Monitoring Fertility Flashcards
What are the 3 most important measures of fertility?
Calving interval
Calving index
Calving to conception
How can you monitor whether cows are getting served in a dairy herd?
Submission rate =
no. animals served / no. animals eligible for service in a 3 week cycle
- 1st service submission rate
- All services submission rate
How can you monitor how long it took to conceive in a dairy herd?
Calving interval - individual cows that calved in the last year
= too historic
Calving to conception interval
- produces a predicted calving index
Pregnancy rate =
Number pregnant / number eligible to be served in a 3 week interval
What is the pregnancy rate?
Number pregnant / number eligible to be served in a 3 week interval l
Or submission rate % x conception rate
What is the submission rate?
No. Cows served / no. Cows eligible for service in a 3w period
What is the conception rate?
No. Pregnant cows / total no. inseminations
Name some common intervals used to assess fertility.
Calving to... 1st observed heat 1st service Conception Calving
Name some rates used to monitor fertility.
Submission rate
Oestrus detection rate
Pregnancy rate
Service rate
How is the productivity of a beef herd assessed?
Calving spread = most sensitive measure of a cows performance
When is a beef animal sent for slaughter?
18-24m at 600-800kg
Usually sent at 18m
What is a store animal?
A beef calf, whose growth is deliberately restricted overwinter to 0.8 kg/day. Compensatory growth occurs when the calf is put out on the Spring grass
Why should a beef farmer aim for a low calving spread?
To ensure calves have the longest time to grow before all calves are sent to slaughter at the same time
To reduce disease spread by pathogen multiplier effect - more uniform age group will not get so much disease
To reduce culling rates - cows have more time to recover between pregnancies therefore culling rates reduce
What length calving spread should you aim for?
9-12 weeks
What other fertility targets should be set in a beef herd?
1 calf per cow per year
65% of cows calve down in the 1st month of the calving period
Barren rate 3-5%
Conception rate - 60-80%
What is the effect of the conception rate on the calving spread?
The better the conception rate, the tighter the calving spread