MongoDB Flashcards
What kind of database is mongoDB?
What is NoSQL
Not only stuctured query langauge
Difference between SQL and noSQL?
SQL stores data in a table. An entry is called a row/record. Individual items in a row are called a column
noSQL stores data in a collection (looks like JSON). An entry is called a document. Individual items in a document are called fields
Installing community edition on machine
Rename folder and move to User directory
Create another folder with same name + -data
in terminal run: mongod.exe –dbpath=/Users/DRPC/mongodb-data
How to start database?
In the terminal from the mongodb folder run:
mongod.exe –dbpath=/Users/DRPC/mongodb-data
What is robo3t?
a GUI tool for working with mongodb
What language does the mongo shell use?
How to check if connection to data base was successful using the mongo shell?
run in console:
What do we need to install in order to interact with a mongoDB database from node?
mongoDb driver
npm i mongodb
How to connect to mongoDB using node?
const mongodb = require(‘mongodb’);
const MongoClient = mongodb.MongoClient;
const connectionURL = 'mongodb://'; const databaseName = 'task-manager';
MongoClient.connect(connectionURL,{useNewUrlParser:true,useUnifiedTopology: true },(error,client)=>{
return console.log(‘Unable to connect to database’)
const db = client.db(databaseName)
What is the structure of a mongoDB database?
MongoDB contains databases
Databases contain collections
Collections contain documents
Documents contain fields
how to insert a document into a collection?
return console.log(‘Unable to insert user’)
console.log(result.ops) })
How to create a MongoDb client?
const mongodb = require(‘mongodb’)
const MongoClient = mongodb.MongoClient
How to create a database?
const db = client.db(‘database-name’)
How to access or creat a collection within a database?
What methods can be used to insert documents into a collection
What are gu id’s
globally unique identifiers. Allows mongo db to scale and handle a lot of traffic, without conflict.
What is an Object id?
It is a globally unique 12 byte identifier for a document.
Each 12 byte id constist out of a 4 byte time stamp, a 5 byte random value, and a 3 byte counter starting with a random number.
Are object id’s strings?
No they are 12 byte binary data
What methods can be used to retrieve documents from a collection?
When searching a data base for an object with a specific id, what method needs to be called an the id string?
new ObjectID()
What is an important difference between the findOne and the find method?
The findOne method takes a callback that returns the required data.
The find method has no callback and doesn’t return anya actual data, instead it returns a cursor.
in order to get the data from the cursor, one needs to call the toArray() method and pass in a callback function.
What is the advantage of having the find method return a cursor instead of the actual data?
It is much more memory efficient, especially when you don’t need the actual data, like when you only want a count of all the different entries that meet a specific criteria.