MOOC Flashcards
Which of the following is not true:
- Research has shown that quitting smoking at any age leads to health benefits
- When women quit smoking before or around their thirties, their chance to die from any cause decreases to a level comparable to that of women who never smoked
- To decrease your relative risk to die from lung cancer, you must quit smoking before your fifties
- At any age, a woman that smokes has about three times more chance to die from any cause than a non-smoking woman
La última es correcta
- About 1 in 4 people smoke, more than half of them say they want to quit. Of those who try to quit without treatment, about 1 in 20 is still abstinent one year later
- A continuing decrease in smoking prevalence can be observed from 1980 until today
- In developed countries, the smoking prevalence among men is about equal the prevalence among women.
- The difference in smoking prevalence between people with and without a probable mental illness is decreasing.
La última no es
Evaluate the following two statements:
Statement A: “The majority of smokers who tried to stop smoking in the last 12 months made use of at least one form of assistance.”
Statement B: “When people try to quit smoking and seek assistance, they mostly make use of a form of nicotine replacement therapy”
A is wrong
B is correct
If you are a smoker who has the intention to quit, your chance to succeed
- is highest if you are motivated and quit on your own
- increases with every attempt you make
- is highest when you combine NRT and acupuncture
- increases when you are offered free nicotine patches
La primera no es
If a non-smoking woman of 51 has a 3% chance to die from a stroke and a 2% chance to die from pancreas cancer, then..
- her 51-year old smoking girlfriend has a 13.8% chance to die from a stroke and a 2.2% chance to die from pancreas cancer.
- her 51-year old smoking girlfriend has a 13.8% chance to die from a stroke and a 4.4% chance to die from pancreas cancer.
- her 51-year old smoking girlfriend has a 4.6% chance to die from a stroke and a 4.4% chance to die from pancreas cancer.
- her 51-year old smoking girlfriend has a 4.6% chance to die from a stroke and a 2.2% chance to die from pancreas cancer.
La segunda
Evaluate the following two statements:
Statement A: “The aerosol (vapor) produced by electronic cigarettes typically contains nicotine but no carbon monoxide, nor any of the toxicants and carcinogens found in the smoke of tobacco cigarettes.”
Statement B: “Nicotine (at doses typically consumed by smokers/vapers) does not cause serious adverse health effects such as acute cardiac events, coronary heart disease or cerebrovascular disease, and is not carcinogenic.”
A y B correctos NO
Which of the following statements is not true?
- the dose makes the poison the dose makes the poison
- everything is chemical
- both artifical, and natural chemicals, can lead to cancer
- when a carcinogen is present in a substance this means that consuming this substance will lead to cancer
La primera no es (es decir, es correcto)
Evaluate the following two statements:
Statement A: “Chemical studies are easy and fast to perform, they evaluate the chemical composition of a certain substance and provide a complete overview of all chemicals present in that substance.”
Statement B: “Clinical studies on humans in vivo are difficult and expensive to perform, they provide definite and objective evidence about the effects of use and rule out the need for long-term follow-up studies.”
A incorrecto y B correcto NO ES
- has an acute effect on the number of white blood cells
- immediately affects how much oxygen goes to the heart immediately affects how much oxygen goes to the heart
- can lower asthma complaints
- lowers your blood pressure
La segunda no es
Which percentage of the general population is estimated to have at least one mental disorder within a 12-month period? 5% 15% 30% 50%
Below are definitions of the different requirements for any mental health innovation; Reach, Scalability, Affordability, Expansion of nonprofessional workforce. Which is false?
- ‘Reach’ means that you have to ensure that interventions can be implemented and adapted to varying local conditions, reaching the diverse group of people in need.
- ‘Scalability’ implies that a model should be applicable on a larger scale than traditional services.
- ‘Affordability’ requires a lower cost compared to the usual model
- ‘Expansion of nonprofessional workforce” implies the increase of the number of providers who can deliver interventions.
First one
Which of the following statements is true?
- Mental disorders are less impairing than common chronic medical disorders.
- Mental disorders are equally impairing than common chronic medical disorders.
- Mental disorders are more impairing than common medical disorders.
- The impairment of mental disorders has yet to be compared with that of common medical disorders.
Which of the following statements is not a valid reason why merely expanding the workforce to deliver treatments with the usual one-to-one in-person model of care is not likely to have a major impact on the burdens of mental illness?
- Mental health professionals are concentrated in highly populated areas.
- Mental health professionals have insufficient knowledge of evidence-based practices to address common mental health problems.
- The majority of mental health professionals do not provide care to populations and clinical problems for which there is a great or expanding need.
- Few mental health professionals reflect the cultural and ethnic characteristics of those in need of care
Which of the following applications could be considered a ‘disruptive innovation’ in mental healthcare, according to Kazdin and Rabbitt?
- Using smartphones and tablets to assess psychological states and bringing interventions to individuals in their everyday lives.
- Letting adolescents write regularly on a blog for 10 weeks to improve their self-esteem.
- Making lay counsellors administer a stepped- care intervention beginning with psychoeducation and followed by interpersonal psychotherapy.
- Helping people to exercise more often and eat differently in order to avoid symptoms of psychological disorders.
Which of the following statements about Interapy is false?
- All interaction between patients and mental health personnel was conducted over a secure website.
- The contact was asynchronous.
- Screening, treatment, and outcome measurement were conducted without face-to-face contact.
- The dialogue is governed by a computer system that executes the treatment manual.
When implemented during routine clinical practice, drop-out rates for Interapy were
- much higher compared to the regular Dutch mental healthcare.
- much lower compared to drop-out rates in controlled trials.
- comparable to the regular Dutch mental healthcare.
- much lower compared to the regular Dutch mental healthcare.
Which of the following statements on Interapy is false?
- The Interapy studies obtained large effects, roughly similar to those of face-to-face CBT.
- One to three years after treatment, the symptoms were back to normal.
- Higher recovery rates were obtained using Interapy compared with experimental controls.
- If participants did not complete post-treatment measures, they were assumed to have gained nothing
Which of the following statements is true?
- Most online interventions are based on psychodynamic therapy.
- Cognitive behavioural therapy seems to be equally effective for treating depression and anxiety.
- Online cognitive behavioural therapy has shown to be vastly superior compared to psychodynamic therapy.
- Online psychodynamic therapy has already shown to be effective for the treatment of a wide range of mental health disorders.
For which statement on the acceptability of online therapy is there currently no evidence?
- When an online intervention is guided, client satisfaction is generally high.
- For ‘doers’, the computer seems to be a more than acceptable therapist.
- The majority of clients still prefer some sort of guidance or contact with a mental health professional.
- Mere online self-help interventions appeal to a large group of clients.
last one
According to Opriş et al. (2012), what disorder has received the least amount of investigation using VRET and regular therapy?
- Fear of flying
- Panic disorder/agoraphobia
- Acrophobia
- Social phobia
Which of the following statements on the Opriş et al. (2012) study is false?
- Drop-out rate is lower in VRET compared to in vivo exposure.
- The number of VRET sessions moderates the effect size obtained in studies.
- VRET outperforms waitlist control.
- VRET has a good stability of results in time, similar to that of classical evidence-base treatments.
Which statement on sense of presence is false?
Sense of presence implies the illusion of non-mediation
- Sense of presence might be a necessary requirement for virtual reality therapy to be effective
- No relationship was found between sense of presence and the amount of anxiety experienced in virtual reality treatment for social anxiety disorder.
- Virtual head mounts are currently the only way to create a sense of presence.
Conflict is for most people an almost daily experience
You can be party in a conflict without knowing it
Mediators help parties to see objectively to conflict
We speak of intrapersonal conflict when a party does not communicate irritations or frustrations about the other.
The difference between intrapersonal and interpersonal conflict is where you attribute your frustration.
Avoiding is usually the most cost effective way of managing conflict
Most people have a personal style of responding to conflicts
Making strategic choices in conflict behavior can be trained
Mediation can help to develop more constructive conflict behavior
Problem solving is in most cases the best way of conflict management
Peacemaking is a specific role to be best assigned to a team or family member
Peacemaking is a synonym for mediation
Peacemakers should have a good sense of humor
Mindfulness is a nonjudgmental awareness and helps therefore in conflict
More neurotic persons experience more conflict stress
Mediation is a profession
A mediator gives suggestions to the conflicting parties how to solve the issues best
mediation always includes the exploration and expression of emotions
Mediation can only be used when conflicts are highly escalated
most people feel satisfied with mediation
e-mediation contains a large variety of mediation forms in which different kind of tools can be combined
a-synchronous communication is more de-escalating, compared with synchronous communication
commercial disputes are more suitable for e-mediation, than for example escalated marital divorce cases
e-mediation is less effective, compared with face-to-face mediation
the more vulnerable party benefits most from e-mediation
e-mediation is an advanced form of mediation for specialists
many people use electronic devices in clonflict management
a natural tendency when confronted with conflict of others is to take sides
only people with some formal authority can be mediator
e-mediation is mostly suitable for commercial disputes