Moral Reasoning & Contemporary Issues Flashcards
Nonmoral premise affirms that the ____________ does apply to the particular case
General Moral Principle
Moral Statement
A statement affirming that an actions is right or worng or that a person is good or bad
Straw man
The misreprsenting of someone’s claim/statement so it can more easily refuted
Reasons for a claim in a moral essay,convo,argument is to state how it _________ peoples lives
Affects people lives (negatively or positively)
Committing a violent act to defend yourself against physical attack is moral permissible
Assaulting someone who is attacking you is a violent act of self defense
Therefore, assaulting someone who is attacking you is morally permissible…. is an example of what?
Moral Argument
Wrong, Should, ought, good & immoral are what type of indicator words?
Moral argument indiciators
Nonmoral arguments may _______ a state of affairs that touches on ________ concerns, without being moral arguments
Describe a state of affairs, Moral Concerns
If a inductive argument is strong & premise is true then its __________ argument
Cogent Argument
A moral claim should be stated clear _______ in the convo/essay
Early (usually in the beginning)
Moral arguments need a moral premise to ________________ & at least one nonmoral premise ________________
To affirm a moral principle / rule & About a state of affairs (Usually a specific type of action)
Point of a moral issue is to reslove it by determing whether the ____________ is true or not
Moral Claim/Statment
There must be a thorough assessment of _______to your argument& its conculsion to show _______
Objections, show creditabilty
Good moral essay/Conversations have what essential elements?
- A claim to be proved
- An Argument for or against claim
- Consideration of alternative views
Many people think capital punishment is wrong
Jena did not lie
You treated him as he treated you
Tania tries to be a good person
Animals are treated cruelly…are examples of what
Nonmoral Arguments/Statements
If a deductive argumet is valid & premise is true then its _______ argument
Sound argument