Morality in sport Flashcards
what is morality
Nobody can acquire honor by doing what is
President Thomas Jefferson, US President,
what is the Six-stage sequence (divided into 3 levels) of moral development
and problem solving in relation to moral reasoning?
Pre-Conventional Level-
Solving moral conflict through egocentric reasoning
Conventional Level-
Resolve moral conflict through the eyes of groups and society
Post-Conventional Level-
Recognise universal values such as justice and equality.
decisions based on self-chosen ethical principles.
what is Bracketed Morality
-Moral reasoning in sport is depart from that of
everyday life.
-Moral reasoning in sport is less mature (i.e.,
more egocentric) than in everyday life termed
as “game reasoning”
-Antisocial acts could be deemed more
legitimate in sport contexts.
What influences athletes’ moral reasoning?
Sport Type:
Contact vs. Non-contact
Moral Atmosphere
refers to a set of collective norms regarding
moral action on the part of group members.
Significant Others
(e.g., coaches, teacher, parents, peers)
Rest’s model of moral action(four process)
1) Interpret situation and consider courses of action
and welfare for others
2) What ought to be done (moral judgement)
3) What one intends to do (moral intention)
4) Implementing a planned action (moral behaviour)
what is Moral Reasoning
How a individual resolves a moral conflict.
what is Moral Functioning
Collective term for moral judgement,
moral intention and moral behaviour
Measurements of moral behaviour
Frequency of sport specific moral behaviours
Video analysis of behaviours – identify and code moral
Coach ratings:
Coaches asked to rate frequency of aggressive acts
from their team members
What is aggression
Aggression - the intention to harm another
individual outside the rules of the activity
(Tenenbaum et al., 1997)
Two types of aggression
Instrumental (proactive) – intention to harm
as a means to an end (e.g., external goal of
victory or prestige)
Hostile (reactive) – directed to another following provocation (e.g., anger response)
WQhat is assertion
In short, in life, as in a football game, the principle
to follow is: Hit the line hard; don’t foul and don’t
shirk, but hit the line hard!”
Theodore Roosevelt, The Strenuous Life (1900)
What is assertive behaviour
Involves legitimate use of physical or verbal force to
achieve purpose without the intention to harm.
Hostile aggression characteristics
- Intent to harm
- Goal to harm
- Unusual effort and
energy expenditure
(anger present)
Instrumental aggression characteristics
- Intent to harm
- Goal to win
- No anger
Instinct theory - who and what is it?
(Freud, 1950; Gill, 1966)
Human have innate instinct to be aggressive. Sport is a context to release “pent-up” aggression