Monograph Exam 4 Part I Flashcards
Occlusion is the study of the _____ relationships of the opposing maxillary and mandibular teeth.
This study occurs both in ___ ____ of the teeth and during ___ ____ of the mandible.
A knowledge of occlusion complements a knowledge of dental anatomy.
This combined knowledge is essential in diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment.
It allows the dentist to restore optimal form and function to each patient’s dentition
Occlusion is the study of the functional relationships of the opposing maxillary and mandibular teeth. This study occurs both in maximum intercuspation of the teeth and during functional movements of the mandible. A knowledge of occlusion complements a knowledge of dental anatomy. This combined knowledge is essential in diagnosis, treatment planning and treatment. It allows the dentist to restore optimal form and function to each patient’s dentition
Anterior Guidance -the ____ relationship of the maxillary and mandibular ____ teeth which control ___ ___.
Anterior Guidance -the functional relationship of the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth which control mandibular movement.
Articulator -a ____ device which represents the ______ _____s, the____e and the ____ to which diagnostic casts may be attached to simulate manidbular movements.
Articulator -a mechanical device which represents the temporomandibular joints, the mandible and the maxillae to which diagnostic casts may be attached to simulate manidbular movements.
Centric Occlusion -the occlusion of the teeth when the jaws are ____ together in the normal position.
Synonyms for centric occlusion are (1) ___ ____ (2)___ ___, (3) __ ___and (4) the ____ ____. Centric occlusion is a “___ to ____ relationship and may easily be ___ by dental treatment.
Centric Occlusion -the occlusion of the teeth when the jaws are closed together in the normal position. Synonyms for centric occlusion are (1) maximum intercuspation, (2) habitual centric, (3) acquired centric and (4) the intercuspal position. Centric occlusion is a “tooth to tooth” relationship and may easily be affected by dental treatment.
Centric Relation -the most ____ position of the condyles in the___ ___ with the discs in place.
Centric relation is a ___ to ___ relationship, not a tooth to tooth relationship.
Centric relation is _____ and can be used as a __ ___ for many restorative procedures.
Centric Relation -the most superior position of the condyles in the glenoid fossae with the discs in place. Centric relation is a mandible to cranium relationship, nQ1 a tooth to tooth relationship. Centric relation is reproducible and can be used as a starting point for many restorative procedures.
Condylar Guidance -the ____ relationship of the ___ and ___ ____of the____ ____ which control___ ____
Condylar Guidance -the functional relationship of the hard and soft tissues of the temporomandibular joints which control mandibular movement.
Cuspid Rise -(cuspid protected occlusion) ___ on __side is the only tooth contacting in a working side movement. All other posterior teeth are ____ in ___ ___
Cuspid Rise -(cuspid protected occlusion) cuspid on working side is the only tooth contacting in a working side movement. All other posterior teeth are not in occlusal contact.
Deglutition -the act or process of ____of food.
During swallOWing in the adult, the mandible is ____ by bringing the teeth into ___ ___nand the like are brought together in order to seal the oral cavity.
Deglutition -the act or process of swallowing of food. During swallOWing in the adult, the mandible is stabilized by bringing the teeth into centric occlusion and the like are brought together in order to seal the oral cavity.
Diagnostic Casts -a positive likeness of a part or parts of the oral cavity for the purpose of ____ and __ ___
Diagnostic Casts -a positive likeness of a part or parts of the oral cavity for the purpose of study and treatment planning.
Dynamic Occlusion -there is a___ and/or ____involved when one chews, bites, holds object or clenches the teeth. This movement or application of force between the arches is dynamic occlusion. (see “Static Occlusion”)
Dynamic Occlusion -there is a movement and/or force involved when one chews, bites, holds object or clenches the teeth. This movement or application of force between the arches is dynamic occlusion. (see “Static Occlusion”)
Facebow -an instrument which records the relation of the ___ ___ ___ To the ____ for transfer of the m____ ___t to the____
Facebow -an instrument which records the relation of the maxillary dental arch to the cranium for transfer of the maxillary cast to the articulator.
Freeway space -the distance between the ___ ____ of the maxillary and mandibular teeth when the mandible is in its ___ ___ ___n. The normal amount of freeway space is ___ millimeters.
Freeway space -the distance between the occluding surfaces of the maxillary and mandibular teeth when the mandible is in its physiologic rest position. The normal amount of freeway space is 2-4 millimeters.
Group Function -___ and ___ ___ on the working side contact ____ as a unit in working side movement.
Group Function -Cuspid and posterior teeth on the working side contact evenly as a unit in working side movement.
Hinge Opening -In the ____ phase of opening from centric relation, the condyles hinge or ____ around a fixed___ axis This phase of opening is called hinge opening and occurs for the first _____ millimeters of opening. (See “Translatory Opening.)
Hinge Opening -In the initial phase of opening from centric relation, the condyles hinge or rotate around a fixed transverse axis. This phase of opening is called hinge opening and occurs for the first 20-25 millimeters of opening. (See “Translatory Opening.)
Intercuspation -deals with the___ ____ relationship of the multicusped posterior teeth.
As these teeth occlude, some of the cusps contact the ___ ____ or teeth.
Other cusps do not contact the opposing tooth or teeth; they overlap the ____ or ___ ____ of the opposing teeth.
Intercuspation -deals with the centric occlusion relationship of the multicusped posterior teeth. As these teeth occlude, some of the cusps contact the opposing tooth or teeth. Other cusps do not contact the opposing tooth or teeth; they overlap the buccal or lingual surfaces of the opposing teeth.
Interdigitation -It is during the____ phase of occlusion that tooth positions in the arch and their relations to opposing teeth are noted.
In general each tooth occludes or functions with ___ opposing teeth. This relationship is known as interdigitation and the pattern is an established one.
Interdigitation -It is during the static phase of occlusion that tooth positions in the arch and their relations to opposing teeth are noted. In general each tooth occludes or functions with two opposing teeth. This relationship is known as interdigitation and the pattern is an established one.
As you learn the concept of interdigitation, you will find it helpful to study either a set of dentoforms or stone casts.
The one tooth to two teeth relationship is most distinct in the____and ___ regions. The interdigitation of one tooth to two teeth is less distinct in the ___ region.
A maxillary tooth will typically interdigitate with the ___ tooth in the opposing arch and the tooth ___ to it.
For example, a maxillary central incisor interdigitates with the opposing mandibular central and ___ ___. The maxillary canine interdigitates with the opposing mandibular canine and ___ ___.
A mandibular tooth will typically interdigitates with the ___ tooth in the maxillary arch and the tooth ___ to it.
For example, a mandibular lateral incisor interdigitates with the opposing maxillary lateral and ___ ___s. A mandibular canine interdigitates with the opposing maxillary canine and __ __.
The two exceptions to the concept of interdigitation are the ___ ___ ___ and the ___ ___ ___.
These teeth typically interdigitate with only ___ opposing tooth. A mandibular central incisor interdigitates with the opposing maxillary central incisor. A maxillary third molar interdigitates with the opposing mandibular molar.
As you learn the concept of interdigitation, you will find it helpful to study either a set of dentoforms or stone casts. The one tooth to two teeth relationship is most distinct in the anterior and premolar regions. The interdigitation of one tooth to two teeth is less distinct in the molar region. A maxillary tooth will typically interdigitate with the same tooth in the opposing arch and the tooth distal to it. For example, a maxillary central incisor interdigitates with the opposing mandibular central and lateral incisors. The maxillary canine interdigitates with the opposing mandibular canine and first premolar. A mandibular tooth will typically interdigitates with the same tooth in the maxillary arch and the tooth mesial to it. For example, a mandibular lateral incisor interdigitates with the opposing maxillary lateral and central incisors. A mandibular canine interdigitates with the opposing maxillary canine and lateral incisor. The two exceptions to the concept of interdigitation are the mandibular central incisors and the maxillary third molars. These teeth typically interdigitate with only one opposing tooth. A mandibular central incisor interdigitates with the opposing maxillary central incisor. A maxillary third molar interdigitates with the opposing mandibular molar.
Malocclusion -the condition which exists when opposing teeth __ __ ___ in accordance with an acceptable standard
Malocclusion -the condition which exists when opposing teeth do not occlude in accordance with an acceptable standard
Occlusal Adjustment or EQuilibration -a ___g of the teeth to result in a more ____ relation of the ___, their ___ structures, the ___ of ____ and/or the___ ___
Occlusal Adjustment or EQuilibration -a reshaping of the teeth to result in a more physiologic relation of the teeth, their supporting structures, the muscles of mastication and/or the temporomandibular joints.
Occlusal Interference -an occlusal contact which ___s or ___s ____ ___
Occlusal Interference -an occlusal contact which alters or restricts mandibular movement.
Occlusal Prematurity -an occlusal contact where opposing teeth touch ___ to the___ ___
Occlusal Prematurity -an occlusal contact where opposing teeth touch prior to the other teeth.
Occlusal Splint -an artificial occlusal appliance used to ___ the occlusion on a ____ or ___ basis.
Occlusal Splint -an artificial occlusal appliance used to modify the occlusion on a temporary or trial basis.
Physiologic Rest Posjtion -the postural position of the mandible when the head is in an ____ position and the associated muscles are in a state of ___ ___. The physiologic rest position has also been referred to as the ___ ___ ___and the___ ___ ___
Physiologic Rest Posjtion -the postural position of the mandible when the head is in an upright position and the associated muscles are in a state of minimal contraction. The physiologic rest position has also been referred to as the postural rest position and the clinical rest position.
Static Occlusion -when the teeth touch ___ together in__ ___ with the jaws ___ so that there is neither ___ nor ___
Static Occlusion -when the teeth touch lightly together in centric occlusion with the jaws relaxed so that there is neither force nor movement.
Translatory Opening -the ___ phase of opening in which the ___ glide or translate down the ___ ___. This phase of opening is preceded by hinge opening.
Translatory Opening -the second phase of opening in which the condyles glide or translate down the articular eminences. This phase of opening is preceded by hinge opening.
Supporting or centric cusps, which ___ ___ into the opposing ____ and/or between the __ ___ (___ ___).
Supporting or centric cusps, which crush food into the opposing fossae and/or between the marginal ridges (occlusal embrasures).
Non-supporting or non-centric cusps, which ____ and in some instances gUide the___ ___s into occlusion.
The opposing inclined surfaces of the centric and non-centric cusps provide the ____ action for food comminution.
Non-supporting or non-centric cusps, which overlap and in some instances gUide the centric cusps into occlusion. The opposing inclined surfaces of the centric and non-centric cusps provide the shearing action for food comminution.
The mandibular centric cusps include the ____ cusps of the mandibular premolars and molars.
The buccal cusps of the mandibular premolars and the ____ cusps of the mandibular molars make contact on the __ __ ___ of opposing maxillary teeth.
The alternate centric stops for these cusps are the opposing __ __ ___s.
This is called a___-____ ___ type of occlusion.
The _____cusps of the mandibular molars contact the ___ ____ of the opposing maxillary molars. This is called a __-___ arrangement.
The mandibular centric cusps include the buccal cusps of the mandibular premolars and molars. The buccal cusps of the mandibular premolars and the mesiobuccal cusps of the mandibular molars make contact on the mesial marginal ridges ofopposing maxillary teeth. The alternate centric stops for these cusps are the opposing distal marginal ridges. This is called a clJsp-marginal ridge type of occlusion. The distobuccal cusps of the mandibular molars contact the central fossae of the opposing maxillary molars. This is called a cusp-fossae arrangement.
The maxillary centric cusps include all the ____cusps of the maxillary premolars and molars.
The lingual cusps of the maxillary premolars and the _____ cusps of maxillary molars make contact on the ___ __ ___ of opposing mandibular teeth.
The alternate centric stops for these cusps are the opposing ___ __ ___.
The _____ cusps of the maxillary molars contact the ___ ___ of the opposing mandibular molars
The maxillary centric cusps include all the lingual cusps of the maxillary premolars and molars. The lingual cusps of the maxillary premolars and the distolingual cusps of maxillary molars make contact on the distal marginal ridges of opposing mandibular teeth. The alternate centric stops for these cusps are the opposing mesial marginal ridges. The mesiolingual cusps of the maxillary molars contact the central fossae of the opposing mandibular molars
The non-centric cusps are the ___ cusps of the maxillary premolars and molars, and the ____ cusps of the mandibular premolars and molars.
These cusps generally ____ the opposing teeth,
ie., the maxillary buccal cusps overlap the___ ____ of the mandibular posterior teeth, and the mandibular lingual cusps overlap the ___ ___ of the maxillary posterior teeth.
An exception is the lingual cusps of the ___ ___ __. These cusps are ___ of the occlusal plane, with ___ ___.
Mesiodistally, the mandibular lingual cusps are positioned in alignment with opposing ____ or ___ ____ with ___ ___ in excursions
The non-centric cusps are the buccal cusps of the maxillary premolars and molars, and the lingual cusps of the mandibular premolars and molars. These cusps generally overlap the opposing teeth, Le., the maxillary buccal cusps overlap the buccal surfaces of the mandibular posterior teeth, and the mandibular lingual cusps overlap the lingual surfaces of the maxillary posterior teeth. An exception is the lingual cusps of the mandibular first premolars. These cusps are short of the occlusal plane, with no overlap. Mesiodistally, the mandibular lingual cusps are positioned in alignment with opposing embrasures of developmental grooves with no contact in excursions
The central groove line can. be used as a landmark indicating:
- the beginning of the_______
- the beginning of the _____
- the end of ___ contact towards the ____ and
- the _____l position for ___ ___
The central groove line can. be used as a landmark indicating: 1. the beginning of the facio-lingual taper, 2. the beginning of the lingual embrasure, 3. the end of proximal contact towards the lingual, and 4. the buccolingual position for centric stops.
In restorative treatment, placement of the central groove is critical.
A central groove that is too buccal or too lingual results in ___ ___ and ___ being incorrectly angled with an inclined surface in contact with a cusp. This also results in ___ ___ ___ and ___ ___ ___.
A central groove which is too shallow may also cause ___ ____ ___.
It should be noted that the central grooves of both the_____ and ____are not centered on the occlusal surface. These central grooves are ___ to center and usually located at the junction of the ___ and ____ thirds. However, these central grooves are continuous with the central groove line of all posterior teeth.
In restorative treatment, placement of the central groove is critical. A central groove that is too buccal or too lingual results in triangular ridges and planes being incorrectly angled with an inclined surface in contact with a cusp. This also results in uneven occlusal contacts and excessive lateral forces. A central groove which is too shallow may also cause uneven occlusal contacts. It should be noted that the central grooves of both the mandibular first and Y-type mandibular second premolars are not centered on the occlusal surface. These central grooves are lingual to center and usually located at the junction of the middle and lingual thirds. However, these central grooves are continuous with the central groove line of all posterior teeth.
There is one exception to the buccolingual positioning of centric stops on the line of the central groove. The ___ __ ___ of a ___ __ ___ is displaced ____ due to the presence of the ____ or third buccal cusp.
The centric stop on the distal marginal ridge is ____ to the line of the central groove.
There is one exception to the buccolingual positioning of centric stops on the line of the central groove. The distal marginal ridge of a mandibular first molar is displaced lingually due to the presence of the distal or third buccal cusp. The centric stop on the distal marginal ridge is lingual to the line of the central groove.
The position of centric stops on the occlusal surfaces is not rigidly set and may____considerably from one individual to another.
The centric stops are often in the___ ___, related to the inner surfaces of the ___ ___ rather than to the embrasure surfaces.
Very seldom, if ever, do all contact areas conform to a schematic “ideal”.
Occlusal stability is of greater importance than rigidly set relationships in a “normal-occlusion. The “ideal” location of centric stops is illustrated in the following diagram (see Figure VII-1).
The position of centric stops on the occlusal surfaces is not rigidly set and may vary considerably from one individual to another. The centric stops are often in the triangular fossae, related to the inner surfaces of the marginal ridges rather than to the embrasure surfaces. Very seldom, if ever, do all contact areas conform to a schematic “ideal”. Occlusal stability is of greater importance than rigidly set relationships in a “normal-occlusion. The “ideal” location of centric stops is illustrated in the following diagram (see Figure VII-1).