Agile Software Developent: Release and Iteration Planning Flashcards
3 main benefits of Release and iteration planning
Identify potential impediments
Communicate with stakeholders and customers
Provides Traceability
Questions to consider at the start of Release and Iteration planning
During release planning, the team focuses on groups of user stories or themes like security, reporting, login, dashboards, data clean up, UI enhancements that deliver a working and usable product.
What is the minimum set of features needed to be successful?
What themes should we focus on in this release?
Do the user stories align to deliver a fully functional feature?
Will the pieces result in something not fully functional yet? - If so, is this intentional, because there is a bigger picture, and this is a part of the process?
Does this plan equate to value?
Why does the team need a release plan?
To help the team focus on what is being delivered for the release
So stakeholders and customers can know what features to expect
How is velocity calculated?
measured numerically by calculating the average number of Story Points completed each sprint.
Which metric will a newly formed team not have access to when they plan a release?
The process of giving the latest version of the product to the customer or end-user
Agile process for getting to the Release
- Identify
- Features identified or requested - Plan
- User stories are written and prioritized - Build
- Team implements the user stories - Test
- Verify it works - Deploy
- Release the software to customers - Maintain
Ensure that it continues to work
Release Plan
Teams plan for completing user stories and functionality that will be included in a release
Made up of several iterations
shows which iteration user stories will be complete
Aligns user story implementation in a logical order
Is created in a release planning meeting
An iteration
A timed cadence used to plan, commit, and deliver work
Each iteration results in working software
What are iterations called in Scrum?
How long is the typical sprint?
1 - 4 weeks
Should an iteration interval be changed once it has been set?
Iteration Plan
Detailed and logical plan for implementing user stories
Shows teams commitment for completing user stories within an iteration
Only the user stories that the team can complete are included
Depends upon team’s velocity
Who creates the Release and Iteration Plans?
The PO prioritizes user stories based on value.
The team then estimates the user stories in the product backlog and determines how much of the prioritized work they can complete
What inputs are needed to create a Release and iteration Plan?
A prioritized backlog
Estimated user stories
Team’s velocity
Team’s availability
Burning down the release
Tracking the rate at which we are burning down the work