Mood Disorders Flashcards
Symptoms of major depression
- Sleep
- Interest
- Guilt
- Energy
- Concentration
- Appetite
- Pscyhomotor retardation
- Suicidal Ideation
Major Depressive Episode criteria
-5 depression symptoms over two week period
Mania symptoms
- distractibility
- insomnia/impulsive
- grandiosity
- flight of ideas
- activity/ agitation
- speech pressured
- thoughtlessness
Criteria for manic episode
- 7 days or hospitalization
- 3 symptoms or 4 if irritable
Criteria for hypomanic episode
-3 symptoms but less than four days/ no psychosis/ no impaired functioning
(may clean the house for forty eight straight hours)
Good drug for mood disorders with mixed features
depakot (valproate)
Depression is specifically assc with poorer outcome in what disease?
Major depressive disorder is assc with the highest risk of _____ compared to other disorders.
Criteria for Major Depressive Disorder (as opposed to episode)
just the presence of one MDE and no hx of mania
Sleep changes assc with MDD
REM earlier and longer= less N3-4
Initial and terminal insomnia
Hypersomnia in atypical depression
Cancer often assc with major depression?
What are melancholic features assc with depression?
- anhedonia
- early waking
What are atypical features of depression
- hyperphagia
- hypersomnia
- mood reactivity
Describe depression w/ mixed features
-manic or hypomanic symptoms present during most days of MDE but do not meet bipolar criteria
Describe MDD w/ psychotic features
MDD + hallucinations or delusions only during MDE
BP type 1 is aka
manic depression
Define rapid cycling
4 or more mood episodes per year
BP 1 diagnostic criteria
1 manic episode
Mood stabilizer shown to reduce suicide risk
BP Type 2 diagnostic criteria
hypomanic episode + one or more MDE
Best treatment for mania in pregnancy
Criteria for persistent depressive disorder
- depressed mood most days for at least 2 years
- no period of 2 months without, at least 2 symptoms
- no mania
Criteria for cyclothymic disorder
hypomanic symptoms (but not full episode_ and depressive symptoms for at least 2 years
How is cyclothymia related to BP disorder?
1/3 of cyclothymic patients are eventually diagnosed with BP