Secondary structure are formed, domains, protein folded: Intramolecular
side chain interactions create a negative enthalpy (favorable energy)
-simple combinations of a few secondary structure
elements with specific geometric arrangement
- b-a-b and calcium calcium binding “hand” are examples
-A variety of structures are seen in globular protein
-Looking at possible similarities can provide insight
into how structure and function are related
polypeptide chain or part of polypeptide chain
that can fold independently into stable 3o structure
Many proteins have several compact…
compact globular regions. Each globular unit is called a domain.
- domains tend to have ~50 up to 200-300 amino acids
- less than 50 is difficult to fold stably
- more than 300 is difficult to fold correctly
A single domain is typically…
made of a single stretch of
primary sequence – there are many exceptions though
Tertiary folding is stabilized by
the same non-covalent interactions as found
in the secondary structures but involves amino-acid side chain interactions only not main chain atoms interactions.
- H-bonding
- ionic interactions
- van der Waals forces
- ‘hydrophobic’ interactions
disulphide linkages (Bonds)
covalent bonds that can stabilize protein tertiary structure
Salting Out:
The solubility of protein in an aqueous solution depends
on many factors, including:
- Size of protein
- Surface charge on protein
- Polarity of protein
- pH and ionic strength of the solution.
Protein Purification:
This “purification”
process involves
separating proteins
based on their ionic
properties, their sizes,
their hydrophobicity, and
their affinities for certain
molecules (ligands).
*Each successive step
is referred to as
Ion-Exchange Chromatography
*The bead is
negatively charged, and
therefore the rate of
mobility of proteins
loaded onto the resin is
proportional to the
degree of negative
charge that they bear.
Size Exclusion Chromatography:
In size-exclusion chromatography
(gel-filtration chromatography),
proteins migrate as a function of their
molecular mass.
* Notice in the figure at let left that the
large molecules elute first.
Affinity Chromatography:
In affinity chromatography, proteins
are separated according to their ability
to bind to a specific ligand that is
connected to the beads of the resin.
- After the proteins that do not bind the
ligand are washed through the column,
the bound protein of interest is eluted
by a solution containing free ligand.
SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
Electrophoresis is based on the migration of
proteins in a charged field.
The trick is to carry out the electrophoresis in
the presence of sodium docecyl sulfate, which
is a detergent.
SDS binds to every protein in roughly the same
proportion, which is about one molecule for
every two amino acid residues.
SDS carries with it a negative charge, and the
cumulative negative charge renders the intrinsic
net charge of the protein insignificant.
Therefore, every protein will have the same
charge to mass ratio, which will cause all
proteins to migrate towards the cathode with a
rate that is dependent on their sizes.
In contrast to gel-filtration, smaller molecules
migrate faster than larger molecules
Isoelectric Focusing:
Isoelectric focusing is a procedure that allows the pI of a
particular protein to be determined, and that separates
proteins based on their respective pI values.
2D-electrophoresis allows separation of proteins
by both size and isoelectric point (pI). Each spot
represents a different protein. The horizontal
represents the isoelectric focusing direction,
while the vertical represents the SDS-PAGE
n order to purify a protein …
or any other substance, there
must be a means of quantitatively detecting its presence